Chapter 300 I don’t recognize this ending, refuse to delete data!!

“This is…??”

“What does the final stage mean?!”

Zhou Shuyi stared dead at the picture in front of her, her eyelids constantly trembling and beating!

The audience who was still complaining just now also tacitly stopped all of them, and the other live broadcast rooms,

Old goose, old tomato, and countless ordinary players,

They were all staring at the sudden strange picture in front of their eyes! Originally it was still a smooth scrolling ending subtitle,

Suddenly, a familiar voiceover popped up, “…”

[Now, to the final stage of the leaf sending plan] the mechanical sound falls,

Some players even almost lost their breath on the spot! A breath directly from the heart to the voice,

Blood pressure rubs and goes up!

The heartbeat rate displayed in Zhou Shuyi’s live broadcast room jumped directly up to almost 200!

The audience in the live broadcast room suddenly exploded: “What flower work is Su Chen going to play?!” ”

“Something is wrong, something is wrong, something is wrong!”

“There’s a final plan for the sleeper!”

“Wouldn’t tm be a peripheral eye or something?”

“Don’t look around for that kind of thing!!!”

“I’m afraid it’s not an Easter egg, right?”

“What will we talk about the day after tomorrow?”

“There is hope, there is hope!!!”

“The brother in front is so excited, be careful of Su Chen’s old thief to give you another knife!”

“This game has only blades! Su Chen’s old thief Hugh wanted to deceive me! ”

“Crooked day! The positive film begins! ”

“Off the barrage anti-spoiler” Now, the fool knows, there must be a saying in this!

Because in the previous ABCD four endings, there was no current scene at all!

What POD pops up and suddenly says such a sentence? There is also the final stage of the leaf sending plan,

I hadn’t heard of it before!

Originally just finished the C and D endings players, the last second is still like stagnant water, and now they have begun to cheer,

His face was ecstatic, and his hands and feet were scratching against the air!

Maybe even a reversal of fate! At this point,

The subtitles in the game screen are still scrolling in the theme song world weight, line by line.

The mechanic sound of POD153,

In the anticipation of all players and viewers, the next sentence was said:

【Start deleting all data】The bullet screen in the live broadcast room exploded in an instant!


“Wang Defa?”

“You tease me…”

“What do you mean?” A29S2B is dead and even the ashes are raised to you? ”

“Old Su Chen thief is no longer a man, right?”

“Shhh! Don’t worry, you guys! And the following seems to be! ”

An abnormal electric current sounded,

The subtitle table in the picture shakes violently as if it had received severe current interference!

POD153: [The stream has a noise.] 】

[Need to check the data, apply for a temporary suspension of communication…] The screen clicks, stopping at this moment.

Then two options pop up:

【Is it through the application of auxiliary machine POD?】 】


A few seconds after the “refusal” passed, the picture remained motionless. Even the end BGM stopped. At this time, Zhou Shuyi reacted,

“I want to operate the groove myself!!!”

Roll belt to get up,

Hands and feet into a pot of porridge, quickly put the brain and computer equipment back on.

Without any hesitation,

Zhou Shuyi is like all other players, second choice to accept!


Nourishing… Nourishing…

The picture is no longer paused, but the mosaic and electric interference with the snowflakes are getting louder and louder.

【Auxiliary 042Contact Auxiliary 153】

【Data checked】【Personal data suspected of A2, 2B, 9S has been leaked】

This next week Shuyi and the audience are completely excited! Because this is the familiar 2B and A2 auxiliary, POD042 sound!

“There’s hope for the grooves!”

This sentence crossed everyone’s mind at the same time!

[Auxiliary machine 153 contact auxiliary machine 042………] POD042 quickly replied,

But in the voice, there is still no emotion: [obey the plan, delete the data]

The audience in the live room talked with the two auxiliary machines,

The state of mind suddenly fell from the sky to the ground, and then soared from the ground to the sky! Panic a bunch!

“Don’t, don’t, don’t, please!”

“What bullshit plan to get out!”

“I don’t want this plan! Delete nm ah delete delete! ”

“042 Climb!!!”

“Give a chance big brother! Give it a chance! ”

Although I don’t know what will be sent later,

But all players and viewers know that once the data is deleted,

That’s sending it thoroughly!

Not even a glimmer of hope exists! Zhou Shuyi naturally thinks the same way,

Thinking of quickly stopping the delete data command, as a result,

Regardless of how Zhou Shuyi controlled the operation, there was no movement on the screen at all.

“Just gave me back the operation permission, and now there is his mother’s retraction?” The familiar feeling of helplessness is pouring in again! ”

For a second, Zhou Shuyi felt that she was Su Chen’s plot tool person! The audience has not seen the water friends yet, Zhou Shuyi is like a monkey now.

“Sister Zhou is more anxious than me!”

“I know you’re in a hurry, but don’t worry!”

“I’m in a hurry and I’m in a hurry! Don’t really get the data deleted! ”



Auxiliary machine 042 mechanical sound, at the moment in the player and audience sound, a reliable batch!

【Refuse to delete personal data】Auxiliary machine 153: [incomprehensible]

Auxiliaries 042; [In the process of checking the data, it was found that new data was generated in my body]

[I… I don’t admit this ending, this is the conclusion I have reached] auxiliary machine 042 This sentence fell,

Millions of players, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of viewers, not a single one roars with a roar!

Holding your breath in your heart, you let out a long breath!

In an instant, everyone’s eyes were in the sand, and the nose was inexplicably sour!

“I don’t admit this ending!!!”

“042 cowhide!”

“042 Pure Masters Sleeping!!”

“Conscience! The only conscience 042! ”

“042 said I did you notice no!”

“Awakened! Go nm of what the hell planned! ”

“I don’t admit this ending either! So right! ”

“042 is our avatar!!!”

“042 Super God!!”

“Tears in my eyes.”

“I don’t admit this ending—1.”

“I don’t admit this ending—10.”

“I don’t admit this ending +10086! The public screen bullet screen in the live broadcast room is brushed faster and faster, and the faster it is brushed! ”

In the end, all the bullet screens become the same sentence: “I don’t admit this ending!” ”

Countless players roared along with them: “I don’t admit it either!! Namely! ”

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