Chapter 101 Tengzi’s Pre-War Mobilization!!

“Are the servers on the platform operation side sure they’re all pulled over?!”

“Impossible! When pigs fly! ”

“Something must have gone wrong!”

“There must be something wrong with your previous drill plan!”

Hua Teng had just walked to the door of the conference room on the highest floor when he heard a furious roar coming from inside.

The master of the voice, Hua Teng could not be more familiar.

It is the leader of the game department of the goose factory, the development director who was personally promoted, Chen Hao.

Speaking of Hua Teng’s impression of Chen Hao, it is a guy who is completely oriented to commercial interests, and the game is basically not understood, but how to rely on kryptonite card pua players, that is called playing a slip.

This is also the reason why Chen Hao can be under Hua Teng’s hands, like a rocket, to the top of the game department.

However, usually this Chen Hao, although he is cold to his subordinates, is still not going to lose his attitude to such a point?

Could it be related to Wegame: The Platform and the Fall of Titan?

With a stomach full of doubts, Hua Teng pushed open the door of the conference room and squeaked a noisy conference room, instantly quiet!

Everyone looked at the door in unison.

It’s Hua Teng!

The original smell of gunpowder in the air disappeared all at once!

Game development director Chen Hao, the original face of Livid, actually turned from black to white immediately!

Just now by the director Chen Hao scolded almost can not raise the head of several small heads, bowed their heads Yu Guang glanced at the afterglow, in their hearts are secretly sighing: “This BT hand Sichuan drama change face, is really a little skillful!” ”

In the eyes of everyone, Hua Teng strode into the conference room, and naturally, the chief sat down at the horseshoe conference table, with a calm face, and could not see a trace of the pain of being beaten fat in the game!


Hua Teng’s finger knuckles gently knocked down the conference table, the head was slightly tilted, looking at the security department boss, no need to wait for Hua Teng to say a word, just such a small action, the security department boss, Li Te’s whole body was straight, and the tone was tense: “Hua Zong, the wegame platform is now declared to be still maintaining, and we have launched a three-level emergency plan to deal with that oasis platform!” ”

There was no change of expression on Hua Teng’s face, and it was full of mystery as usual, making his men unable to guess what he was thinking.

Emergency Plan No. 3 is already the second highest-level emergency response plan, and further up, only you can master all the details of the operation A plan!

“It seems that this oasis platform also has Su Chen, which is not simple!”

Hua Teng thought silently in his heart, his head turned slightly, and his sharp eyes looked at Chen Hao, the development director of the game department.

Although Chen Hao had already changed his face drastically and changed into a respectful expression, Hua Teng knew this guy and definitely had something to say!

As the boss of the goose factory, Hua Teng no longer cares much about the daily affairs, but to coordinate the relationship between these generals, it is still only possible to go out on his own.

Director Chen Hao, who is also a personal jingyi, saw Hua Teng’s action and immediately understood what it was!

“Mr. Hua!”

Chen Hao’s tone suddenly became high-profile and sharp!

“The security department’s plan number three is seriously wrong!”

“Someone has leaked out our attack plan!”

As soon as Director Chen Hao said this, everyone in the conference room was shocked!

Li Te, the boss of the security department, was even more instantly blue in the face!

Listening to the meaning of Director Chen Hao’s words, didn’t it clear that there were internal ghosts in the security department of the goose factory!

Director Chen Haoyue said that the more excited, even Hua Teng was a little surprised, his general of the pua player, today is rare to be unable to control the emotions!

“An hour ago, we moved all the servers that are usually responsible for multiplayer games!”

“All of the company’s computing resources are implementing this emergency plan number three!”

“But just like a meat bun beating a dog, it all comes and goes!”

“Creating a junk traffic attack, DDOS paralyzed the opposite network to do broiler attack server ports, all useless!!!”

“Someone must have given that dog thief Su Chen a thorough understanding in advance!” The opposite side has long been ready to counteract, just waiting for us to come to the door! ”

Director Chen Hao finished all the bones, this stopped, his face was red, his lips were slightly fluttering, his chest was still gasping, everyone could see that this attack on the Oasis server and the Titan fell game failed, and it was a big blow to this guy!

Hua Teng, the boss of the goose factory, listened to this intensive report, propped his right hand on the arm of the chair, supported his cheek, and still did not say a word.

Li Te, the boss of the security department, after listening to these words, was also full of red, just wanted to defend himself, and his eyes just happened to be on the Huateng!

At that time, I was shocked and did not dare to say a word!

I panicked, “Turtle! For the first time in so many years, I saw Hua Zong’s eyes that could kill people! ”

A drop of cold sweat immediately oozed from the door of Li Te’s head, running down his cheek and down to his thick neck.

The audience was silent, and a faint breath drifted in the air.

All staff were silenced.

The needle drops are audible.

“All right.”

Hua Teng’s knuckles tapped the conference table again.

“… First restore the operation of the wegame platform, and all server resources are concentrated in Titan Fall. ”

The command is simple and clear, but the words are clear!

Immediately, a small head of the game operations department quietly exited the conference room and quietly closed the door.


As for the director Chen Hao’s accusation against the security department, Hua Teng decided to put it aside for the time being.

At this juncture, the most important thing to avoid is the Neijiang.

Hua Teng firmly believes that the goose factory is the strongest Internet fortress in the world!

The fortress of a super business empire can only be blasted from the inside, and it is absolutely impossible to be broken by outsiders!

Now all you have to do is stabilize the interior.

“You two sit down.”

Hua Teng raised his chin slightly, and his eyes faintly signaled to the seats on his left and right.

Game director Chen Hao, security department boss Li Te, followed Hua Teng’s eyes and immediately sat quietly on the left and right sides.

“You sat too, and it took a hard night.”

Hua Teng waved his hand lightly, and a number of high-level leaders also sat on both sides of the horseshoe-shaped conference table, one by one, in accordance with the order of workplace teeth.

The tension in the conference room, which was almost about to start moving, was instantly solved!

“We in the goose factory, there are no internal ghosts, all are absolutely loyal to the company’s good employees under a number of high-level leaders, are secretly relieved.”

The game department also has a security department, which is the two departments that Hua Teng usually invests the most resources.

If you fight now, it’s a real pill!

“So many years of ups and downs have passed.”

“Our goose factory, can any one company take it down?”

Hua Teng showed a faint smile on his face,

“How many small game workshops and studios want to challenge or even bring us down?”

“Everyone here knows better than I do what they do.”

“This Su Chen today, as well as his Titan Fall and Oasis Platform.”

Hua Teng’s hand followed the trend to the next split!

“The ending will not be any different from them!”

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