Chapter 273 Su Chen, you have provoked a boxer!!

“Mr. Hua is right!”

“Oh that’s right!”

“Now it’s all about what a pluralistic aesthetic!”

“Black and white fat and thin ugly must have!”

“Make such a beautiful and so many female characters, what does Su Chen want to do?!”

“Find Death!”

Hua Teng’s eyes were almost about to spew out fire.

The lips are shaking violently,

A mouthful of spit spat out directly.

Now Hua Teng is excited, hot, and excited,

One was because of anger, jealousy, and hatred for Su Chen.

One is that he thinks he has finally found a magic weapon against Su Chen! There are almost no female characters in the front Titan Fall,

Therefore, Hua Teng also has the public relations and publicity department at the bottom, and he did not expect this trick.

But now,

Su Chen’s Neil Mechanical Age inside,

2B, A2, Commander, and various leaf troop combat models, various correspondent sisters,

A figure that is called one, perfect to the extreme!

The protruding protrusion, the warped also up.

It’s either a short skirt or a cheongsam, it’s either black silk or white silk,

Absolute field, tight leather coat a lot, this,

But the big taboo of boxers has been violated!

Who allowed Su Chen to design female characters so beautifully?

You know, now Blue Star, the big factory does not dare to do a beautiful female role! I am afraid that the boxer will rush himself!

Even the goose factory is cautious, after all, the storm of public opinion rushed up,

Even the water army of the size of the goose factory could not be suppressed!

Now that Su Chen has made the female characters so good-looking, what do those ‘little fairies’ think?!

Isn’t this a sign of ‘discrimination’ against women! The more Hua Teng thought about it, the more excited he became,

Why didn’t I think of it before, I could start from this aspect and beat Su Chen hard?

When Hua Teng thought of this, he almost immediately stood up!

“Go and get it done now!”

“Just button it up with this hat!”

“Also, notify the legal department to hurry up the implementation of the copyright case of Titan Fall 2.”

“He Su Chen earns more, when the time comes.”

“Break up today!”

Several high-level people under the Hua Teng silently exchanged glances.

There was a meaning in his eyes: “Look at this Su Chen, death is certain!” ”

“Still want to turn over?”

“If you provoke us Hua Zong, you don’t know how to die!”

A group of high-level people watched Hua Teng leave the conference room.

At the moment when Hua Teng was about to walk out of the conference room, he suddenly said the next sentence: “The game that copied Titan 2, at the latest, will be tested on the whole network tomorrow night!” ”

“If there is any bug, it is not too late to be discovered by the players after going online!”

“One step slower, the heat is gone, and all of them have been copied to the friends!”

After saying this, there was a bang,

Hua Teng closed the conference room door and strode out.

The sound of footsteps in the hearts of each executive, everyone looked at each other,

It’s full of helplessness.

“It looks like you don’t have to sleep tonight.”

“All blame Su Chen!”

“How did he come up with this brain-computer device?”

“Just outrageous!”

“I even wonder if the female anchor surnamed Zhou is Su Chen’s trust?”

“It’s not quite like that…”

“I just can’t figure it out!” Fucking global brain-computer interface that hasn’t broken through in decades. ”

“Su Chen actually pulled it out directly?!”

“I don’t believe it when I kill you!”

……… At the same moment,

Yi factory, as well as Dongshan Ju what quasi-first-line game factory, just like the heart of Hua Teng,

Take action!

In the eyes of these fly-like water army public relations, Su Chen,

He has exposed his deadliest weakness to his sword! Exactly as Hua Teng thought,

Su Chen, who designed the nearly perfect female characters of 2B and A2, has made the biggest ZZ of Blue Star incorrect!

As for so many large factories and water troops receiving high-level orders at the same time, they are making a fuss and acting,

Just because,

This brain-computer device that appeared between Zhou Shuyi and Lao Goose Live Broadcast greatly shocked all the high-level Internet manufacturers!

A device that can connect the player’s brain consciousness and allow the player to control the in-game with their consciousness,

How terrible business opportunities there are, fools can foresee!

Not to mention,

Sweatshops such as A Beaver are even ready to contact Su Chen directly to let their employees use this.

007 work 24/7! Moment

About Su Chen’s terrible use of this brain-computer device development,

It has been born in the hearts of various game manufacturers and Internet manufacturers.

“Waste! Just to play the game is a waste! ”

“He Su Chende is not worthy! Blind to such a good thing! ”

“Find out this contact information of Su Chen immediately!”

“How much money to give!”

“Buy me this brain-computer device!”

“This is the real blessing of the employees!”

The boss of a fox, who looks like an alien Ma Jie, is directly in his extremely luxurious office,

Slap the table angrily!

“However, if you don’t get Su Chen’s brain-computer device.”

“That would ruin this oasis platform!”

“Black Su Chen into black and smelly!”


For other hardware and software practitioners, tonight is destined to be an insomnia night! Even if you don’t play games at all,

even look down on the game,

People who think that playing games is a plaything,

They were all watching Zhou Shuyi and the old goose in the Neil Mechanical Age live broadcast room.

Two live broadcast rooms are playing games to show the only real brain-computer device on Blue Star.

All witnessed,

In the case of no movement of the hands and feet, Zhou Shuyi, the old goose,

Consciousness alone,

Just control the 2B and 9S to move in the game! At this point,

Because the game plot has entered the stage, 2B is about to be completely infected by the mechanical virus.

Zhou Shuyi’s live broadcast room has attracted tens of millions of live viewers! The reason is simple,

Other streamers, players,

Control 2B is still through VR equipment,

No matter how immersive, it is only emotional immersion.

The body, and the subconscious of the brain,

They still put themselves and 2B points very clearly…

So no matter how difficult 2B in the picture is because of the infection with the virus, it is almost a step by step,

Streamers and players in reality,

They are still not too affected, what to do.

At best, the body is a little tired from operating,

Control 2B up like getting drunk.

And in the live broadcast room of Zhou Shuyi,

Although I can’t see any big moves from Zhou Shuyi herself,

But you can still clearly see Zhou Shuyi completely immersed in 2B because of consciousness, and the picture of 2B every painful step forward,

Every time she fought against the virus infected in her body and intended to control herself, Zhou Shuyi’s whole body had to shake violently!

The expression on his face was even more painful.


The audience in the live broadcast room understood,

Why when the brain-computer device is connected at the beginning, the system specifically prompts,

The nerve sensitivity has been reduced to a minimum!

“Viral infection rate: 90.”

“Warning… Alarm…… In the live broadcast of Zhou Shuyi,

There was a sound that even the warnings were intermittent.

“It’s all mosaics!”

“I can’t see anything clearly!”

“It’s over! Finished! ”

“Heartache 2B Miss Sister whining.”

“Tears in my eyes.”

“Desperate to send them all together!”

In the desperation of the barrage,

Zhou Shuyi, or directly 2B, is trying to walk on a suspension bridge,

This suspension bridge is a scene that players and viewers are familiar with.

Because of the mission scene in the game, it is often necessary to cross this suspension bridge towering above the abyss.

The warning sounded in my ears again: “Warning: Virus infection 95.” ”

“The central nervous system is feverish and there is a risk of internal explosion.”

“The report…… An abnormality occurs in the visual system. ”

Immediately after that, in the sound of the bullet screen, Zhou Shuyi controlled the 2B,

The field of vision in front of you is completely mosaicized,

I can’t see anything in front of me at all!

“System memory backup corrupted by virus.”

“Warning… The body cannot be restored from a backup. ”

“The central black box in the body…… Happen…… Mutations…”

Originally, there was a color picture,

Instantly turned into a black and white.


A heavy despair that cannot be shaken off,

Covered the hearts of all the audience………

A heavy footstep sounded behind 2B.

With a bang,

2B’s hand, the White Oath Covenant Sword, which could no longer be held, slammed to the ground.

“Is that the end of it……”

2B is soft at his feet and half kneels on the ground.

The audience in the live broadcast room water friends, seeing this scene, the fist clenched white! Neck green tendons burst out!

Even many viewers saw that 2B finally became tragic like this, and was about to die tragically at the hands of alien robots.

Even more shy, he shed tears.


At the moment when 2B has to close his eyes, in the blurred field of vision,

Suddenly, a black and white shadow fell from the sky!

Wherever the white light of the sword shadow went, mechanical fragments flew everywhere.

“…… A2?! ”

“How… It’s you…”

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