Chapter 302 To Give Up Here, Player?!!

“The sleeping trough makes it impossible for people to play!”

Once again, Zhou Shuyi, like other anchors, shook her hand and directly crashed into the bullet screen circle.


In an instant, it rewinds back to the last archive point boundary.


Zhou Shuyi clenched her teeth, and her face revealed a fierceness and determination that she had never seen before!

Every time the density of bullet screens is increasing, such a large screen,

Even if Zhou Shuyi was given control of the place where the arrow was hiding, he couldn’t find a few!

The enemy’s red and yellow barrages crisscrossed back and forth, wave after wave, all angles up and down, left and right,

In all directions, “woc!!! ”

Zhou Shuyi roared angrily, accompanied by a return to the previous archive point.

The whole person withered on the spot.

The audience in the live broadcast room rarely laughed and did not pour cold water, but all encouraged Zhou Shuyi!

An anomaly of a batch!

Zhou Shuyi, who is afraid of the glass heart, directly abandons the pit in the next second without hitting.

“Don’t give up, Sister Zhou!”

“md all blame Su Chen for making games too Hades!”

“This barrage makes my scalp tingle!”

“Sister Zhou wants to think of A2! Think 2B! Dogs, dogs! ”

“If nothing else, a rocket is delivered!”

Zhou Shuyi looked up sharply: “Old lady will not give up!” ”

“Keep up the good work!!”


At the same time, the old goose live broadcast room, and the old tomato live room,

The two people’s ability to dodge the bullet screen is still much higher than Zhou Shuyi.

The progress is still slightly ahead.

However, you still can’t see the head! And

Feel more and more bullet screens! More and more names! The most outrageous thing is,

Some launch barrages by name, but also thieves hard!

The old goose controlled the arrow, fired several rounds of bullets without knocking off the shield on the name!

“I threw up!”

“Never finish the fight?!”

“The various NPC names and production staff, how there are more and more.”



As long as you are not careful,

The arrow controlled by the old goose will crash into the bullet screen in an instant, and it will disappear! And the firepower of the old goose’s side,

It can only barely eliminate the straight-line bullet screen in front of it, and the dense bullet screen that emerges next to it is basically to kill yourself!

“Our firepower can’t eliminate the barrage on the other side!”

“Outrageous and outrageous!”

“If you come with a few more arrows and a few times more firepower, you will definitely be able to do it!”

“Dream and go! How many more arrows are there for you! ”

“It would be nice if Old Thief Su Chen doesn’t let you dissipate half of your firepower later!”



I was hit by a dense barrage of bullets, and I can’t remember how many times it was.

Like other anchors and players,

Zhou Shuyi only felt the subtitle table of the incarnate bullet screen transmitter, and could not see the head at all!

What SPC name, the list of production personnel, and the various game production positions,

A whole bunch of bells and whistles, one harder than the other!

Once you are slow to deal with it, you will leave more and more names! The barrage immediately flew through the sky!

However, even if you die as a dog,

Nor has a single anchor or player given up.

Everybody is holding on!

The audience who usually likes arch fire has actually disappeared, and the remaining water is comforting and encouraging: “Resist resisting!” ”

“Question, how long is this going to be fought?”

“No head in sight!”

“Su Chen is really not human!” Can this really be passed! ”

“Fortunately, there is a big archive node, otherwise every time you hang up, you will have to fight from the beginning, too chicken torture!”

“Even if it is not enough!”

“I see that some of the anchors who used to play the Eastern Barrage game have already run to the back!”

“Sister Zhou’s hand, I’m afraid it’s not going to be tomorrow morning!”


At the same time, inside the conference room of the goose factory.

“Crazy… Absolutely insane……”

Hua Teng kept shaking his head,

The usual composure on his face had long since gone.

Neil’s game is completely beyond his own understanding!

“Since there is a new ending, why don’t you just show it directly?”

“Do you have to torture the player here?”

Hua Teng’s question,

The project leader at the bottom is also completely confused.

“This obviously doesn’t let players pass?”

“Is he Su Chen’s brain pumping?!”

“Originally this idea was barely OK……”

A goose factory project leader said sourly.

“None of us expected him to do this E ending.”

“But now that I look at it, it must be that the difficulty has not been adjusted.”

“Screwed up!”

Hua Teng nodded slightly.

It seemed that Su Chen had indeed done a smash.

Such a difficulty, just don’t want the player to pass the E ending.

Looking at the central screen of the conference room,

In the dense barrage,

Zhou Shuyi once again had no way to hide, and finally in a corner, she was swallowed up by an endless barrage of bullets.

Just by looking at it, Hua Teng felt desperate!

How did this Su Chen dare to bring this ending up?!

Easy factory this side,

Sanshi also stared at the big screen of the old goose live broadcast room, and Zhou Shuyi,

After the player’s progress in the barrage reaches a certain level, BGM begins to appear vocal chanting,

The intensity of the enemy barrage suddenly increased! Density continues unabated:

The names of the bullet screens are several times harder! The old name was not typed out, and new ones popped up again.

And then one after the other.

Even if it is an old game anchor like Old Goose, at this stage,

It’s almost impossible to do it again!

“Impossible, no player can pass the level!”

Sanshi shook his head heavily!

“That’s what tricked the players, right?”

Today, this game producer Su Chen,

In the hearts of the bosses of various large factories, it has become synonymous with ghost talents: “The brain of ghost talents has suddenly made a mistake in this way…”

“Or maybe it’s a data design error!”

“It is impossible for anyone to pass through the level with such a density of bullet screens!”

Sanshi looked at Neil inside the live broadcast room,

All anchors,

At this stage, none of them can pass! Endless barrages and names, like a sea of terror,

Devour the hopes of all anchors!

Zhou Shuyi inside the live broadcast room.

With another familiar explosion, “Boom! ”


Zhou Shuyi, like other anchors,

Falling under the name [Platinum Studio], the terrifying barrage, the shield of the horse,

A steady stream of production lists, “It’s simply impossible to clear the level!” ”

“The data design is wrong, right?”

“Is it out of BCG?”

“Heartache Sister Zhou!”

“I see the other anchors are all down here!”

“There is not a single exception!!!”

“The intensity of this barrage is outrageous.”

“Obviously, I just don’t want you to live by!”

“Platinum Studio! Evil Platinum Studio! ”

“This Platinum Studio made Neil, right?” No wonder it’s so hard. ”

“Don’t send an email to the Oasis platform mailbox!”

“Hurry up and let Su Chen fix this bug!”

“Yes, I see that Sister Zhou’s techniques are already very skilled!”

The barrage reached Zhou Shuyi’s ears,

Curiously, until now,

I still don’t have the slightest idea of giving up.

I can’t say why.

It’s a disobedient momentum!

A thought of saving A2, 2B and 9S data! merely

Ten times,

Twenty times, after thirty deaths,

Now it seems that

There really seems to be no hope… Zhou Shuyi gritted her teeth,

For the first time, I felt a little hesitant.

Does this road really go through? Assistive machines save the world, it’s ridiculous to think about!

Everything, is not just the game is laughing at its own incompetence.

Just like in the C ending and the D ending,

No matter who Zhou Shuyi chooses to help,

In the end, the ending cannot be controlled by itself.

A deep sense of powerlessness instantly engulfed Zhou Shuyi.

Also devouring other players who died dozens of times also had anchors.

Even the audience began to discuss,

Is it out of BLG, is it time to give up.

Everything, is not just Su Chen’s malicious Easter egg.

At this time, suddenly,

Zhou Shuyi in front of her eyes,

The footage that should have returned to the last save point suddenly stopped.

A line of white words clicked on the screen: “Do you want to give up here?” ”


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