Chapter 211 Sloan! Let you taste the cannon duel!!

“Cooper… BT”

The voices of Commander Sarah, as well as those of other Resistance comrades, grew more and more obscured in the communication channel, so that only a few intermittent words could be heard, followed by a rustling white noise.

“Are you sure it’s the control room further ahead?”

That’s right, Cooper. 】

[Detection of signal characteristics of a large amount of energy emitted in front.] 】

The little sister nodded, and her heart was full of excitement that could not be suppressed at all!

It’s almost a success!

Even in this silence, you can hear your heart pounding!

Exciting and exciting!

Just kill all the way, and then open the wisdom core explosion, that is, the Titan’s self-aim, in the indoor space is very narrow, all of a sudden burst the IMC last wave of miscellaneous Titans who came to block BT, the remaining ordinary soldiers, BT even did not bother to raise the gun all the way with his feet directly crushed.

Finally, in just a dozen seconds, killing all the enemies in front of the control room obtained a rare achievement, and this achievement just gave the last apex ticket shard reward to the little girl.

Now Dumb Little Sister has collected all the apex shards and obtained a full admission ticket!

Naturally it is doubly excited!

The live broadcast room was also excited: “Collect the admission ticket fragments I rely on!” ”

“Envy jealousy hate! How can you be so lucky? I heard it’s all random! ”

“It’s also not completely random, and it’s said that the more difficult the achievement, or the more bizarre the achievement, the easier it is to get the ticket shard!”

“What apex contest tickets back a little bit beforehand! Take a look at the space-time weapon in front of you! ”

“It’s almost a BT! Flowers at the end of the reunion! ”

“Shut up and don’t make a flag!”

At this time, Dumb Little Sister just wanted to continue to rush to the Time and Space Weapon Control Room, and in the IMC channel where she eavesdropped, a familiar voice sounded and Little Sister Dumb immediately reacted: “It’s General Mader again!” ”

“The mercenaries have delivered the Ark and are ready to fold the space-time weapon.”

The facility broadcasts responded immediately:

[Turn on the folding space-time weapon energy system.] 】

[Launch aiming feedback.] 】

A huge humming sound immediately sounded in the base, and this movement immediately woke up the little girl from the excitement and excitement, and time was running out!

IMC is activating folding space-time weapons at full speed!

“Quick! BT Let’s go! ”

Boom boom!

BT immediately took a step: along a glass corridor in the air, rushing towards the control room.

In the live broadcast room, when BT enters this transparent corridor, all the spectators are stunned!


“Is this the complete body of that space-time weapon?”

“It’s bigger than what Anderson saw before!”

“It’s scary to watch!” It is indeed a star-level weapon! ”

“And it seems to have started to speed up?!”

“I have a very bad premonition!”

In the live broadcast screen, under the air corridor, there is a huge hole dug out of the ground, and a ring belt device that is several times larger than before is placed, and this ring belt device is the guide of the space-time weapon.

By using the Ark Energy to charge the Ring Device, you can activate the space-time weapon and then aim at the destruction of the target planet.

However, at present, the ring center has not been charged with the energy of the Holy Ark.

Cooper and BT, there is not much time left.

[We must do everything we can to prevent the IMC from activating the folding space-time weapon]

BT’s thick voice hummed and said:

If we fail, the Resistance’s Harmony Star will be destroyed. 】

“What would that be?”

While controlling the BT to rush to the control room at full speed, the little sister asked the question with some hesitation.

After all, it is a weapon that can destroy the planet level, in the end what kind of way will it annihilate the star, not only the little sister, but also the other viewers in the live broadcast room are also curious.

[According to the previous simulation deduction of the Resistance Headquarters, planets hit by folding space-time weapons will be instantly torn apart by the distorted space-time force field.] 】

BT has been a steady sound, when the narration of this, are slightly paused,

[Then the entire planet will be completely torn apart, completely reducing the state of the atom of the molecules.] 】

[Previously, the IMC conducted weapons tests on a satellite next to Typhon.] 】

[Although it doesn’t seem to be completely successful, the half of the star that was shattered fits the simulation situation at headquarters.] 】

BT’s thick voice, saying such a terrible thing, the little sister and the audience in the live broadcast room, all immediately got goosebumps, cold hair straight up!

And when BT and Cooper Gang entered the front of the control room, the facility radio sounded again relentlessly:

[Aiming system starts, Harmony Star, enter the coordinates planet coordinates 264.588, finished.] 】

In the control room, there was another device that looked exactly like the previous model of Major Anderson’s reconnaissance.

A slender cone of light, and several rings of glowing.

“But this is just a device that shows the status of space-time weapons, right, BT?”

[Yes, sabotaging this doesn’t stop the IMC’s plans.] 】

“BT! They were there! ”

Dumb little sister opened the BT to look in front of the glass window, and a vast field was carved out of the ground in front of her, and the real control room was in front.

In the distance, you can also see two special Titans.

“That’s right! That must be that Sloan and Brisk! ”

When the enemy meets, his eyes are extremely red!

The anger in the little sister’s heart suddenly sprang up.

A rush of blood rushed straight to the brain!

“Let’s go!”

With a thud, it smashed the glass in the room, and then BT jumped directly from the huge glass gap.

Crash to the ground and rush towards Sloan and Brisk!

The live broadcast room also followed the BT charge and boiled up!

The audience was all desperately hammering the tables and chairs, shouting with exhaustion!

“Gan! It’s the Sloan who shoots BT! ”

“It’s just right! Put them in a pot! ”

“Wait a sister remember to use the same method to get revenge and execute!”

“It’s all for labor!” Not a shred of it! ”

“After finishing this order and BT back to my hometown!”

“Shut up!”

In the live broadcast screen, BT made such a big move, which has long attracted the attention of Briske and Sloan.

Briske, on the other hand, had just completed a deal with General Mader, with money in one hand and delivery in the other.

“My mission is done, Mad, and the rest is up to you.”

Brisque waved at Mad’s blue projection and boarded the Titan to get ready to leave.

“As for you, the Iron Rider of the Resistance Army, do you want to be a great hero so much?”

“He’ll leave it to you, Sloane, and enjoy it slowly.”

Seeing that Brisk was about to leave, the little sister of course couldn’t stand it at all!

How could the mercenary leaders of the IMC be spared like this?

BT immediately lifted Gatlin, just about to start the barrel preheating spin: ready to fire, next to Sloane, suddenly attacked!

Without saying a word, the Titan Splitting Gun in his hand raised his hand and fired a high-energy beam of light!

【Warning, Warning, Shield Drop Detected】

The audience in the live broadcast room was even more excited at this time: “Sleeping in the groove does not talk about martial arts!” Get up straight and sneak in! ”

“This Sloan can r not engage in that kind of humble boss opening statement, a look is a fierce character!”

“There’s something to see here!”

“It’s finally not a crushing inning!”

“That’s interesting! Otherwise, how do you feel the coolness of waiting to tear Sloane? ”

On the side of the little sister, because of Sloane’s sudden attack, he had to temporarily change the battle plan.

Sloan first!

“This doesn’t count as part of the contract, General Mad, give you a Titan and Iron Man’s Head for free.”

Sloan’s arrogant voice resounded inside the venue.

Dumb little sister listen, directly on the head!

BT turned around and circled out from behind the bunker, setting up the warm-up Gatlin, and a gun shield, far away from aiming at the Sloan Titan, it was a wave of crazy output!

A minute at three thousand rpms of Titan Gatlin, the terrifying Fire Serpent spewed like a machine gun, bombarding the spark of smoke on Sloane’s Titan shield, instantly engulfing Sloan.

Dumb little sister is ecstatic!

I thought this guy had a lot of strength, but that’s just it!

A wave of Gatling long-range fire output, directly suppressed!

[Loading the Ark Syringe, Progress: The first stage is complete.] 】

The facility radio sounded, and the little sister was stunned!

Then I remembered that I was in a race against time!

The Ark must be snatched down before the energy of the Ark is fully injected into the Space-Time Weapon!

Instead of simply killing Sloane to vent his anger!

Or be dragged back by Sloan!

As a result, at this moment, Sloan suddenly rushed out of the smoke and pounced on BT!

“You can’t dodge the core of the laser!”

Manic shouting, a thick red beam of light, through the smoke straight to the BT!

BT side, also did not show weakness, as soon as Gatling was launched, he also shot out!



Two Titans, all kinds of hit by each other, took a big step back in unison!


(Warning, warning.) Shield value decreases. )

And Sloane’s side, the little sister looked through the smoke, and it was also strong and solid to hit a BT heavy cannon and the same injury was not light!

“Iron Rider, I must say, this is much more fun than I expected! Hahaha”

In a burst of crazy laughter, the Sloan Titan in the little sister’s field of vision suddenly disappeared without a trace!

[Be careful, Iron Rider, she is summoning a spare Titan.] 】

The little sister was shocked and did not react yet.

Sure enough, several powerful titans and hot flame titans suddenly rushed out of the dark corners of the field!

“Still with a little brother?”

The live broadcast room is also stunned: “Sleeper, there are still many little brothers!” ”

“This Sloanema is also a bit of a lily!”

“Don’t panic! It’s all about charging BT! ”

“It seems to be like this!” Look! BT’s core burst charge how fast! ”

“Thanks for the charging treasure sent by Sloan hahaha”

Just like the audience in the live broadcast room saw, although all kinds of Sloan brothers came out of this battle, in front of Gatlin, it almost couldn’t last for a few seconds!

A moment later, the neat settlement finished playing with a few Sloane little brother Titans,

【Core burst charge: 90%】


The little sister just shouted this sentence, at this time, the facility radio sounded again:

[The Stack Space-Time Weapon program passes the second stage.] 】

[Planet of Destination: Hamoni Star.] 】

[Coordinates locked: Freeport.] 】

Time, in a second slipped away!

Soon, the Sacred Cabinet Energy will be able to charge the Time and Space Weapon!

Everyone’s hearts were suddenly tightened!

And if this and Sloan continue to be consumed, I’m afraid…

The little sister swallowed her spit nervously, staring at a row of predetermined battle plans inside the helmet.

“BT, I have a plan!”

[Understood. 】

[Implement the emergency combat plan and prepare to open the emergency damage repair system.] 】

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