Chapter 308 Even so, are you still willing to save them?!!

“For players who haven’t cleared Neil’s Mechanical Age.”

“What do you want to say?”

Zhou Shuyi looked at this sentence on the screen with pity, and her brain did not react at once.

Originally, the sound of auxiliary machines 153 and 042 appeared again, and when the screen went black,

I’m ready,

It was to prevent Su Chen from engaging in any more moths. The audience in the live broadcast room has exactly the same idea.

And all of a sudden,

Ask yourself what you want to say to the player?

Or for players who haven’t cleared Neil’s Mechanical Age? Tens of millions of spectators, instantly confused!

“The sleeping trough scares me a lot!”

“I thought Su Chen was going to do the whole thing again!”

“It was a questionnaire?!”

“I don’t understand, what do you mean to say to a player who hasn’t passed the level?”

“Yes, the estimate of not clearing customs directly abandoned the pit?”

“How else do you hear what you’re going to say?”

“It feels a little inexplicable!”

At this time, not only Zhou Shuyi was confused,

Old goose, old tomato, these anchors who have passed the customs one after another, are also at a loss! What exactly does this mean?

What if someone messes up spoilers?

And how to ensure that those players who have not completed the level can see their own messages? The more I think about it, the more wrong it is!

Just when everyone, confused, confused,

Zhou Shuyi, the old goose, the old tomato, and the players who have passed the level have appeared in front of the dialogue option box.

Now everyone understands,

It turned out that I had to say what I wanted to say to the player who didn’t pass the level, and that was the original meaning!

【We are all the same】

【I have walked the same road】

【I will not give up】

From a bunch of alternatives,

The player can select a variety of different statements and then combine them.

【Take out your bloodiness!】 】

【I’m cheering you on】

【Don’t give up】

【We are with you】

Just like a pre-programme, although there are so many options,

But the emotions and will expressed can break through the limitations here! This form of ‘language creation’,

Let Zhou Shuyi old goose these anchors, as well as the audience water friends, everyone is bright!

Of course, there are not only positive encouraging emotions, but there are also many negative emotional words in the options.


From Zhou Shuyi to Lao Goose to other anchors, as long as you can see the live broadcast room,

No anchor chooses the word negative emotion! Because of this moment,

Everybody remembers,

Before using a single machine arrow, when he was beaten by the bullet screen and urinated, dead and alive,

Every time I want to give up,

There is a word of encouragement from the strange player ID that appears on the screen.

I have to say,

It is because of the repeated encouragement of strangers that many people have insisted on coming to the present!

And now,

They will put this encouragement from strange players, warmth from strange players, kindness from strange players,

From the words you choose, pass them on!

Zhou Shuyi struggled for a while.

Only then did I choose a sentence that I thought was gentle and encouraging to others.

“When did Sister Zhou become so gentle?”

“The sun is coming out of the west!”

“A day ago you told me that the old woman was live like this, and I would think you were throwing coins!”

“It’s good not to use player recording!”

“Haha, if you step on the horse to let Sister Zhou open your mouth, directly dissuade a large number of players!”

“Sure enough, the dumb anchor Zhou Shuyi is the most perfect!”

Zhou Shuyi chose a good sentence here, and the auxiliary machine 042 opened his mouth again:

[Auxiliary machine 042, notify the player] Zhou Shuyi instantly felt a tightness in her heart!

Now what kind of flower work Su Chen can do has completely exceeded his imagination! Looking at tens of millions of viewers, and all the players,

No one could do what Su Chen was going to do next!

“Wouldn’t the groove have to do the whole thing again?”

“Su Chen, I advise you to be good to yourself!” Stop! ”

“This ending is pretty good!”

“Guan broadcast the brothers, just now is the most perfect ending: Su Chen old thief don’t want to stab me again!”

[You lost countless lives in the final game.] The sound of the auxiliary machine 042, as calm as ever,

You are the one who understands this pain and suffering. 042 voice drops,

Zhou Shuyi’s head clicked like a rattle!

Old goose old tomato these anchors, but also clenched fists,

In the last bullet screen game, the torture and loss of life, as long as it is experienced by the player,

It will only be remembered for a lifetime!

How could it be forgotten!

042’s voice, a rare hint of hesitation: “You are not going to fight…… Save the Weak]



Zhou Shuyi’s brow frowned slightly, does this still need to be asked? The emotions are all on this one,

Naturally, without hesitation, I clicked it directly!

[As long as you choose this option, you can save the world…… Someone]

Zhou Shuyi was already holding her breath at this time.

My own heartbeat has never been so violent! You can even feel a trace of sweat oozing from your forehead! The audience in the live broadcast room, a quiet bullet screen is not sent,

At the same time, a sentence sounded in everyone’s mind: “So, what is the price?” ”

Play all the way down, look down,

Neil Mechanical Age This game has long told Zhou Shuyi and the audience that anything has a price.

042 sound slightly delayed:

[The price is…… Lose all saved data. 】

Even so, are you willing to save someone you don’t know? 】




Silence, or silence.

Endless silence suddenly enveloped Zhou Shuyi,

Covering every anchor and player facing this problem also envelops every viewer in the live broadcast room.

No one has reacted yet.


A blank.

Everyone’s mind went blank, like a thunderbolt.

“Lose all the saved data” moment,

Zhou Shuyi finally understood,

A question that has been buried in his heart is,

Before the endless stream, forward and backward,

How did the strange archive of sacrificing for yourself and blocking off the deadly bullets come about!!

“…… Sleeper……”

“Isn’t it…”

“Is this true?”

“I don’t believe it…”

At this moment, some players hesitated,

Some viewers are entangled: some anchors have flinched.

Faced with the ‘yes’ or ‘no’ options,

The difficulty of making a decision is like a thousand weights! Pressed on everyone’s heart!…

Zhou Shuyi took a deep breath,

The few seconds of thinking just passed were as long as centuries.

And now this moment,

Zhou Shuyi herself has already made a decision.


Auxiliary 042: [Rescued objects will be randomly selected.] 】

[So that object……]

[The object of your help.] 】

[Probably someone you hate.] 】

[It may be someone you don’t know.] 】

[It may be that you will not have intersecting people before, now, and in the future.] 】

Even so, are you willing to save others? 】

Zhou Shuyi shook her hands, and her breathing rate began to increase.

The eyes that had dried up so hard began to roll again.

“……… Be. ”

Auxiliary 042, still not sticky:

[The various modes and story chapters that you worked so hard to unlock…]

[It will also not be used.] 】

Even so, are you willing to save others? Zhou Shuyi’s breathing began to become incoherent,

The hands trembled even more, and the chest began to rise and fall.


“…… Be. ”

The voice of the auxiliary machine 042 has never been so impersonal: “Even if you save others, you may not be thanked.” 】

Your actions may be considered hypocrisy. 】

Even so, are you willing to save others? 】


Zhou Shuyi, at this moment, is like a little girl who has been stripped of her most beloved toy, falling to the ground,

Covering his chest, his shoulders twitching, the cries were clearly audible.

“Whoops…… Yes…”

Auxiliary 042, at this point has been killed crazy: “Really…… Do you really want to continue? Hesitation………

Still hesitant.

Crying fierce Zhou Shuyi, this time,

After a long time, the ‘yes’ button was not pressed.

Instead, he buried his head deep in his knees, didn’t say a word, and sobbed almost out of breath!

The audience in the live broadcast room has been silent until now, and there are blood marks on their own palms with their own fists.

More is also accompanying Zhou Shuyi, crying together! Especially the old audience who watched all the way,

Which is not already, have long since put themselves into the immersion into the game! I am 2B, 9S, A2!

Now delete the archive,

It’s like forcibly removing a scene of journey, one character after another, from their own bodies, hollowing out!

Tears, dripping down little, wet the keyboard, screen, blurred vision.

Only a few viewers with extremely strong psychology can still tremble and play bullet screens; “I… Yes…”

“Can you back up the archive…”

“……… Can’t………”

“Archives are all cloud archives are backed up in Oasis servers…”

“@ Eimiya Shiro…… Hypocrisy…”

“It’s too poignant for these questions……”

“Better to give it a hard time!” Direct willing! ”

“The more I asked, the more my heart hurt.”

“When it comes time to make the first choice, you shouldn’t hesitate now!”

“Don’t say 042 please don’t say it.”

“If you really say it, you will shake 0.8555.”

“Old thief Su Chen was testing humanity on a horse!”


At this moment, not only Zhou Shuyi,

Old goose, old tomato, each anchor,

There are also ordinary players who have passed the level to this one after another, and every question of 042 is asked,

There was a group of people who hesitated and stood still.

Resolutely willing from the beginning.

To the final entanglement, not to give up.

The scenes experienced together with the characters in the game, with the question of 042, frame by frame appeared in everyone’s brain.

It was a scene of fighting with 2B in the ruins of the factory.

It was met in the village of Pascal, and there was little warmth between the Android machine.

It was the 9S, and every time I tried my best to protect the A2 picture.

That was the shock of meeting A2 for the first time in Forest King.

It was in the amusement park, and it was shocking to see that alien machinery was also chasing after the time of becoming a human.

That was every moment spent in the Battlestar Galactica base, with the commander, the correspondents 6o, 21o.

And now,

These memories, these feelings, these experiences, all the journeys,

Both are deleted.


Zhou Shuyi lifted her fingers, which were almost completely out of her control, and trembled under the point,


“Even so, I am willing to save them.”

“Even if… Give me everything. ”

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