First aid treatment for Kaido did not take much time.

After accompanying Maria to completely stabilize Kaido, Kiya left the Ghost Island directly.

Recalling Maria’s reluctant appearance before leaving, the corners of Qi Ye’s mouth also showed a smile.

He knew very well in his heart that this action would go a long way towards helping him to overthrow the rule of the entire sea in the future.

This first step, of course, is to start from the place where the sun does not shine.

Qi Ye smiled slightly.

The speed increased explosively again, and the promoter Qi Ye flew towards the Wano Kingdom tens of nautical miles away.

And Maria, who stayed on the Ghost Island, also brought Kaido, who was in a coma, to the shore at the first time.

Over there.

Maria was pleasantly surprised to find that the boy she had kindly left behind had actually found a good sea boat on the shore.

Although it seems to be a little chilly, it is better than staying on the island of ghosts and waiting for death.

Besides, just leave the Ghost Island.

With so many towns and islands around, aren’t they all within the scope of their activities?

When the time comes, it will not be difficult to re-equip a highly powerful seafaring ship.

When she was still a cadre in the Hundred Beasts Pirates, Maria buried some of her treasures in quite a few places.

Although Mary did not yet know whether the treasures were still safe.

But as long as there is one place that has not been destroyed and stolen by others.

They also have the capital to make a comeback.

At this stage, Mary did not dare to start the activity with great fanfare.

After all, it didn’t take long for the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group to be wiped out by the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment.

His portrait was also posted in taverns on the surrounding islands.

In order to increase the reward order of the pirates, the navy also spent a lot of effort to record the cadres of the pirate regiment waved down by the four emperors.

The amounts recorded in these bounty orders were also used as the capital that the pirates only bragged about.

But now…

Mary was the lonely commander of the boy, who steered the ship directly through the surrounding islands and headed off into the distance.

They are not yet able to be discovered by others as sea thieves.

Otherwise, when the time comes to attract a bunch of bounty hunters to block the way, then Mary can only go by forcibly attacking this road.

And if Kaido, on his own little broken ship, were to be discovered, it would be a terrible thing.

Especially when facing Qi Ye again, that feeling of impact may be even more unbearable for him.

Although only the half-sized son was left with Mary.

But under the tutelage of Mary, he soon grew into a qualified swordsman pirate.

Of course, this level of kendo is only suitable for cooking in the kitchen.

I really want to rely on this thing to go to the battlefield, I’m afraid I don’t know how many times I have died.

And that boy is also Maria’s strange attitude towards Kaido, and she realizes that the huge creature on the ship that is completely wrapped in ore is actually Kaido, the captain of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment!

“You can be quiet, it really attracts people, and you are also a dead end.”

Maria looked at the fussy boy very embarrassed, and kicked the other party lightly.

Under Maria’s warning, the boy did not dare to approach Kaido casually.

Although he only knew about it from the mouth of Mary.

The story of Kaido’s imminent breaking through the seal and reappearing in the world looks terrible.

However, as an insignificant little minions in the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, he felt that he still tried not to have anything to do with Kaido.

After all, the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment had been completely destroyed by the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment.

It is enough to be unlucky to be wrong once, if you have not chosen the right thigh the second time.

He didn’t think he was so lucky to have the help of the second Black Maria to escape.

I thought of the crew who had left the Ghost Island before him.

He hated it so much that his teeth itched!

“If those guys hadn’t left Ghost Island early, we would have arrived in safe waters long ago!”

After all, this small sea vessel was too cold compared to the offshore fishing boat that had left the Ghost Island before.

Not only is it slow, but it is also not as flexible as large sea vessels in terms of control.

Without paying attention, the ship will follow the movement of the ocean currents to an inexplicable position.

At this time, it was fortunate that there was a black Maria by his side.

She carried several eternal hands on her to help him correct his course and constantly accelerate in the right direction.

Compared to the crew who struggled to speed up and try to escape, Black Maria remained alone at the stern.

Looking south from where she was, all she could see was a small bulge of the island of Oni that was exposed to the sea.

“I finally left the Ghost Island, and isn’t that my home?”

Black Maria sighed silently in her heart.

Under his calm gaze.

The towering Onijima mountain in the distance at sea level slowly sinks to the bottom of the sea…

This is also the script that Qi Ye designed early in the morning.

The destruction of the Ghost Island is predestined, just like the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

This is the signal sent by the Qiye Pirates to the world.

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