Chapter 303: Are you willing to accept help!!

【Do you want to give up here】

A simple line of white letters, just typed in the center of the screen. This time unexpectedly did not read the file back to the archive point.

Instead, a soul torture is presented to the player.

Zhou Shuyi’s side was stunned at first.

Also thought what bug was triggered: “This is dead too many times?” ”

“System difficulty reduction warning?”

Zhou Shuyi was stunned to think for a while, but she still didn’t understand it.

How did such a question pop up all of a sudden?

Is it difficult to trigger something like a mentally retarded protection system? The audience in the live broadcast room is also unclear and unclear;

“Did Sister Zhou trigger any mechanism just now?”

“Wherever there is a mechanism, it is a barrage!”

“Is that because Sister Zhou hung up too many times?” The system can’t stand it! ”

“Then the difficulty should be reduced, right?”

“Old thief Su Chen still did a job back!”

“I feel that this is a bit boring” and Zhou Shuyi’s side, just hesitated for a moment,

Just like other players, without a little hesitation, directly press [No]

The light point of the arrow, which represents the auxiliary machine POD, appears again in the center of the screen

Zhou Shuyi is full of expectations,

I didn’t expect the next second,

Whether it is the name of the production team, or the launch of the barrage, it has not weakened at all,

Where to reduce the difficulty! Cross barrage, random barrage, 360-degree blockade without dead ends! From every angle, every space, Zhou Shuyi had no way to hide!

This time, Zhou Shuyi’s mentality exploded! A flash of white light,

The light point of the controlled arrow was once again drowned in the endless barrage.

The next second, in the center of the screen,

Once again, a torture question appeared:

[Do you admit that you have been defeated]………


[Is it all in vain?]


Do you think it’s just a meaningless game?


[Do you think the game is stupid]………


Live broadcast room anchors, ordinary players are good,

Now control the auxiliary machine arrow cursor to save 2B their data, and every time it fails, the system asks a question.

Every sentence is directly poking at the heart socket, and the soul is tortured!

Even tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room can’t watch it!

“Kyo Nyima is also too heartfelt.”

“It’s all soul torture!”

“Ask the hammer! Labor is to save 2B save A2 save 9S! ”

“Don’t give up, don’t give up!!”

“md wants to say that the underworld must be Su Chen’s old thief’s underworld!”

“Isn’t this pure player mentality?”

“Do you want us to save 2BA2 and 9S?”

“The key seems to have been chosen, and the difficulty has not decreased!”

“I really don’t understand!”

“This is also a yarn E ending!”

As with the audience reaction,

Zhou Shuyi is also confused,

Be asked one question after another, the brain buzzes in the head! Top!

What has already been done by the barrage of bullets is still constantly bubbling up all kinds of torture,

Zhou Shuyi now has a feeling, go to jail!

Angry and anxious! After falling down again,

In front of Zhou Shuyi’s eyes, a sentence that really pierced her heart came out: “Do you admit that this world has no meaning?”



For a moment, Zhou Shuyi really wanted to press Yes! Just think about giving up!

Even the audience in the live broadcast room couldn’t resist: “If you don’t count it, Sister Zhou.” ”

“I didn’t think Su Chen would clear the customs when I saw Su Chen!”

“It’s just tricking the players!”

“Not angry with this!”


Just when Zhou Shuyi was thinking about giving up,

On the pitch-black screen, lines of sentences emerged from a black background.

Zhou Shuyi and the audience, looking at a confused face,

These words,

It doesn’t seem to come with the game system!

Because every sentence is followed by a player ID, and the country!

[Boundaries are meant to be broken!] 】

[I’ve also walked the same path as you]

Don’t make excuses, don’t give up halfway here! 】

【The feeling of being forced into a desperate situation is really uncomfortable, but please come on】

[I’ve done it, no matter when, please stick to it] lines of white words floating around the screen,

Like the stars in the night,

In front of Zhou Shuyi, there was a glimmering light.

“Where did this all come from?”

“Did someone clear the customs?!”

“Isn’t that the ultimate master of bullet hell games?”

“I don’t believe it when I kill you!”

“Did Sister Zhou miss any plot?”

“Impossible! Old goose they also appeared in the live broadcast room these words! ”

And Zhou Shuyi’s side,

After reading these words, it was unexpected by a large number of people in the live broadcast room,

Instead, his face calmed down a lot.

Take a deep breath: “Just do it!” ”

“How could the barrage stop me from saving the three of them?!”

“Fuck the barrage!”


There is no difference with millions of players,

Zhou Shuyi once again controlled the point of light of the arrow and rushed into a sea of bullets with no end in sight!

“Well, almost.”

Su Chen looked at the live broadcast room of more than a dozen head anchors,

None of them gave up, but everyone was still beaten by the bullet screen and their noses were blue and swollen, and every anchor was wailing!

In the face of endless barrages,

Players are reaching the limit of their patience.

If the progress is similar, it should be a famous scene now.

Su Chen checked the archive records of the next server,

“This blue star really has a bullet screen big guy, and it is quite possible to play.”

“But just a few archives, I’m afraid it’s not enough…”

“Add a few more archives to you.”

“The rest is up to you.”

At this moment, Su Chen finally experienced the fun of Neil’s original facet, the old thief cross-tail!

“Look at how the world will evolve!”

【Archive sending…】

Zhou Shuyi’s side, once again, fell into the sea of bullets.

The name of the huge platinum studio, and several layers of shields,

Exaggerated firing of various irregular bullet screens, motionless in the center of the screen,

It’s like laughing at Zhou Shuyi’s incompetence!

Do you want to give up here? 】

On the screen, the first question at the beginning reappears……… And this time,

Zhou Shuyi, like other players, almost trembled and pressed, [No]!

Just this one press almost exhausted all his courage! If you do it again,

Zhou Shuyi herself doubted,

I’m afraid I’ll abandon the pit completely and never touch Neil again for the rest of my life! Other anchors, old goose and old tomato, are exactly the same.

Almost all trembling press denial!

At this moment,

The anchors are holding their breath, their bodies are trembling, ready to usher in what may be their last attempt! Simultaneous engraving,

The top management of the goose factory and the person in charge of the factory are watching this scene with schadenfreude.

At the same time, a thought flashed through my mind: “It is obviously the pot of numerical failure, and now playing chicken blood makes the player persist?” ”

“Su Chen, you messed up!!!”

……… But

At the moment when Zhou Shuyi pressed No,

In the game, it does not enter the sea of bullets again as everyone imagined

Instead, a question popped up:

Are you willing to accept help? 】

Zhou Shuyi, exhausted and almost reaching her limit, trembled for the first time, pressing,


The audience in the live broadcast room immediately sighed: “It seems that this is the option to reduce the difficulty!” ”

“Oh it’s still too cheesy…”

“Old thief Su Chen, this is really a failure!” Wouldn’t it be nice to start by choosing the lowest difficulty? ”

“Scattered! There’s an ending knocking me out! ”

“Sleeper…… It doesn’t seem to be a reduction in difficulty!!! ”

“Wrong!! What is it? ”

“Lying in a big groove!!”

The next moment the system asks questions disappear,

A line of neatly arranged words appears at the top of the screen! Before Zhou Shuyi could see clearly,

The Sea of Barrages reappears.

And this time, all the players, all the audience, were shocked to find out,

Next to the single arrow light point that you control, actually,

There was another flash of white light! And then there’s the second way, the third way,

……… The sixth way!

Six points of light, transformed into identical six arrows, surround the player,

Firmly protect the player

Six times more firepower, instantly spewed out! At this point,

The ending song BGM also unknowingly, from a female chant to a group chorus!

“This is… Other players?! ”

“Is the computer helping?”

“Obviously there is no connection!”

“Could it be…”

When the audience in the live broadcast room was guessing, Zhou Shuyi did not react in shock,

Control of the seven arrows, suddenly shattered one! Bang broken arrows, in the instant of disappearing,

A line appears at the bottom of the screen:

[Always like the archive of Miss 2B, has been lost] Zhou Shuyi, instantly exploded!

There is no audience in the live broadcast room who is not stunned and petrified!

Shocked beyond belief:

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