Chapter 100 The anger of the goose factory Tengzi, the mentality explodes!!

【Pretty dry, iron ride】

“BT what you’re going to say is. My battle rating has increased again, right? ”

【That’s right】

The little sister smiled slightly, and behind her, there were fragments of the Polaris in the ground!

“I’m here BT!”

【Received! 】

Ten seconds left for BT, just right!

The last shred of electronic smoke dissipated, and the IMC beasts and powerful titans were also quickly bypassing the pieces of ruins, one left and one right, and quickly attacking the BT clip!

【Iron Drive, Top】

The sound of BT sounded, and the little sister immediately reflexively looked above the BT and immediately understood the meeting!

【Ion barrier, place on】

A barrier of equal height is quickly placed in front of the BT, large-caliber armor-piercing bullets, and multiple locking rockets, bombarding the particle barrier, and the explosion sound resounds throughout the battlefield!

“I only have one ion battery left for BT!”

The armament room just now was also destroyed by the Polaris Titan, and now the Titan battery on the battlefield is intact, leaving only another piece in the waist of the little sister.



In the picture, Cooper jumps upstairs on the wall and sprints directly from the wall to the top of BT’s head!

The audience in the live room was stunned!

“What is this for?”

“Didn’t you board from the front?”

“What kind of flower work are you going to do?”

“There’s a Titan on the other side of the front!” Can only go in from other locations! ”

“How does that sound weird?”

“Rear in BT!”

“Driving is forbidden in the live broadcast room!”

“I lean on! Can you still board the plane like this? What a trick! ”

“Handsome and handsome!”

In the live screen, Cooper flew to the back of BT!

Shunshi plugged the ion battery into the back of the BT.

【Shield Quick Repair】

BT Kankan took a step back and quickly opened a secret hatch with his head, boom!

Cooper’s figure jumped up to BT’s head and slipped into the cockpit with a silky butt!

【Titan control transferred to Iron Drive】

The cockpit door in front of the little sister quickly turned into a full-screen window.

Less than fifty meters in front of you, the beast-level titans on the left and the powerful titans on the right are rushing to the ground with a bang!

[Iron Ride, Detection of Hunting Beasts, and Fried Spiders]


“Up, BT!”

Just now by a bunch of fried spiders and hunting beasts chased by the wolf, now sit on the BT, in the eyes of the little sister, what fried spider hunting beasts, all have become miscellaneous soldiers!

It’s time to fight back!

【Shield Repair Progress:100%】

【Core charge progress:90%】

Bang! Bang! Bang!

BT has a 40mm semi-automatic cannon in his hand, and he is bombarded with a blast of spiders against the hunting beasts that swoop to his feet!

An explosion sounded and an explosion flashed randomly.

Fragments of the corpses of alien hunting beasts, fragments of spider robots, red and white, green and black, booom all flew out at once!

Even splashed BT!

【Core charge progress:95%】

“It’s so decompressed!!!”

The little girl clenched her fists, and there was a roar in the cockpit!

[Unzip, the database retrieval is the process of reverse unlocking the compressed data]

[Iron Drive, does this have anything important to do with our operations?”

BT this stupid cute question, directly put the little sister to the whole will not be!


“… It does not matter. ”

As soon as the words fell, there were two more booms!

Rows of 40mm bullets hit the scattered hunting beasts,

【Core charge progress:100%】

【Shield Value:100%】

【Rocket swarm core burst start】

BT’s back and footsteps, spraying a blazing blue fire, advanced into the air at high speed, string after string of explosive rockets, dragging a strong yellow tail flame, spinning and roaring towards the IMC Titan.

Rumble! Boom!

The audience in the live broadcast room also watched the cool turn: “The sleeping trough is really reckless A sister!” ”

“It turns out that grabbing the battery to repair the shield is to exchange blood!”

“Carrying the opposite side is a violent output!”

“Kill me!”

【End of Core Explosion】

With a bang, BT landed smoothly, and the two Titans on the opposite side were hit by this wave of rocket core explosions!

In all damaged locations of the body, a large amount of black smoke came out of the purr!

Across the cockpit, the little girl could smell the burning smell of the metal burning

[Two enemy Titans were detected, the body was seriously damaged, and the execution could be performed]

“Here it comes!”

With a bang, he rushed to the enemy Titan and fell directly with one kick!

In the desperate howl of the IMC Titan pilot, the cannon in BT’s hand, directly into the core position, bang!

Violent piling machine!

The 40mm bullets were injected mercilessly, and with a loud boom, the IMC Titan core exploded into countless pieces!

Extremely simple, refreshing: and brutal BT executions!

After cleanly solving the two Titans that got in the way, the BT sound buzzed:

[Iron Drive, we have two and a half minutes left]

[After two and a half minutes, the entire IMC facility will be completely destroyed]

Dumb little sister’s heart tightened, just hit the cool, completely did not notice that time is constantly passing!

The shock of the serial explosions and internal collapse is getting closer and closer!

“Got it, let’s go!”

[I have marked the entrance and exit of this testing ground on the interface display]


In the live broadcast screen, the BT back propulsion engine is turned on at full power, heading towards the final exit of the test field, running at full speed.

At the same moment, the headquarters building of the goose factory.

Inside the highest level office.


A VR headset was angrily thrown to the ground.

Hua Teng, the founder and boss of the goose factory, and one of the richest people on the blue star, sat on the ground with a withered face at this time.

The orbit also has a 417 point of redness.

On Hua Teng’s own display screen, the picture of the seafood station anchor is played.

The fastest progress of the little sister, at this time is driving BT to the last target of the facility quickly.

Hua Teng’s eyes were red when he saw it!

Like a very small number of Meng Xin, Hua Teng was closed.

Stuck in the level separate from BT.

Hua Teng, who has been relying on BT to kill, suddenly lost BT and directly became the RBQ of IMC!

In particular, the fried spiders that flew from all angles in the sky blew up Hua Teng to death!

Later, he wanted to participate in multiplayer missions to relax, and as a result, he was assigned the same task as Eggplant, and Hua Teng played by an ordinary rebel soldier, and finally drowned in an endless enemy frenzy.

At this moment, Hua Teng could no longer bear it, single people were beaten, and many people were beaten!

The mindset completely exploded!

“Open the back door! Let producer Su Chen open a back door for me! ”

Hua Teng just wanted the game platform operation department, immediately contact this guy named Su Chen, let him give himself a convenience, and finally open an infinite bullet or something, the result Hua Teng remembered, actually to the present, the goose factory’s own wegame platform has not been repaired!

Titan Fall 2 players all over the world, all playing on a Su Chen’s Oasis platform!

What did he take to ask Su Chen for permission!

Angry Hua Teng, with a click, kicked open the closed office door, Oh!

Step on!

Walk heavily towards the conference room!

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