Watch as most of the crew rushed toward the sea boats on the shore.

The young man who followed the black Maria suddenly hesitated for a few minutes.

But considering that the remaining two crews had not yet left the forest and appeared on the shore.

Coupled with the fact that everyone is currently the most powerful to rely on, Black Maria is not in a hurry to get on the ship.

So the young man gritted his teeth and chose to stay with Black Maria.

“This picture is really sad.”

Black Maria’s eyes were silent, looking at the sea with an unspeakable sigh.

“My lord, did you just say anything?”

The young man naturally did not have the ability to hear Mary’s untraceable self-talk.

Only to see Mary’s lips move, worried that he did not hear clearly the important event that delayed Mary, the young man forced his scalp to go forward and ask.

“Nothing? You treat the wound on your head first. ”

Maria withdrew her gaze, looked at the miserable face of the young man next to her with a blood-stained face and did not say much.

After leaving a word, he turned to look at the location where the explosion came from.

The crew left the hiding place without permission and intended to take the ship away.

It was as if the ships on the shore that had begun to pull anchors had nothing to do with them at all.

The young man wiped his face when he heard the displeasure in Mary’s tone, and his face changed when he caught a glimpse of the ship’s movements.

Maria was thinking something he didn’t know, and he didn’t dare to ask even if the adult wanted to escape from the Ghost Island now.

But now that the sea ship is about to leave, how will their party leave the Ghost Island when the time comes?

When the people of the Qiye Pirates and Captain Kaido decide the winner or loser, they will be in danger if they want to leave!

Lord Black Maria was also a person who had the ability to eat the fruit of the demon, and could not touch the sea at all.

When the sea ship is far away, even Lord Mary will not be able to cross the sea boat…

Thinking like this, the young man’s face once again showed a look of panic.

“Don’t worry, I have a way to get them back.”

“You go and get ready now, and the other two passers-by will soon be on the shore.”

With that, Black Maria lifted her feet and walked toward the depths of the forest.

An irresistible momentum of the crew came out and directly threw out the young man who was just about to open his mouth to follow.

“Can I really be prepared on my own?”

“And what do you really want me to prepare?”

When the young man got up from the ground in a panic, there was still a figure of black Maria in front of him.

“Damn it!”

A fist smashed into the sand in front of him, and his head wanted to look around the beach.

“No matter what, let’s act first.”

“Since Black Maria has spoken, it means that it doesn’t matter if the ship leaves.”

“I’ll look for it again now to see if there are any abandoned ships, and to add the following insurance for escape…”

The young man’s brain is not stupid, and he knows that the most important thing now is to quickly find the means of transportation away from the Ghost Island.

With the strength of Black Maria, as long as you find the right tools, it is not too easy to leave the Ghost Island with a few people of your own!

The swift young man had no intention of paying any attention to where Mary had gone.

On the other side, after throwing the crew away, the black Maria didn’t get far away at all.

After hiding in the woods and watching the young man walk away, Mary slowly turned around.

She had a look of fear on her face that had rarely appeared before, and her pretty face was slightly pale.

“Lord Qiye… I don’t know what can help you next…”

That’s right!

Black Maria was unusually unusual and did not follow the crew to leave by boat.

Not at all to wait for the other two crews to reach the shore.

Instead, I suddenly received a message from Qi Ye not long ago!

As a member of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, Black Maria knew very well what kind of existence Qi Ye was for herself.

“Can’t win at all! Even if he was a hundred times stronger, he was definitely not Qi Ye’s opponent! ”

With this realization, Black Maria looked at the young man who suddenly appeared behind him not far away.

“Don’t be nervous, your captain Kaido has been defeated by my partner.”

“Now you are free.”

Qi Ye stood calmly in the shadows of her ten meters away with a smile that black Maria could not understand.


The sound of a dead branch suddenly being trampled off suddenly came, and black Maria trembled.

The tension in my heart reached its peak in an instant!

When she returned to her senses, she found that Qi Ye was only a few meters away from her!


Mary’s body tensed suddenly, then relaxed under her desperate suppression.

Those frightened eyes stared at Qi Ye tightly, and this distance did not say that it gave her a chance to shoot.

Even the time to turn around and run for his life will be easily twisted by the young man in front of him!

“All said, don’t be too nervous, this is not good for the body.”

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