Chapter 272 ZZZQ! Who made you design your character so beautifully?!!

In the live broadcast screen,

2B played by Zhou Shuyi,

Because of the relationship between brain devices,

It is no longer possible to distinguish between the two.

Struggling with pain on earth!

The edge of the 2B field of view that the audience sees has almost completely been covered by the mosaic of nourishment.

Can’t see anything at all!

There was a burst of noise in my ears, like a rustling noise that never stopped.

The audience in the live broadcast room can even see that inside the small picture, Zhou Shuyi is like wearing a pain mask!

“Sleeper Nyima?”

“How come Miss 2B is also infected!?”

“Who in Nyima is coming to tell me this is not the truth!”

“Ganli Liang Su Chen old thief aaaa

“I don’t believe it! I don’t believe it! Impossible! How did you suddenly get infected with a virus?! ”

“Outrageous is outrageous!”

“Old thief Su Chen just sent a knife for the sake of issuing a knife, right?”

“Sleeper Nima! The commander is dead! 60 dead! My hometown is gone! Now 2B is gone! ”

“That’s not right! Didn’t 9S cut the contact before finding something wrong? ”

“That’s it! So Hua can get the virus?! ”

“Gan ———!”

“I put on the mask of pain!”

“Pain! It hurts! ”

No matter how angry, complaining, not understanding, and scolding the bullet screen on the public screen is.

None of them can change the fact that 2B has indeed been infected with the virus in the picture.



A series of violent nourishing electric sounds continue to sound from within 2B’s body, and 2B struggles to get up from the ground,

Behind him are shaky, faltering Android robots, groups of people moving very slowly,

But just like the ghostly Grim Reaper, follow closely behind 2B!

“…… Have to……… To get out of here…”

Now 2B, just by saying these words, it is already like exhausting the strength of the whole body!


2B suddenly roared, angry, sharp, piercing!

It startled the audience!

“What’s going on here?!”

“2B is completely controlled?!”

“No, no, no! Don’t do that! ”

In the picture, the oath of white is swung with a heavy knife.

A group of robots that almost caught up with 2B and instantly turned their heads apart.

It’s just that even the audience in the live broadcast room can see that Zhou Shuyi controls the knife wielded by 2B, compared to before,

It’s simply an elderly version of the slow sword technique!

“Isn’t it…”

“How can that be?!”

“When the Leaf Sending Force was infected with this virus, didn’t they all strike like crazy punches?”

“Infecting the protagonist becomes a debuff!?”

“No… Not completely infected yet! ”

“2B is fighting this mechanical virus to the death!”

Some of the audience in the live broadcast room still saw it.

Now 2B, almost every step of the way, is trying to fight the speed of virus infection throughout the body!

The White Oath Sword, which originally killed the enemy like a slasher, has now almost become a crutch in the hands of 2B.

Under mechanical viral infection,

2B’s mechanical body function, there has been a module damage.

Not just walking is limping,

other visual, auditory, and even mental consciousness,

Almost all of them showed large and small injuries at the same time.

A progress bar symbolizing the countdown to death appeared on the edge of the field of vision: “Warning… The body is seriously warned……”

“Unknown virus infection progress: 20%”

“Recommendation: Return to the Leaf Sending Force Base as soon as possible to format and then reconstruct the body.”

And at this time,

Zhou Shuyi, who controls 2B,

I only feel that I am vaguely wearing a brain and computer device, and a wave of heat is coming!

There is almost no way to keep your consciousness alive! It’s like I’ve become a 2B body!

Originally, the inter-brain device was to let the user control the movements of the characters in the game through consciousness.

And this feature,

Now it inexplicably fits the 2B situation.

As the progress of virus infection 2B body is getting faster and faster, Zhou Shuyi controls 2B’s actions through consciousness.

It’s even more difficult and sluggish! This feeling,

Suddenly, like a person who drinks and drinks to the point of breaking the piece, it is difficult to walk in a straight line!

brain-computer devices,

Directly transmitted such a signal to Zhou Shuyi’s brain, successfully deceived the brain consciousness,

Mistakenly thinking that there is something wrong with your limb!


“I knew I didn’t need this device…”


Zhou Shuyi’s inner mad roar,

But the audience in the live broadcast room couldn’t hear it at all.

Just a push!

“Quick, fast, fast!”

“Go find 9S!”

“Yes! It seems that 9S can remove viruses! ”

“Grass! There is hope! ”

“Just don’t stop! The road will keep going forward! ”

“The flower of hope has sounded!!!”

“Don’t give up, Sister Zhou!”

“Make a HE ending for Lao Tzu!” Don’t bad ending! It’s time to go straight to the rocket gift walk! ”

“Right, right, right! Please, Sister Zhou! Quick, fast! ”

Consciousness is blurred,

Zhou Shuyi’s mind faintly transmitted the voice of Gao Zan bullet screen, which of course was also a design of Su Chen.

A small opening specially opened for the anchor.

After all, if the anchor is really completely immersed in it and does not interact with the live broadcast,

The live broadcast effect is definitely greatly reduced,

Naturally, it is also not conducive to promoting Su Chen’s brain-computer equipment products to the world.

“I want to, too… Gan ——! ”

Sister Zhou gritted her teeth,

On one side of the increasingly blurred vision, there is also an increasingly difficult to control body,

Staggering and shaking,

Step by step towards the upper surface.

The internal system is constantly prompting: “Warning: Warning! ”

“Viruses are evolving at a high speed, and ontology defense programs cannot be removed…”


At the same moment,

It’s in the live broadcast room of other anchors,

“Sister Zhou got the latest brain-computer equipment!”

“Is the groove really fake!?”

“Go to Zhou Shuyi’s live broadcast room!”

“Here it comes!”

“It seems that the old goose also got one!”

“A 2B, a 9S is just right!”

“Brothers, strings of rooms!”

It only took less than a few minutes, Zhou Shuyi, and the old goose, got the news of the brain-computer device,

Like a storm that swept through all live streaming platforms,

Thunderbolt, Tiger Bud, Seafood Station, and Twitch Mouse Station, YouTube Live Stream.

Even abroad, this message is spread like crazy with Chinese words! No. 2 is not called Zhou Shuyi’s live broadcast room,

The popularity is even more than 10 million seconds, approaching 50 million!…

Inside the Goose Factory building.

Hua Teng felt that he was close to the point of despair.

When I saw my own seafood station, this brain-computer device appeared in the live broadcast room:

Hua Teng felt that the last glimmer of hope in his heart had also been extinguished by a single blow!

“How can it be……”

“How can it be……”

Not only Hua Teng, but other high-level goose factory executives who stayed up for a day to watch the live broadcast also repeatedly chanted this sentence in their mouths.

“Impossible… Isn’t he a software game company! ”


Hua Teng, who has always shown his hypocrite demeanor and is not alarmed by the wind and rain, is extremely rare in front of the high-level people,

Swear foul!

The temperature of the whole field instantly drops to the freezing point! Every senior knows what this brain-computer device means! This is

Su Chen struck a dimensionality reduction blow to all the corpse vegetarian food game manufacturers on the blue star!

“He doesn’t necessarily produce energy… Mr. Hua…”

“Right, right, right! Maybe there are quality and safety issues! We can hack him from this aspect! ”

The following high-level people put forward various ideas of Black Su Chen one by one, also to comfort themselves.

At this time, there was a knock at the door. Secretary Ye, who was wearing heavy makeup, walked in. Then whispered a whisper in Hua Teng’s ear.

Hua Teng,

Eyes lit up!

Just like a drowning man, he has to grasp the last straw!



“This idea of the propaganda department will definitely drown Su Chen in the ocean of fists and lions!”

“Let you fucking make these 2B characters so beautiful and sexy!”

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