Naval Headquarters Marin Fando.

“It’s really hard to imagine that the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment was destroyed so quickly under Qi Ye’s attack…”

As a marshal of the naval headquarters, the Buddha’s Warring States frowned with the intelligence sheet in his hand.

The two eyes under the round lenses were unusually deep and serious, and it was obvious that this matter had caused him and the Navy a lot of trouble.

“There is one less of the four emperors of the new world, which is a great thing for our navy.”

Karp was also in the office, and casually grabbed a handful of Xianbei from his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth.

He said to Sengoku behind his desk.

At the same time, Kuzan and his party gathered inside the office after receiving the news.

“Kapu you idiot!”

When Sengoku heard Kapu’s uncaring tone, he was furious.

I slapped the report sheet in my hand on the desk and stood up.

“Where does our navy have the extra strength to purge the pirates of the world?”

“If the muddy waters of the New World are disturbed again before the night of Qi, there will be no hope for the goal of maintaining stability in our navy.”

Sengoku was irritable, he knew very well how great the role of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment in the New World Powers Four pattern was.

This was not such a simple thing as Qi Ye simply destroying a Four Emperors Pirate Regiment.

Without Kaido’s guy guarding the Hundred Beasts Sea, the Whitebeard Sea in the north and the Red-haired Sea in the south would definitely make some moves.

Not to mention the ever-greedy Charlotte family in the waters of the world.

In this way, the Navy needs to face after entering the new world.

At least two of the former Four Emperors were at the border.

If Charlotte Lingling also intervened into the Sea of Hundred Beasts, the pressure on the Navy would increase exponentially.

The threshold for entering the New World was still under Kaido’s control.

Now if you want to enter the new world, the navy has to face three of the original four emperors.

Not to mention the terrible existence of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, which originated from the New World and was higher than the Four Emperors!

With the current strength of the navy, Mo said that it entered the New World to carry out a plan of repression.

Even the Qiye Pirate Regiment couldn’t do it once again for a sudden visit!

The situation is not optimistic!

“The Navy is now able to dispatch 30 percent more warships than before, despite financial support from the world government.”

“But whether it’s rebuilding a dock or training a larger number of shipbuilders, that takes time.”

“And the newly built warships are not yet ready for combat, and there is not enough time for the navies to run into each other and train.”

At this time, the black-wristed Zefa also walked into the office under the watchful eyes of everyone.

He was still the same as he was, and the years could not leave any trace on this naval hero.

Everyone just felt that what appeared in front of them was not a living person, but an indestructible piece of iron.

“I understand, since we still lack time, I’ll go buy you time.”

The Sengoku Marshal came straight out from behind his desk.

His eyes lingered on Porusalino and Sakarsky for a moment, but finally he chose Kuzan, who was silent.

“Kuzan, you go out with me, and the others will keep the headquarters.”

“Don’t attack easily and keep in mind my real mission.”

After saying this, Sengoku took the lead in leaving the office.

Kuzan got up from the couch expressionlessly and disappeared into everyone’s field of vision.

“Is there anything more important to leave the Navy Headquarters at this time than the Qiye Pirate Regiment?”

Sakarsky was a little displeased, knowing that the naval headquarters was completely unprepared for a second all-out war.

Once the Qiye Pirates had destroyed the Ghost Island, they turned around and came towards Malin Fando again.

Could they have tasted the pain of failure again?

“Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, you shouldn’t take Malin Fando as a target in a short period of time, right?”

“After all, any action requires a prerequisite, and I can’t guess what else the Qiye Pirates can get from the naval headquarters…”

Kapu was still gulping down the fairy shell, as if the Navy’s life or death had nothing to do with him.

The chief staff officer at the side, Tsuru, said, “Sakarsky’s worries are necessary, and the Qiye Pirates do not need anything to attack the naval headquarters.” ”

“As long as we can eliminate some of the threats from the Navy, it is enough to make the entire Qi Ye Pirate Regiment move.”

The crane’s voice fell, and the expressions of the people in the office became slightly serious.

The Qiye Pirates are now recognized as the most powerful pirates in the world.

Some people have estimated that even if the Four Emperors of the New World Pirate Regiment are all combined, I am afraid that they are not the opponents of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment.

Maintaining such a terrible military superiority, no one knew exactly what the captain of the Qiye Pirate Regiment intended to do.

To say that the greatest pressure on the whole world is the naval government that adheres to the way of “justice”.

Now they don’t say that they are going to sea to maintain order, and the main force of the fleet does not dare to be too far away from Malin Fanduo.

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