Although the battlefield is relatively far away from herself, it does not hinder Black Maria’s infinite yearning for the strong.

“Lord Mary, we have found a ship on the coast to the east.”

“It should be a coastal boat that the islanders used to go out to sea to fish.”

The sound coming from under the tree awakened Black Maria’s fantasies.

He frowned, and his gaze was very reluctant to withdraw from the distant battlefield.

“Have you inspected that ship?”

After a soft sound, Mary quietly fell from the tree.

After seeing Mary appear, the crew member who had come to report immediately stood up straight.

“Lord Mary, we have checked carefully, and although it is only a coastal ship, it is not too much problem if you want to take all of us out of the Ghost Island.”

At this point, the crew’s voice began to tremble.

It’s not easy!

It’s too hard to get out of this ghost island.

They also thought that they would be buried with the island of Oni Island under the attack of the Qiye Pirates.

I didn’t expect to meet such a cadre as Liu Fei at a critical moment.

Not only did they agree to take them with them to escape, but they also successfully let them find the ship that survived!

At the thought of leaving this terrible and dangerous island, the young crew member cried out in fear.

“What’s there to cry about?” What a waste! ”

Black Maria subconsciously scolded the crew in front of her.

But after reacting to his situation, he also had a tone of voice, and looked at the half-sized young man in front of him with some complexity.


“Hurry up and gather the crew, we are waiting for a while, if the other two crew members have not yet arrived…”

Black Maria said in a tone of voice, “If they can’t come, then let’s go first!” ”

Hearing Black Maria’s resolute tone, the crew trembled with fright.

“Adult… You mean we go first and leave the two remaining teams behind? ”

Maria ignored the uneasled look on the crew’s face and walked straight to the shore where she had found the ship.

“There is no time to hesitate, the only thing you can do now is pray that the other two teams will be able to reach the coast at the stipulated time.”

Once again, Mary’s indifferent voice came into the crew ears.

This time it was not only resolute, but also brought a chill that could not be rejected by him!

The crew trembled with fright, and their eyes subconsciously turned to the dark and silent forest around them.

After a shiver, the crew finally reacted and hurried behind Maria towards the ship.

In fact, among the other two teams that rushed to the coast were his good brothers.

If it were possible, he must have hoped that these people would be able to come to the shore smoothly and leave the Ghost Island together on the sea ship they had found.

But reason told him that he had been able to get to the shore one step ahead of everyone else.

Totally thanks to the help of Lord Black Maria!

If it weren’t for the fact that Lord Black Maria had used his extremely keen perception to bypass the danger zone in advance and go in the right direction from beginning to end.

Now he is probably still wandering around the forest!



A violent tremor came from beneath their feet, and the young crew was thrown to the ground before they could react.

The head slammed into the reef on the side!


The sharp pain coming from his head made him grin and want to scold the mother.

But the thought that the source of the explosion was probably the battlefield in the sky made him shut his mouth in fright.

Ignoring the blood dripping from his head, he covered his head and rushed to where the black Maria was.

Those who can protect themselves in the chaotic battlefield environment may only be left with a small position next to the strong.

Others don’t have that kind of good luck.

As soon as the shock came, they immediately raised their heads to look at the site of the explosion.

Only to see a snow-white glare of light strike instantly.

Before the crew could react, the glittering flash of destruction had already hurried by!

“What’s that?!”

“It’s so glaring! My eyes can’t see anything! ”

“Could it be that the people of the Qiye Pirate Regiment came over?”

“What should I do now? Go find Lord Black Maria! ”

“It’s too late, let’s get on the boat and escape!”

The crew’s panicked exclamations were mixed with the increasingly violent vibrations beneath their feet.

The entire coast was suddenly brought to the brink of collapse.

Some of the bolder crew rushed straight out of the shore and headed for the sea boats that were docked not far from the shore.

They didn’t want to die with the Ghost Island, though they hadn’t waited for all the crew to assemble.

But time is not waiting for anyone, and every second left on the Ghost Island is consuming not much hope of escape.

Besides, they are the famous Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, and there is no so-called conscience among the members.

Before, perhaps because of the strict governance organs within the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, they did not dare to act rashly.

But now even Captain Kaido is unable to protect himself, and they have no restraints!

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