Chapter 305 The Final Showdown, The Weight of the World!!

“And this kind of operation?”

“Impossible… When pigs fly! ”

Hua Teng stared at the large screen in the conference room,

The expression on his face could no longer be described in any words.

Searching through the world’s dictionaries, I can’t find an accurate adjective!

The next few project leaders, as well as the highlight of the plan to prepare for the fall of the gods tonight,

Now they are all staring at the big screen in the conference room one by one.

What projects and plans are in the brain,

It has long been thrown to the unknown side.

Hua Teng himself, where has seen this kind of gameplay! Never thought about it!

Just like his own three views, they were all subverted by Su Chen! In the eyes of these project leaders of other goose factories, such a simple and extreme way of playing,

Just a game of bullet screening,

Can you actually make everyone scream together? Actually let everyone follow along?!

Even the few big anchors who usually have first-class expression management, let the wind and rain thunder and thunder are hippie smiley faces,

Right now

It’s all crying a mess!? Also crying and playing!

“Outrageous… Is this being deceived? ”

Female anchors also count,

Even those old geese these older male anchors also followed a tearful face?!

That nose sucks and sucks, shoulders shake non-stop, definitely not live broadcast effect!

“Shoot down the barrage.”

“See how those spectators react.”

As a result, Hua Teng just opened the large screen bullet screen, full screen bullet screen, directly brushed the public screen!

Even more than a card burst!

Hua Teng has always attached the most importance to the feedback of the user experience of leeks, which makes him look stupid!

The audience and the anchor players exploded emotionally together to such a degree that Hua Teng had never seen it in the live broadcast industry!

“These people…… Doesn’t it seem like you’re acting? ”

A manager in charge of the counter-war marketing project, the words are trembling this live broadcast effect,

Isn’t it the goose factory marketing department, has always wanted to do and can’t do!

“It’s simply the highest realm of live broadcasting!”

As soon as this sentence was uttered, the promotion project manager immediately regretted it.

Nervously turned his head to look at Hua Teng.

Only then did he find out that Hua Teng was as if he hadn’t heard his own words.

Staring at the screen full of bullet screens,

The calm in his eyes has long since disappeared, and he is full of doubts about his own goose birth!

Now this scene, for Hua Teng, can not understand in any way!

Originally thought that Su Chen designed the value wrong, or just wanted to trick the player did not expect that now it is to let other strange players’ archives come to help,

Even more outrageously,

It can only help block a bullet screen!

“Where did these archives of his” come from!? ”

Hua Teng suddenly burst out a sentence,

“Is there really anyone willing to contribute their own archive?”

The project leader of the bottom few oilheads and flour noodles barely removed his eyes from the screen.

You look at me and I look at you,

What we see in each other’s eyes is all incomprehension, confusion, and even doubt life!

“We don’t know…”

“Impossible Hua Zong!”

“What fool would do such a thing?”

“Definitely what trick Su Chen played!”

“The problem is that those encouraging messages, as well as player IDs, are really not like the fake Ah Hua Teng’s face is so black that it can no longer be black.”

“That is Su Chen’s hands and feet behind his back, isn’t he a cloud archive?” Force those archives to be requisitioned! ”

After Hua Teng said this, he seemed to still want to hint at himself, and he kept nodding his head!

“Li Feng!”

Li Feng, the head of the propaganda department, quickly stood up, and his legs under the table were trembling!

I’m afraid that Hua Teng will now send the evil fire to his head!

After all, I was self-defeating, bought a lot of hot search black material,

I didn’t expect to finally make a wedding dress for Su Chen’s game! Red carpet! Bring a big wave of streams to Neil’s game!

“… What did Mr. Hua command? ”

“Ask your people to check to see if any of the player’s saves have been misappropriated!”

“Where the idiot would have contributed to his own archive?!”

“Just check out the stupid players who block bullets for these two-dimensional anchors!”

“Either copy and paste, or Su Chen played with all of us!”

With a bang, Hua Teng’s handle was slapped against the table! The face is black and white, red and green,

It’s like a rainbow neon sign!

When Li Feng heard this, although he was completely confused about how to check,

This thing is simple to say, where to find these players?!

However, Hua Teng was angry, and Li Feng could only hurry to accept it.

After speaking, Hua Teng stood up angrily,

A push of the chair,

I walked straight out of the conference room! Leave a group of project leaders looking at each other:

Looking at the big screen of the conference room full screen barrage live broadcast room, stunned!

At the same time, the top management of various game manufacturers,

Looking at Zhou Shuyi, these head anchors,

Most people were shocked beyond belief.

A small number of them have even secretly placed orders to buy games on the Oasis platform! Some of the high-rises,

Even whisper along to the game’s ending song! In normal times,

That is, the ordinary bullet screen game, now in Neil,

It’s a completely different picture! Simple, but shocking!

Looking at Zhou Shuyi’s live broadcast room,

Wave after wave of ferocious barrages struck,

And Zhou Shuyi’s side, one archive after another is lost! But

There is still a steady stream,

One by one, save by save, turn into an arrow point of light to protect the player, join the battlefield and these saves,

All from complete strangers! shock

Or shocking! Shock to the extreme!

Shocked to a thought, these high-level people can’t figure it out!

So where is the idiot who would take his own archive to block only one bullet for others?!

“It must have been transferred by Su Chen privately!”

“Or it’s fake!”

“Impossible… Impossible……”

“This is exactly what it does…”

All the academic qualifications and qualifications, these high-level people who have long been high in the sky, now they can’t figure it out even if they are killed!

“This is the first archive to be lost?”

“Does anyone remember?”

“It seems to be the fifteenth…”

“I really can’t stop crying!”

Now in Zhou Shuyi’s live broadcast room,

Every time Zhou Shuyi is killed by an arrow and a save is dropped, a screen is swiped.






Even if it is a viewer with high tear points,

They all finally couldn’t help it, one by one in front of the screen, howling and crying! Regardless of age, regardless of language,

Regardless of life and game experience! In a save made by a strange player,

In order to protect Zhou Shuyi, in order to protect the player, it shattered in the sea of bullets,

Disappear in front of the screen,

Just leave a very simple word: “xxx archive data, lost]

No audience, no player, can not be infected by this emotion!

Then erupt like a volcanic tsunami!

“I also cried when my mother was a few dozen years old.”

“I haven’t cried in decades.”

“What a middle two game! But I just can’t help it! ”

“Instant tears!”

“The tears can’t be stopped!”

“The greatest side of humanity!”

“Rush, punch! Chong: Don’t let them down! ”

“Rewrite an ending, an ending we all want!”

“Beat up the production team! Beat Su Chen! ”

“Kill the fate of this hook eight!!!”

“May the glory of mankind last forever!!!”

“Up, up, up, up! Then there is hope ahead! It’s the future! ”

“2B! A2! 9S! 21o! Commander!!! ”

“In this life, I am fortunate to be with all the kings!”

Theme song, World Weight, weightoftheworld,

Also in one player save protection, shatter, disappear, reach the climax!

“This is my song of redemption.”

“Now I need you more than ever.”

“That’s why we’re all going to cry out now.”

“Even if our words are meaningless.”

“It’s like we’re bearing the weight of the whole world.”

“I hope at some point, somewhere.”

“I can save everyone.”

“If I insist on believing in my dreams.”

“Maybe it will become a reality…”

At this moment,

Zhou Shuyi was already in tears, her chest was rising and falling violently, and her snot and tears were rushing down together.

At this moment,

All players only feel that they are carrying the hope of all mankind! All the sacrifices to protect, all the sorrows to move,

Just for the ultimate goal, to save the world! And this moment,

The name of the game producer has finally appeared in the vast sea of bullets! In the eyes of Zhou Shuyi, in the eyes of the audience,

All erupted with a volcanic eruption-like rage! Shocking!

How much was sacrificed, how much was carried, and how much was persisted, this moment, finally and the big boss behind the scenes,

Usher in the final showdown obstacle!

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