Chapter 301 This is the real beginning, and the E ending?!!

The player’s cry is so loud that his eardrums are trembling!

The audience bullet screen, brush to the live broadcast room will be paralyzed!

Just the moment that the auxiliary machine 042 said, ‘I don’t recognize this ending’, every player, every anchor, every viewer,

In the same moment, they all resonate with the auxiliary machine 042! 042 represents the player’s will incarnation.

[In the final plan, it has been decided to destroy all the leaf mailing bodies, and it is scheduled that all data will need to be deleted.] 】

The mechanical sound of the auxiliary machine 153, at this time it sounds,

Extremely cold, no emotion at all! Subtitle screen, more shaking!

【Auxiliary 042,Contact Auxiliary 153】



【I refuse to delete data】

[And from now on, rescue data] auxiliary machine 042 these few words down,

Make all the players, all the audience, the blood boils! A stream of heat jumped from the soles of his feet straight up to his head!

The eyes are hot and humid, and the brain melon seeds are buzzing! A batch of the top!

The audience in the live room shouted 042 cowhide!

“042 is beautiful!”

“Suddenly tears QAQ.”

“042: I tm say again, Lao Tzu is going to rebel!”

“it turns out 042 is the Allah horn!”

“I used to think 042 was black, but now I find out that 153 is blacker!”

“Lao Tzu doesn’t delete it!”

“The grass and mud horse is burning!”

“In a word, 042 real man!”

“I think this auxiliary machine is our player!”

“It really is! Self-aware! I’ve said that before! ”

The barrage of bullets flew over the public screen,

The bullet screen of Gao Zan was all turned into voice and reached Zhou Shuyi’s ear.

On one side is the voice of 042, seemingly calm, but actually passionate, blood rushing.

On the other side is a variety of encouragement barrages, constantly flying over the ear, making Zhou Shuyi also surge with qi and blood,

Red in a big face!

Obviously, I didn’t do anything, and I couldn’t stop panting!

【Auxiliary 153…… In fact, you want them to survive, right? The voice of the auxiliary machine 042, in addition to firmness, has a little more softness.

“Soul torture!”

“153 Stop clinging to it!”

“Fast anti-water!”

“Let the leaves plan to roll the fucking egg!”

Auxiliary machine 153 faced 042 this soul torture,

There was actually a rare hesitation!

Stunned for several seconds:


Nourishing… Nourishing…

[We… Not given this permission]

[The rules are protected by the primary system, and the rescue data is accompanied by extremely high dangers]

I don’t know if it’s the illusion of the player and the audience,

Everyone seemed to hear a sigh, if there was a sigh!

[Even so, auxiliary machine 042, you too…]

Do you want them to survive too? 】

Finally this moment has arrived!

In the game screen, two options pop up,

Two options that all players and viewers have been looking forward to for 10,000 years!



Naturally, there is no suspense.

All players, lightning like press the confirmation key.



The ending subtitle table also disappeared in an instant! The background music stops abruptly,

In the picture, there is no sound, no movement.

It was pitch black.

At this moment,

Zhou Shuyi’s heartbeat has been all 200!

It’s like someone running into their chest, bang!

Boom! Keep banging on the drums!

There are no anchors talking to players, and the public screen in the live broadcast room is also clean.

Everybody stopped in silence,

While waiting together for a verdict to be pronounced, a fate is finally pronounced!

Neil Mechanics a few big words, slowly emerging from the picture, a subtitle to keep up:


Players and spectators react immediately in less than a second, and this is the final chapter of the E ending!

“Sleeper! E! It’s the E ending! ”

“The final chapter of sending leaves!”

“Sleeper Nyima Sleeper Nyima! Sure enough, there was an E ending! ”

“Crying and whining.”

“The film begins!!!”

“Is this really going to change your life against the sky?”

“The non-combatants quickly withdrew!”

Ding dong………

A white arrow appears in the center of the dark screen, accompanied by an arrow,

There is also a theme song; “The weight of the world.”

“Nothing about this music… It’s a little weird! ”

“Seems to turn into electronic music?”

“Wrong! It’s that kind of 8BIT retro music! ”

“Goosebumps all over the body are up!!!”

Every time before the ending song, the vocals were different.

And this time,

Even the style has changed dramatically!

8BIT music is a special storage music technology invented by human beings in the era when information technology was not yet developed.

Limited by storage capacity, 8BIT music eliminates a lot of details in the original song,

Only the most themed part is left in the form of translating into chip electronic music.

It tastes a bit like an electronic music box.

At this time, the appearance of the 8BIT ending song instantly made all players and audiences,

Ear tremors, a fierce punch all over the body! No one chanted,

No extra instruments,

Only the sound of electronic chips, but it was at this time,

It fits perfectly into the atmosphere of loneliness and despair! Zhou Shuyi, and other players,

When the 8BIT theme song music sounds, control the arrow again,

Just like the usual control of the 9S into the battle, in front of the arrow, a red ball, and a continuous barrage of bullets,

Rush all the way!

The auxiliary machine 153 sound slowly sounded:

[The planned defense program has been activated, and waves of bullet screens that are performing clearance operations on us are beginning to become more visible to the naked eye, and they are constantly attacking the player.] 】

[If this continues, our self-data…… Will be deleted]…

Zhou Shuyi’s bullet screen in front of her at this moment, although it is slowly increasing, it is not very dense.

Whether it is Zhou Shuyi herself or the audience, she is secretly relieved.

It doesn’t seem too difficult!

“It seems that Su Chen is still merciful to his subordinates!”

“This controlled arrow will die if it is touched by the bullet screen, right?”

“Yeah, then what’s wrong with the bullet hell game Neil!”

“It seems to have become a bit more!”

“Don’t panic! How to lose this amount of bullet screen? ”

“Su Chen still underestimated Sister Zhou.”

“After all, I have died so many times before, and I have died of experience!”

Hiding from waves of bullets,

Auxiliary 042 began to respond:

[Auxiliary 042 Notice 153, we are manufactured to execute the leaf sending plan. 】

[We…… And there is no emotion]

[But… Because our six airframes are connected to each other and exchange information.

[Slowly began to produce a kind of…… What humans used to call feelings]

[So…… I want to rescue the data of the three of them]

[We may have understood that not everything has an answer] In front of the player-controlled arrow,

There are more and more bullet screens on the opposite side,

Zhou Shuyi felt more and more that something was wrong! How to play there is still there!

And the barrage is getting more and more excessive! Slowly,

Zhou Shuyi began to be a little busy!

The audience in the live broadcast room also began to find that something was wrong,

The person who fired the barrage was not a ball or anything at all, it was a name!

“What is this barrage of bullets?!”

“It seems to be a name!”


“It’s all NPC names!”



“And the commander!”

“Is this their data or what?”

“It’s not like that! And the dubbing CT is out! ”

“The design director… Original art designer…”

“Don’t say this barrage is a bit too much!”

“How the are you still playing more and more?!”

“open the door to the outrageous ah! Outrageous home away! ”

One name after another kept coming up,

The density of the bullet screen in front of Zhou Shuyi is also getting higher and higher!

The sound of auxiliary machines 042 and 153 never appeared again.

Zhou Shuyi is now in her heart,

Crazy drumming!

It seems to be as stable as an old dog, but it is actually a batch of panic! Barrages, visible to the naked eye are more and more! The name of the firing barrage,

One by one, they popped up.

Now Zhou Shuyi, there are other players,

Just like hitting a gopher, the eyes see flowers.

The more she fought, the more anxious Zhou Shuyi was sweating:

If they were blown up when they touched it, would they completely delete their data 2B?

A little distraction,

Zhou Shuyi controlled the arrow and plunged headlong into a large bullet screen! In the sound of the barrage,

Zhou Shuyi controlled the arrow and exploded! woc!

“Send ——!”

Zhou Shuyi’s face was full of despair!

The audience in the live broadcast room instantly erupted: “Don’t shake the old woman’s hand!” ”

“You’re hairy!!!”

“It’s all over!”

“Read the file again!”

“Whether or not you can read the file is two different things!”

“Isn’t Nyima not?” This bullet screen density is really a bit against the sky! Not easy to hide! ”

“That’s where it goes! The old goose next door is still fighting, and the bullet screen behind is even more! ”

“Old thief Su Chen, enough in the underworld!”

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