Chapter 274 Miss 2B, that’s it!!


Suddenly appeared in front of the almost exhausted 2B! A white shadow flew in the air,

Sharp, elegant, and deadly.

Wherever the shadow of the sword goes,

Follow the crashing machinery that wants to devour 2B, all under the A2 sword,

Fragments that turn into parts in one state after another.

Not just the audience in the live room water friends,

Even Zhou Shuyi, who controlled 2B with her consciousness, had a completely relaxed look on her face.

Even the expression of pain seemed to dissipate in an instant.

And the audience water friends,

Already boiling completely!

Like a drowning person, when he is about to sink to the bottom of the water, he suddenly looks at a glimmer of light overhead,

And that straw that can be firmly grasped!

The bullet screen in the live broadcast room was brushed layer by layer: “Woohoo finally came!” ”

“A2! It’s A2 Big Sister! ”

“A2 is coming! 2B will be saved! ”

“A2! YYDS! ”

“So handsome A2!”

“I just said that Su Chen wouldn’t kill it all like this!”

“The turning point is coming!”

“Flip over alien machinery!”

“The glory of mankind endures!”

“Yes! The glory of mankind will last forever! ”

“Kill kill kill!!!”

The sudden appearance of A2,

It is like the sudden rise of the light in the extremely desperate plot of Neil’s mechanical age,

Instantly illuminate the hearts of all players who control playing 2B.

No one to remind,

All players who enter the three-week program, and all the spectators,

They all firmly remember the tight but tattered combat suit on this big sister who looks as cold and poignant as an iceberg,

The S curve of the body, which is already exquisite, is displayed vividly.

And what attracts the attention of players and spectators even more is that A2’s long hair with a little stain in the snow white,

There is also the almost identical appearance of the 2B length after removing the eye mask.

But it is a completely opposite personality!


2B opened his mouth to A2 for the first time,

The voice sounds, but it is extremely hesitant and hesitant! A2 suddenly flashed a dangerous light in his eyes!

Both the player and the spectator looked dumbfounded, for a moment,

I thought A2 was going to hand blade 2B!

“Be careful!”

Unexpectedly, immediately after the ringing,

It is A2’s cold and calm warning,

A strong wind behind 2B suddenly struck!

Five or six leaf-sending troops dressed in heavy combat suits turned into a cloud of swift black shadows,

Crazy like rushing to 2B!

Zhou Shuyi gritted her teeth and controlled 2B to use up the last bit of strength and pounced on the direction of A2 rushing towards her.

Just when all the audience took a breath of cool air, A2 once again transformed into a white shadow that could not be seen.

Like a sharp and unstoppable scythe,

Forge ahead to slash at the crazy leaf-sending troops of former comrades-in-arms who are now infected by the virus.

A2 full speed start-up,

The roaring wind that rushed to the leaf troops,

Even the audience in front of the screen seems to be able to feel the strong wind coming out of the screen!

“Sleeper! Sleeper! ”

“So handsome, aaaa

“2B has been saved and saved!”

“I said it a long time ago! A2 is foreshadowing! ”

“Thank you Brother Su Chen! Kneel and thank you! ”

“Redefine heroes to save beauty!”

“Beauty Rescue Hero!”


Less than a few seconds later, in the live broadcast screen,

A2 is already standing in front of 2B,

In A2’s hand, there was a long sword dripping with a drop of ‘blood’, and a horizontal and vertical leaf sending unit that fell behind him.

Long silky snow-white hair, dancing with the wind.

And 2B, now in agony, fell to his knees in agony.

A2 walked slowly to 2B on his knees,

“It seems…… That’s all I can do…”

2B As soon as this is said,

All the viewers in the live broadcast room exploded in an instant! It’s like a meteorite falling down!

Set off a terrifying wave! Without waiting for the audience to react, the perspective of the picture suddenly changed!

The focus, suddenly focused on the moment when 2B half-knelt on the ground and slowly raised his head,

All the spectators took a breath of cool air!

Petrified on the spot! Brain melon buzz!

“2B……… Take off the blindfold! ”


“Red light?!!”

In the picture,

2B raised his head, which had been wearing an eyepatch that had never been removed, had disappeared at this moment,

A pair of glowing red eyes were revealed.

And the meaning of this red light, everyone can not understand it all.

The alien mechanical virus, which has been completely infected with 2B, only the last step remains,

It is possible to completely control the consciousness and body of 2B.

Without waiting for the audience’s barrage to be finished,

The screen turns again! A2 is on the left and 2B is on the right.

All players, spectators,

Instantly realized something.

One of the most critical plots may be just around the corner! Everyone clenched their fists involuntarily! Teeth clenched!

Even the barrage was cleared.

All the spectators’ hands were trembling with force.

Throat, unconsciously desperately swallowing down.

Suddenly! Bang! A loud bang! A flash of glare!

2B on the right side of the picture, slamming the oath of white, clasped his hands,

Use all your strength and plunge straight into the ground!

The blade of the sword collides with the ground, and sparks are splashed!

“This is… My memory……”

“Put everyone… And the future…”

“It’s up to you…”


A line of small print flashed across the screen: “Part of the memory has been transferred to the White Oath Weapon” All viewers, players,

Instantly the brain went blank!

Inside everyone’s head, there was only a buzzing sound.


Can’t think of anything!

One by one, the mouths were wide open, and the lips trembled silently.

The public screen in the live broadcast room is surprisingly clean.

At this moment, on the major live broadcast platforms,

Hundreds of Neil Mechanics live broadcast room, surprisingly consistent,

Not a single bullet screen floated across the public screen. Everyone was dumbfounded.

Everyone was shocked!

Everyone couldn’t believe that the picture in front of them was actually real!

In the surprisingly silent silence and a black and white picture, there is no change of expression on A2’s face,

Just a slight nod, the chest slightly undulating, step by step,

Although it is not fast, but firmly towards 2B, the white oath pulled out by A2,

There was a long humming sound in the air.


Brown painting

Both A2 and 2B disappear into the picture.

The system loading interface of the Leaf Troop Airframe appears in front of the audience and players whose brains are still blank.

“Memory loading……”

“Body fit: 100.”

“Memory module, loaded.”

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