Chapter Ninety-Nine North Star, Send You a Big Baby!!

Dumb Little Sister live broadcast room audience water friends, in the picture of the Polaris Titan fired this shot, many people directly covered their eyes!

Just now, when the North Star Knock came over and then stuck his head to Cooper’s room, it had already scared a lot of spectators to choke!

“What a horror movie!”

“Buy FPS with Bonus Horror Games! Love love love”

“I’m scared to pee across the screen!”

“Ha people! Ha people! That’s too much to do! ”

“Run, run, run!”

“Sister A’s psychological quality can be!”

As a result, before blowing for a second, the IMC sonar snapped and hit the Cooper position on the outer wall completely exposed!

The water friends audience is scared of a bullet screen and does not fight.

One by one, the eyes are wide-eyed, the mouth is long, and the eyes are straight looking at the live screen, bang!

A blue light almost breaks through the screen!

Flash the eyes of the audience!


The North Star illuminated Cooper’s position, and the electromagnetic sniper cannon fired directly hit the fourth floor!

The walls scattered and collapsed, the rubble slammed down, and the dust and gravel flew around, obscuring the entire live screen.

“The demolition team is ah! What happened to Sister A?! ”

“Can’t hang on to Cooper?!”

“It’s so hard! Raising your hand is a blind sniper! ”

“A big caliber is the truth!” This is to use sniper as an electromagnetic cannon! ”

“It’s kind of aimed at this North Star!”

“Don’t rip Sister A?!” What about the Coopers?! ”

In the live broadcast screen, the smoke and smoke and fog slowly dissipated.

A figure crawled out, and the figure neatly ripped open the rubble on his body, and rushed out of the fourth floor that had become a ruin like lightning.

Behind the figure, the green light flashes!

“Titan Power Battery That’s it!”

“It’s Cooper!”

“Cooper is still alive!”

“It’s hard not to die!” There must be BT! ”

“What about the Taipei Polestar Titan?” How did it disappear? ”

In the game, the little sister couldn’t help but take a sip of spit, always feeling that she had just eaten a mouthful of soil!

[Iron Drive, before the next action, please explain the plan]

【Important content of the agreement, I must protect your safety】

As soon as the little sister heard this sentence from BT, her face immediately turned red!

“Cough… Got to know under BT. ”

Just now it was BT key quadruple missiles, straight over the building ruins, accurate to the North Star, which made the North Star helpless, had to use the body to dodge, only to dodge this wave of attacks, BT’s attack is dodged, but the electromagnetic railgun sniper aimed at Cooper, it is also distorted.

This is the reason why the little sister escaped from the day.

Not something clever about yourself.

“Nyima is the same caliber as this cannon, who can hide from this sniper!”

The little sister silently complained in her heart.

Originally, his plan was to steal the chicken Polaris, and now it seems that he can only return to BT first.

In the picture, Cooper is constantly stepping on the wall, quickly sliding the wall towards the BT.


Dumb little sister was shocked!

Behind the body, a little cool!

But it’s certainly not the cold feeling created by the VR device, but the intuition of your own battlefield!

[Iron Drive, opposite the North Star behind you]

Immediately, the little sister felt like she had fallen into a big ice warehouse in winter!

Cold from head to toe!

“BT don’t say such a dangerous sentence in such a bland tone!!!”

There was no need to look back, and the little sister felt that her whole person had been firmly locked by the electromagnetic cannon sniper on the other side of the North Star!

Cold hair exploded!

The right hand is instinctive, completely subconscious, not controlled by the brain, and directly snaps on the left wrist strap device!


Cooper’s figure disappeared into the air in an instant.

Inside the sight of the IMC Polaris Titan, the target that was originally locked was immediately lost.

“BT, how are you doing?!”

[Come back as soon as possible, Iron Drive, I can’t last long]

“Give me ten seconds!” May I?! ”


Originally, the little sister did not want to say her plan again, and suddenly remembered what BT had just said,

“BT, I’m going to tear down Polaris with one hand.”


In the live broadcast footage, Cooper’s figure is fleeting, leaving only a wave of fluctuations in the air.

With a buzz, Cooper took advantage of the last three seconds of the optical camouflage to pass through a ruin next to the North Star, and lightning quickly circled it!

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned by the plan of the little sister!

“Is the groove really fake? Is it really good to be so reckless? ”

“Where did Sister A get the courage?” Is Liang Jing as given? ”

“Handsome burst this sentence! BT, I’m going to tear down the Titans with one hand! ”

“Can BT last ten seconds?”

“Yes! Because it’s BT! The fourth generation of the most advanced Titans! ”

It’s here!

Dumb little sister silently read a sentence in her heart, optical camouflage time is up!

IMC’s Polaris Titan immediately discovered Cooper’s location in the next second!


Polaris’s whole body joints turn rapidly, creaking sounds, listening to the dumb little sister’s teeth sour!

“It’s late.”

Dumb little sister said these two words faintly in her mouth, a big jump, directly jumped on the muzzle of the electromagnetic cannon sniper, and then ran wildly with both feet, along the thick barrel, a few steps to grab the core position of the Polaris Titan!

Even across the cockpit, the little girl heard the IMC Titan pilot, howling in despair and anger!

This is your real plan!

It is to dismantle this evil remote bit Titan!

One reloaded sniper, as long as it dodges the first wave of deadly attacks, the rest is all Cooper’s round!


With a crisp sound, the little sister stretched out her iron hand and dismantled the engine heat dissipation baffle that Polaris had just closed!

Hands follow the trend and wipe them to the waist!!!


I forgot to bring grenades!

The little girl’s brain was instantly blank!

The audience in the live broadcast room is even more speechless!

“Get ready for the next one, Sister A.”

“A second of silence for Cooper and BT”

“It’s too much to eat this time!”

“I really can’t hold back!”

For an instant, the little sister only felt cold sweat all over her body, falling like rain!

The tip of his finger suddenly touched something else in his waist!

Cold touch, flowing energy!

Titan Power Battery!


“Give your battery a gift!” Polaris! ”

Shunshi pulled out one of the ion batteries on his waist and threw it into the heat dissipation port of the Polaris engine!

But, that wasn’t enough!

The left hand Ao dog shotgun is pulled out, the right hand is connected to the handle, the index finger is pulled on the trigger, clicking, and instantly loaded.


A large bunch of shotgun projectiles roared towards the ion battery that fell into the heat dissipation port!

Inside the hot and red heat dissipation port, the ion battery exploded in a single field!


Dumb little sister instantly snapped the baffle to death again!

Fly to the ground!

One second, boom!

The heat dissipation port exploded.

In two seconds, the engine exploded!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Cooper in the live broadcast screen, without turning his head, rushed in the direction of BT.

Behind the Polaris Titan, instantly exploded into countless parts!

[I understand, Iron Drive, the plan is always unable to catch up with the change]

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