Qi Ye smiled indifferently.

Whether it’s from the perspective of multiplayer or single-player combat.

The battlefield of the Ghost Island is the complete home of the Qiye Pirates.

This home advantage avenue gives Qi Ye plenty of time to do everything he wants.

“We should have seen it before.”

Qi Ye’s words were not to scare Maria, they had indeed met once before when they landed on the Ghost Island.

Although Mary at that time.

He is one of the leaders who came to be responsible for intercepting all the masters of the Qiye Pirate Regiment from entering the core hinterland of the Ghost Island.

And he just happened to bump into Mary.

Sometimes luck just comes so cleverly.

Facing Qi Ye’s smiling face, which made people feel trepidation.

Black Maria’s throat moved, but after all, not a single byte was emitted.

The only thing she cared about now was what kind of intentions Qi Ye had deliberately found out about herself.

The only thing that kept her from running away like crazy was Qi Ye’s calm and unintentional attitude.

For killing, Black Maria considers herself an expert.

He knew what his mental state was like when dealing with his prey.

Especially when the prey did not have the slightest means of resisting the hunter.

The faint murderous and banter that manifests itself in the hunter’s face is evident…

It was precisely because Black Maria did not perceive these emotions on Qi Ye’s face.

Therefore, Mary would not go crazy because of the fear in her heart when facing Qi Night.

But silence and calmness are too natural and instead become sources of fear for their prey.

When she and Qi Ye met for the first time, she asked the other party to find her intentions.

However, Qi Ye did not respond to himself, but showed a terrifying speed and strength in front of him.

That suddenly disappears before your eyes.

The means that have completely narrowed the distance between the two when they appear again are really frightening!

“It seems you’re still too nervous, is it because I’m too close?”

Qi Ye smiled slightly, not knowing the calm and elegant smile on his face.

In the eyes of the extremely nervous black Maria, it became a life-threatening torture.

“No… My lord, I will not resist whatever you do. ”

Black Maria suppressed the fear in her heart, and the despair that flooded from the bottom of her heart.

Although the body trembled, it did not retreat due to the subconscious stress response.

At least in terms of courage, Black Maria did much better than the other Six.

At that time, the picture of Qi Ye and five of the six flying compatriots fighting could be described as crushed.

Although Black Maria did not see the scene with her own eyes.

At that time, she was still fleeing in a panic because of the terrible means that Qi Ye inadvertently displayed.

The whole person huddled in the forest, anxious to rescue the numberers who were about to be bombed by the floating fortress of the Qi Night.

There was no extra energy to take care of the other five Six-Femtoe members.

Moreover, at that time, she did not realize that the six flying compatriots had been controlled except for herself.

Wait until he comes back.

The position of the numberer had completely disappeared under the terrible artillery cover of the floating fortress of the Qi Night.

The numberers who hid in the bunker thinking they could escape.

Nature also disappeared into this world in a roaring explosion mixed with flames.

Maria could still clearly feel the tingling sensation of the fire sweeping through her body.

The huge impact that she couldn’t resist made it impossible for her to even rush forward to save people.

It can only passively fly out of the woods outside the position with the flames.

After smashing several large trees, I struggled to get up.

When he opened his eyes again, there were no more numberers.

Even the positions, including the bunkers, were completely lost in the flames and shocks.

It was all happening right before her eyes, and it was the first time Mary knew about it.

It turns out that the firepower strike that the Pirate Regiment can possess can reach such a level!

At that time, she only had one thought in her mind.

That is to hurry away from the Ghost Island, and escape as far as possible.

The Qi Ye Pirates were simply not something that any Four Emperors of the New World could resist.

Not even the once behemoth of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment.

This gap is not only reflected in the gap in combat effectiveness, but more importantly.

This insurmountable combat power was only the infrastructure of the Qiye Pirate Regiment.

As the most powerful man in the world, Qi Ye’s success does not need spontaneous publicity at all.

The big forces and powerful people in the whole world who were defeated by Qi Ye were the best propaganda advertisements.

So far, there had never been a existence that could hold out for half an hour in front of Qi Ye without being defeated.

It’s this unbelievably powerful and desperate gap.

This allows the Qiye Pirate Regiment to grow into a behemoth that easily annihilates the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment in a short period of time!

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