Chapter 304 I am willing to use my life’s archive to block a bullet for you!!

【Always like the archive of Miss 2B Sister, lost】



Zhou Shuyi’s pupils narrowed sharply,

It’s like there’s a torrent rushing through my head! The brain is completely blank!

On the level of consciousness,

Even the hands don’t listen to their own commands!

“Archive lost?”


“This is the player’s save?!!”

Shock overwhelmed everyone like a tsunami! Immediately followed by a gush of sadness,

It’s like the huge waves after the tsunami, which spread in everyone’s hearts.

Everyone was still in shock, and their whole body was petrified! I can’t hear anything in my head except the buzzing!

“It won’t be… The player saved to help block the bullets, right? ”

A barrage floats across the public screen,

Instantly explode all viewers in the live broadcast room!

“Is it really a real player who helps block the gun…?”

“Always like Miss 2B, this iron is a real player!”

“Nope! Why is that?! Why would a live player save out of the game? ”

“Isn’t it not online now?”

“I went to see the other live broadcast rooms, exactly the same!”

“As long as you choose someone who is willing to accept help, all of them have a full six arrows and six times the firepower!”

“Did you choose to receive help?”

“take a fool and you’ll be so iron!”

In the blink of an eye,

The palms of her hands were all sweaty, and Zhou Shuyi didn’t pay attention to it, and hit a wave of bullet screens!


The arrow light point that protected Zhou Shuyi’s rotation was one less! Zhou Shuyi again,

Feel what is called, the heart is like a knife! Not surprisingly,

The arrow that protected him slammed into pieces, disappearing into darkness.

Below the screen,

A faint line of words;

“A2 I like your archive so much, permanently lost” Zhou Shuyi could not say a word,

I didn’t even have time to wipe away my tears, clenched my teeth, and controlled the arrow to continue,

Dodge, shoot! And the live broadcast room exploded again!

“Hang another one in the groove!”

“Is this really a real person?”

“Real people archive! Did you get this ID name by computer? ”

“Old Nyima woman, don’t shake your hands!”

“There are only four left!” In this way down and want to send! ”

“It’s all someone else’s life’s work to archive ah!”

“How the hell did this come about?!”

The moment the archive arrow disappears,

Zhou Shuyi’s firepower on this side was immediately weakened by one point! This is the other way,

The pressure on the barrage is getting bigger and bigger!

Just when Zhou Shuyi’s heart was like a knife twisting, and her liver was trembling, the edge of the game screen,

Two more player save arrows floated in!

Then in the blink of an eye, she joined Zhou Shuyi’s queue,

Six archival arrows, once again tightly protecting Zhou Shuyi in the middle! In the picture, the red and yellow barrage on the opposite side is more encrypted,

Almost every bullet screen wiped the six player save arrows around Zhou Shuyi!

Under the theme song BGM of the vocal chorus,

The player’s save keeps shattering, disappearing, and then turning into a faint line of white words: “The save of the Little Angel 9S, permanently lost.” ”

“The archive of my marriage to 2B is lost permanently.”

“Su Chen’s old thief’s archive is permanently lost.”

“Zhou Shuyi’s husband’s save, permanently lost” a player ID, constantly floating below the screen, every time Zhou Shuyi was forced into a desperate situation,

Always save one player after another, helping to block the fatal blow! Tragic

But with blood!

The bullet screen in the live broadcast room has also changed from a fancy spray Zhou Shuyi operating vegetables into a dog, into a variety of tears, sadness and encouragement!

However, the game did not give Zhou Shuyi at all, and there were other viewers left time to digest these:

Whether it is sadness or remembrance, any kind of emotion, on the battlefield,

All belong to the privilege of the victor.

In the blink of an eye, another wave of production team names came with a barrage! No rules, no dead ends!

Zhou Shuyi and the six strange player save arrows, like a small boat in a fierce wind and waves,

If you are not careful, you will be buried in a huge wave! At this moment, Zhou Shuyi only had one feeling,

That is what you control in your own hands, and what you carry on your body is not just your own data and hope.

There are also six complete strangers, as well as the weight of players who block deadly bullets for themselves!

The audience in the live broadcast room, fingers clasped white, eyes red!

Staring dead at the arrow controlled by Zhou Shuyi,

Don’t even blink your eyelids!

“Show me the slot and cry.”

“Every arrow is an archive!”

“What a save for other players! Sleeps in a slot!! ”

“Who is so kind to cry?”

“Come on Sister Zhou!!”

“Resist resisting!”

“Otherwise that player’s save will be dead in vain!”

“Come on!!!”

The list of various production personnel who were still rock solid before, after Zhou Shuyi was inspired to the ultimate skill, under the six-fold bullet screen firepower,

As crisp as a piece of paper!

The situation on the field, a little bit reversed!

Representing Zhou Shuyi, representing the auxiliary machine POD rescue 2B, and the white bullet screen representing the will of countless other strange players,

Little by little, crush countless red and yellow barrages! At this moment,

Whether it is Zhou Shuyi and other anchors and players, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room,

Finally seeing hope!!

From the beginning of the C and D endings, the emotions that have been suppressed, the kind of desperate efforts to see the real hope,

The kind of sadness of the last days, unable to be helpless and powerless to save even one life,

The kind of fate that can only watch A2 and 2B, in the trajectory of fate that others have designed thousands of years ago,

Helplessly, step by step, towards destruction!

And even if he has the heart to kill the enemy, he is powerless to return to heaven!

After three weeks of hard work, is it really an illusion in the end?! All the depression, the confusion, the sadness and the pain, the helplessness,

Now it’s like a spring that has been compressed to the limit, completely breaking free of the shackles,

Burst out!

Under the louder and louder chorus BGM, Zhou Shuyi, and the emotions of the audience, erupted like a volcano!

Every save, like a player’s memory.

Every time Zhou Shuyi receives an archive, it is like A2 accepts 2B’s memory!

The thick bullet screen in the game is several times larger, and the name of the original invincible production team is killed

Outside the game, the live screen full of bullet screen brushes fly!

“May the glory of mankind last forever!!!”

“They fought for humanity, and now we fight for them!”

“This setting is really middle two……… But this second grade just touched me! ”

“Let the production team see the power of our players!”

“Everyone, please lend me strength!”

“Leave us with the uneven road ahead!” Come on the production team to fight to the death!! ”

“The auxiliary machine is completely destroyed, and standing next to you is all mankind!”

“The hymn of humanity is the hymn of courage!”

“The greatness of mankind is the greatness of courage!”

“I’m willing to use my life’s save just to help you block a bullet!”

“But please, be sure to bring the three of them back!!!”

Ask for a monthly pass and ask for various tickets QAQ

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