Chapter 306 Everything is as calm and beautiful as it was at the beginning!!

A white light flashed.

The name of the game producer Su Chen,

Under the bombardment of Zhou Shuyi and six other strange players’ save arrows, they shattered into countless points of light.

Dissipated into pitch black.

The red and yellow, dense barrage of bullets, had dissipated at this moment.


Zhou Shuyi stared at the picture in front of her in a daze, as if she couldn’t believe her eyes.


So frozen in this moment, all the production team members, all the voice actors,

And the names of every character that has ever existed in the game, at this moment,

It’s like a slideshow that skims through everyone’s mind.

“This… It’s over? ”

Zhou Shuyi looked blankly at the darkness in front of her, only her own arrow was flashing.

Tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room also stopped the bullet screen that was constantly sent in their hands, and everyone was expecting something.

Seems to be afraid of something again.

The archive on the public screen loses the counting bacteria, and also stays at ‘x20’.

“Is it all over?”

“What’s next?”

“A2, 2B and 9S, can they really come back?”

“Is all this just a nothingness…”

In the hearts of every audience, questions of one kind or another arise.

A brief pause of a few seconds,

In the eyes of Zhou Shuyi and the audience in the live broadcast room,

It’s like a day, a month, a year is so long….

A few seconds later,

The points of light controlled by Zhou Shuyi turned into dots of light and scattered around the screen.

Every bit of light, like the sun had just risen, eventually illuminated the entire pitch-black screen.

They are designed to be beings capable of destroying everything. 】

[In the spiral of life and death,]

“They” have been imprisoned and have been struggling. 】

[But…… In the struggle in those reincarnations, that is the meaning of being alive] auxiliary machine 042, finally after a long journey,


Zhou Shuyi looked at the figure of 042 through the thick fog, becoming clearer and clearer, and her whole body could not stop trembling!

Tears are stored around the eye sockets, and they are about to burst out of the embankment! The audience in the live broadcast room also began to tremble with excitement! 042 said ‘they’,

Obviously, it refers to the leaf sending troops,

Refers to the A2, 2B, 9S of the Leaf Troops!

“We”, think so.] 】

A patch of fog cleared, and the auxiliary aircraft 042 seemed to be flying towards a distant destination.

【From auxiliary machine 042 to 153…… What is the status? The auxiliary 153, at this time, also flies out of the picture. It’s just not quite the same as 042,

The white body was only the core that was still intact, and the other parts had been completely damaged as if it had experienced a bloody battle of life and death.

Carried by another auxiliary aircraft, he flew with the auxiliary aircraft 153 to an increasingly familiar place:

Players have fought for three weeks in mechanical cities.

Auxiliary machine 042: [……… Embarrassment]

Auxiliary 153: [Where is the embarrassment?] 】

Auxiliary Machine 042: [I attacked with the consciousness of self-sacrifice, but I am still alive…]

[In this way, not cool at all] 042 voice falls,

Zhou Shuyi suddenly burst into tears! Crying and laughing! Crying and laughing!

The tears that had long been stored in the eye sockets erupted like a torrent! Tears poured down!

Even Zhou Shuyi herself didn’t know why.

Instead, it was a light-hearted joke that eventually triggered all the viewers in his biggest tear room.

And no one can hold back.

In this seemingly funny sentence of 042, all expectations, sadness, regret and unwilling emotions,

Erupt like a flash flood!

The same is true for other players, streamers.

042 a sentence of light ridicule,

Finally removed the strength that everyone had disguised.

Shredding the disguise of everyone in reality,

Three weeks of eye, the final bullet screen game,

Suffering all the grievances, unwillingness, pain, regret, and anger, this moment,

Finally all released…….

“! The tears couldn’t stop whining. ”

“I’m getting my keyboard wet.”

“Obviously, it is a funny sentence, why can it make people cry?”

“While crying and laughing, my roommate asked me if I had a brain twitch!”

“The phone screen was pasted, and someone asked me if I had just licked the grass on my phone.”

“it’s so good to cry 5555.”

“I ran out of tissues, and my roommate thought I was doing my handiwork.”

“I said, the auxiliary machine is the protagonist…”

“The auxiliary machine actually represents the player’s will…”

“When I say this, I have to cry and whine.”

“Life and death are impermanent, and human feelings are constant.”

“Auxiliary I’m sorry I always thought you guys were pink and black……”


In the picture,

Auxiliary 153, the mechanic became soft for the first time: “Anyway, we are still alive.” 】

[Although a little shameful…]

Auxiliary machine 042: [This conversation record is too abstract, it is indeed a bit beyond our understanding, for the time being, save it as a record that needs to be parsed.] 】

Zhou Shuyi, the audience in the live broadcast room saw these two auxiliary machines asking questions and answers, crying more fiercely, laughing more fiercely,

Crying and laughing,

I feel like I’m going to have a split personality!

Auxiliary 153: [Now ask a question to 042]

[Data recovery, have they all recovered their past memories?] Auxiliary machine 042; 【Yes】

042 This sentence Yes,

Everyone, the big stone in your heart fell to the ground in an instant! Zhou Shuyi often exhaled,

The split symptoms of crying and laughing are much better.

In the live broadcast room, the mood of the audience also began to slowly calm down.

Auxiliary Machine 153: [Is this restored part the same as the previous memory part?] 】

Auxiliary machine 042: [Yes.] 】

The auxiliary machine 153 voice suddenly became hesitant:

Wouldn’t that lead to the same result as previous reincarnations? 】

Auxiliary machine 153: [This possibility is not excluded.] 】


[Different results may also occur.] 】

In the picture, behind the auxiliary aircraft 042 and 153, many other auxiliary aircraft flew in,

Together into the field of vision of players and spectators! Fly towards the ruined city!

The audience in the live broadcast room is boiling with painstaking efforts!

“Sleeper! Better! ”

“Is it the auxiliary aircraft of the other sisters of the Leaf Troops?”

“Do we all have hope!!”

“My 21o my commander’s sister!”

“Lots and lots of auxiliary machines!”

“Memories are restored!”

“We must be happy in the future!!!”

“Tears came to my eyes again.”

“QAQ”, “Fuck it”, “There will be a good ending!” ”

Auxiliary aircraft 042 and 153, together with the 153, flew to a ruined high-rise platform.

On the high-rise platform,

Two black dots the size of a humanoid figure were getting clearer and clearer.

Zhou Shuyi could hear her own pounding heartbeat!

One by one, the audience clenched their fists, and their eyes were eager to stick directly to the screen.

Everyone guessed it, but didn’t dare say it!

I was afraid that the fragile hope would be shattered by even one bullet screen of my own.

[Because the future is not given, but something that needs to be obtained].

Auxiliary machine 042 said the last sentence,

Quietly resting on top of two humanoids lying together.

2B, and 9S,

Lie quietly on the high platform.

Several pigeons, flying over the heads of the two men, flew into the distance.

Flying onto a ruin in the distance,

In front of a large window, A2, a snow white soft long hair, sat quietly on the window frame,

Look farther away, at the sun rising from the horizon.

The darkness dissipated, and the first rays of sunlight came after dawn,

Sprinkle on A2’s white body.

Everything, it looks like it all starts at the beginning of the story.

Calm, simple.


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