Chapter 309 Archive, Delete!!

The whole body trembled, the shoulders twitched wildly,

Zhou Shuyi, who was already unable to cry, trembled and chose ‘yes’.

“Even so, still willing to help save others.”

This was Zhou Shuyi’s final decision.

When the audience in the live broadcast room saw the moment when Zhou Shuyi chose ‘yes’, it directly brushed the screen full of bullet screens: “Woohoo!! ”

“I cry!”

“Old thief Su Chen! Sure enough, another hand was buried! ”

“Sister Zhou, I’ll brush you a gift!”

“Heartache died QAQ.”

“Hearted old iron!!”

“The questions asked are cruel and sharp!”

“Seriously, if you want to change my words, you don’t want to.”

“Yes, I will!!”

“Ahead, but hell!!”

“Let’s have more questions like this.”

“The one in front of the groove, are you human?”

When I don’t know how long it took,

When Zhou Shuyi finally made this decision, “Even so, I am still willing to save others.” ”

Tears in the live broadcast room, like an erupting flash flood,

Pour out! The deepest torture of human nature is no more than that.

One after another, old goose old tomato,

Other players who had stopped before the first few soul tortures also made a decision one by one, “Yes.” ”

【……… I know. 】

The mechanical sound of the auxiliary machine 042 has never been so hesitant as it is now!

[Really…… Really? 】


【…… I see. 】

After a wave of emotional outbursts,

Whether it is Zhou Shuyi or the audience in the live broadcast room, it is becoming more and more determined!

The previous hesitation and hesitation have become less and less!

The memories and pictures that kept passing through my brain finally came to the final bullet hell game.

One by one, the strange players who stepped forward to protect their own archives and rushed out without hesitation made Zhou Shuyi’s heart instantly clear!

Isn’t it just a moth archive data, take it well!

The mood between the live broadcast is even more turbulent: “it’s really wordy! ”

“Even so, I don’t regret this decision!”

“I also want others to feel the warmth of being saved!”

“After contributing the archive, team up to stab Su Chen’s old thief!”

“The hymn of humanity is the hymn of courage!” Pass it on! ”

“you have calmed down, see you barrage and cry again!”

“It’s so good, it’s so good, it’s so good…”


The voice of the auxiliary machine 042, once again became calm and firm: [At the cost of all the data…]

I will convey your meaning to the world. 】

Zhou Shuyi was full of tears, sucked her nose hard, and the sharp rise and fall of her chest calmed down a little.

Finally made a decision, now,

Zhou Shuyi only felt that her whole body was suddenly much more relaxed! What you can do now is to be with the audience in the live broadcast room,

Wait quietly.

At this moment, the silence of the live broadcast room is a little scary.

No one knows, no one guesses,

What kind of way will Su Chen use to let Zhou Shuyi’s archived data help strangers.

“It’s like waiting for a verdict to be pronounced.”

“So nervous!”

“Feel the malice of Su Chen’s old thief!”

“Won’t there be a BGM at this time?”

“If only I had a little regret by now!”

“Will you delete the number directly later?”

“Never let me in the game again?”

“Or does the computer just freeze?”

“Maybe it’s just a snap of a notification and then just quit the game?”


Nourishing… Nourishing…

The original dark picture once again lit up like dawn.

Zhou Shuyi looked at the picture in front of her with pity,

The mood that had been trying to calm down was rolling in waves!

A wave is higher than a wave!

Tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room are even more stunned to watch! Eyes almost pop out!

Because it appears before your eyes,

It’s not some other strange picture.

But it is Shuyi Chow, the player, the audience are the most familiar with the Neil game pause menu screen!

[Map], [Mission], [Weapon], [Skill] are all listed in the menu bar.

Each one represents Zhou Shuyi’s journey of more than a dozen dozens of hours since the beginning of the week,

All the hard work that has been accumulated! Zhou Shuyi in her heart,

It felt like being slammed into the air!

Pain! It hurts!

One after another mission records that they are familiar with, the weapons collected, the skills learned,

It’s like being wiped away by an invisible eraser, one by one.

With the sound of nourishing currents,

Word by word disappeared before his eyes.

Zhou Shuyi, who has cried many times tonight, once again,

Tears burst out!


“Too fierce, Su Chen…”

“Lying in the groove is like cutting meat with a blunt knife!”

“Old thief Su Chen really has yours!!”

“Public and direct execution.”

“Delete the archive in person! Also deliberately deleted so slowly! One skill item weapon delete! ”

“And those tasks that have been accomplished! Those who searched for half a day and played half a day to complete the task! It’s gone! ”

“Without everything is gone.”

“You see Sister Zhou seems to have collapsed to……”

“I can only brush some gifts to compensate the old woman.”

“It’s not easy to step on a horse!”

“That’s a memory of tens of hours!!!”

“I feel that I also have a piece of my heart that Su Chen deleted and whined”………

Su Chen looked at the live broadcast room,

From the moment I deleted the archive, the smile on the corner of my mouth could not stop.

This is the biggest charm of this Neil mechanical era.

Blue Star players, no one can guess.

At the same time, the emotional value collected by his own system has exceeded 4 million……………

“Crazy… Absolutely insane…”

Hua Teng sat alone in his office, and he was alone in the room.

No matter how out of shape, you don’t have to worry about others seeing.

Staring blankly at the screen,

Hua Teng did not dare to believe 293 letters, nor could he believe them at all!

It’s like asking his goose factory to stop copying and copying, it’s worse than killing him!

Completely subvert everything in the three views of Hua Teng,

In the live broadcast room of Zhou Shuyi, it happened incomparably real.

“How in this world, how can there be so many crazy and stupid players!”

“That’s all the saves of my own game!”

Thinking of the usual goose factory to return a block or modify the player data, the dog is scolded bloody head.

Now these people, how to do,

Willingly give all his hard work to Su Chen without regrets?! Moment

Hua Teng felt that some piece of heaven in his heart had collapsed!




Weapons, skills, quests, items,

After disappearing one after another, one after another in front of her eyes, Zhou Shuyi shed tears,

I have wet all my clothes.

Every game weapon that you are incomparably familiar with, emergency medicine, and the hardest to collect 2B, A2 chips,

Each effort to complete the side main quest,

composed of dozens of hours of the most precious journey and memory, just like that,

A little bit

From the game, from the brain is deleted.

Every nourishing deletion sound is like chopping off a piece of meat in Zhou Shuyi’s heart!

And now,

When all the familiar fragments have been deleted, it finally comes,

The last [Archive].

“…… No! ”


Zhou Shuyi suddenly said a word, tearing the heart and lungs with a roar!

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