Chapter 212 Plan, Despair, Turnaround and Coma!!

The audience in the live broadcast room saw this scene and was in an uproar!

How did BT and Cooper suddenly feel as if they were going to stud?

“What does emergency damage pipe mean?”

“Sleeper feels like you’re going to be in a rush of rhythm?”

“Is there that much in a hurry?” I feel the BT scene pressing Sloan to play ah! ”

“That’s for a hammer!” Didn’t you hear the radio say that the space-time weapons were almost fully charged! ”

“Still haven’t had time to snatch down the Sacred Cabinet Energy!”

“I didn’t expect to be able to catch up in the end!” Gan! ”

“Sloan is pestering Cooper and BT here, and there is no way to close the Holy Ark Energy ~ Source!”

“Nyima is so nervous!”

The audience in the live broadcast room who reacted to this reaction could almost all of their toes nervously buckle out of the ground!

The hands are even more white!

Looking at the live broadcast screen, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe!

“Ready BT?”

[No problem Cooper, backup energy and emergency damage device have been started.] 】

Cooper nodded, immediately switched BT’s Gatling to melee burst fire mode, and then charged straight for the Sloan Titan who had just emerged from the smoke screen.

【Open the wisdom core explosion】

From BT’s hand, Gatling erupted with precise and rapid firepower, the barrel burned red, and the spitting fire snake ruthlessly devoured Sloan’s entire Titan

[Enemy Titan Shield value reduced to detected.] 】

Sloane’s side was covered by the BT core burst, and the shield was finally cleared.

Sloane, who had been taunting Cooper, also became flustered!

There was even some hair: “You bastard! Impossible and impossible! ”

“Can you take this trick?”

Sloane let out an angry roar and also activated the Core Burst!

A dazzling laser laser of the split gun in his hand swept straight over!

Sloan’s intention, very simple and direct, is to rely on this wave of core explosions to buy himself time to delay and wait for the shield to be repaired.

A clever move to attack instead of defend!

The audience in the live broadcast room saw the two titans fighting each other’s big moves, and their hearts were almost mentioning the throat eyes, and they almost jumped out!

Who has seen this face! Rush forward against the boss!

More momentum than a boss!

“Nervous and nervous!”

“True Nyima is exciting!”

“What now?! BT’s shield doesn’t seem to have much! ”

“Sleeper! I know! What the BT said about the emergency loss system is for! ”

Under the screen full of buckwheat bullet screen, the little sister controls Cooper and opens the BT hard face to eat the Sloan Titan core explosion!

A terrifying laser hit the BT, and the hot heat wave came like a tidal wave after wave!

The entire screen instantly became red and scorching, and the two titans fought each other, and neither side retreated!

Needle tip to Mai Mang!

The live broadcast room exploded in an instant!

“Oh, both of them are reckless!”

“Eat each other’s faces to show respect!”

“Whoever loosens the trigger is who grandson!” Whoever takes a step back is the grandson! ”

“Mangke everything!”

“It seems that Sloane is standing on the left!”

“Ma Ma told us that the opposite wave cannot stand on the left!”

“This Boslong will lose!”

“Not necessarily! I look at BT as if it can’t hold up! ”

In the live broadcast screen, BT is really very difficult!

Sloane’s Titan itself has a thick skin, coupled with Sloane’s laser move, more emphasis on the sudden explosion of energy in a short period of time, BT is already in the ascendant!

“I can’t send it to BT?”

“Never fall into the hands of this BT Sloane!”

“Come on, BT! Come on, Cooper! ”

Just when all the audience was sweating for BT, suddenly, the live broadcast screen turned violently, and instantly moved from the perspective of the BT cabin to the air.

Before the audience could react to what was going on, a black shadow suddenly popped out from the top of BT’s head, just in the right place to be cut by Sloan’s laser.

“Sleeper! Iron Bull Taming! ”

“This is Cooper!”


Immediately there was an audience reaction!

This is Cooper, that is, the little girl, jumping out of another exit of BT, and the screen shakes violently!

At this time, because Sloan was still erupting at the core, the split gun laser had been shooting at BT, and he couldn’t take into account Cooper’s rapid approach!

The field that has become a sea of fire, wave after wave of heat, surging forward!

Little Sister could even feel her hair burning!


Titan Sloane let out desperate and helpless shouts, hysterical, and tearing his heart out!

This is the real plan of Cooper and BT!

If you want to intercept the launcher before the Ark energy is fully injected into the space-time weapon, you must kill Sloane as fast as possible!

BT as bait, Cooper as a sharp blade that really stabs Sloane’s throat!

In an instant, amid the shocked cries of the barrage in the live broadcast room, Cooper stepped on the back of the Sloan Titan, which had become extremely hot,…

The ruthless iron hand withstood the high temperature, broke open the emergency closed heat dissipation pipe, and a delayed explosion grenade was thrown into it with a bang.

[Cooper, come back!] 】

The screen in the live broadcast room shook violently again, and the BT, which still had the core health left, was withdrawn in time at the last moment, and after turning back to the bunker, there was a click, the hatch opened, and Cooper jumped on the trend.

Opposite the bunker, there were several rumbles.

“The plan worked!”

[Doesn’t seem to be yet, Cooper.] 】

[The Detected Enemy Titan signal is still there.] 】

Dumb little sister was shocked!

Instant confusion!

At this point, the facility radio sounded again:

【Folding Time Weapon Fourth Stage, Charge Progress 99%】


“Sloane this guy is so skinny?!”

“And… 99%? ”

The little sister slapped her thigh fiercely, eager to shoot herself to death!


You should just tie up a waist grenade and throw it down!

Or simply strap yourself in a body of high explosives and throw it in!

Sloane’s Titans are not ordinary Miscellaneous Titans at all!

A grenade simply cannot be completely destroyed!

Now that there is only a trace of BT core health left, it is impossible to take the initiative to attack in a short period of time.

A great battle plan is about to be ruined by his last mistake!

Looking at it, it will be defeated, and the charging progress of the folding space-time weapon has approached 100%.

The little sister was so anxious that her tears were about to fall!

Even the audience in the live broadcast room was all slapping their thighs!

My hands were swollen.

“What a popular anchor! I think it’s an angry anchor! ”

“It’s over! It’s all over! ”

“Re-read the file and come again!” Grass! ”

“A sister pure mental retardation! Wasted BT such a perfect fit. ”

Just when the little sister herself fell into despair, her hands had immediately lever, and the voice of BT suddenly sounded, firm and steady:

[Jack Cooper, we still have a chance. 】

Dumb little sister has not yet responded, BT has suddenly moved!

Flash through small bunkers and move forward quickly.

The body is outrageous!

Sloane, of course, knew that BT was going to come up and give the last hit, a desperate shot at BT with a split gun.

But all by BT can be dodged!

The audience in the live broadcast room was dizzy by BT’s wave of operations: “It has always been BT carrying the weight forward!” ”

“Sister A is too dish!”

“Don’t you manipulate the old woman!”

“BT Carey is all here!”

Moments later, the BT braved the hail of bullets and approached Sloane at high speed.

After the Sloan Titan was thrown into a grenade by Cooper, although it was not destroyed and lost its combat effectiveness, the engine had been destroyed, the power was completely lost, and he could only watch the BT quickly get close to him!

And the little sister finally reacted, BT did not give up, why did he suddenly give up?!

Subconsciously, I held the joystick tightly again,

【Charge Progress 50%】

【Charge Progress 100%】

BT held Gatling in his hand and a blazing red light appeared.


A close-range full charge cannon hit the core of Sloane’s cockpit!

In an instant, the explosion shook the earth and countless mechanical fragments flew!

“Give you a punch!”

Dumb Little Sister roared angrily, BT clenched his fingers into a fist and slammed into the cockpit of Sloane, which had completely lost its protection, boom!

A Titan Punch Heart!


All over the screen, it was Sloan’s last desperate scream before his death!

When the BT hand was pulled out again, countless pieces of flesh and mechanical fragments were brought out, red blood, and the mechanical hand stained with BT.

The audience in the live broadcast room immediately erupted into a cheer that could almost overturn the roof!


“Revenge succeeds!”

“Let your Mader execute BT before that!” Return to you as is! ”

“Flowers at the end of the reunion!”

However, it is clear that the time has not yet come to the end.

Even Cooper and BT don’t have time left to celebrate their revenge.

Rustling… Rustling…

Commander Sarah was so anxious that he began to shout desperately: “Cooper… Cooper! ”

“Take away the Ark before the weapon is activated!” Fast! Fast! Fast! ”

At this time, the space-time weapon launch point in front of the venue, that is, the “bullet compartment” where the energy of the Holy Cabinet was installed, the white light emitted became more and more dazzling!

Too late to answer a word, Cooper and BT rushed straight to the weapon launch!

Desperate facility radio buzzing:

【Folding space-time weapon is ready, 100% progress】

【Holy Ark deployment.】 】

“Definitely can’t get you started!”

Just a tenth of a second before the start, and perhaps even less time, BT’s hands slammed out F and pulled down the Ark energy in the weapon!

In an instant, a huge shock spread throughout Cooper’s body.

Buzzing and blackening, Cooper momentarily lost consciousness.

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