Chapter 310 All the staff broke the defense, there will be a period later!!

The oldest audience in the live broadcast room had never seen Zhou Shuyi so out of shape!

Even when the defense was most seriously broken before, there was no heart-wrenching roar like this!

Tears are pouring down!

The new audience that is still pouring in is all shocked!

“The newcomer asked the anchor if he was crazy.”

“Is this a live stream of psychiatric treatment?”

“Anchor This is the ape Tarzan returning to his ancestors?”


Dozens of hours of archiving, just a little bit, dissipated in front of their eyes.

The last black handwriting slowly disappeared into a large white expanse.

The first archive disappears, the second archive disappears, the third archive disappears……… Delete more than one archive!

All the archives that Zhou Shuyi had saved before, one after another,

Just so erased by the system!

Until the end, only a white expanse on the screen remained.

“Whew… Whew………”

Zhou Shuyi couldn’t even breathe,

His chest rose and fell violently, his mouth opened wide, and he inhaled silently and desperately.

It’s like the next second, you will faint anytime and anywhere!

The audience watching the live broadcast room could not resist: “The sleeping trough is too fierce……”

“Jie Nyima, who of you has ever seen Sister Zhou collapse like this?!”

“Old thief Su Chen has a hand in mentality!”

“If I were Sister Zhou, I would be crazy!”

“Nyima is just like Ling Chi!”

“It’s as if you’ve been delayed.”

“Sister Zhou is now like being delayed.”

“Does the old woman definitely regret it now?!”

“It’s a real mmp feeling to delete in front of me!!”

“I thought I would delete only one archive!”

“All deleted……… The old thief is so cruel!! ”

“Sister Zhou sent an address to come and comfort you…”

“Hurry up and climb ahead!”

“Xiaosheng asked, is this how the crying fainted in the past?”

At this moment, of course, more than one Zhou Shuyi cried like this,

Old goose, old tomato a few ‘middle-aged’ anchors, staring at the archive that slowly disappeared in front of them, everyone is like a knife twisting their hearts!

The old goose’s body remained motionless, and tears silently flowed down his cheeks.

The old tomato directly threw the VR headset to the ground,

I can’t sit down on the ground,

Holding his head with both hands, he held his hair deadly.

Other live broadcast rooms, there are direct drop equipment,

Some lie directly on the ground, motionless, staring at the ceiling and weeping, and some simply unplug the network to broadcast offline.

And more anchors, that is, the most direct, without any superfluousness, tearing open throats, tearing their faces, and crying!

At this moment,

Countless player saves, in front of the player’s computer, disappeared completely.

Not a single trace was left behind.



“Did Su Chen stuff money into them for publicity?”

Head of the Propaganda Department of the Goose Factory, Li Feng,

Just returned to my office,

Unable to close the door, he slumped down in his chair.

Looking at the seafood live broadcast station on the screen,

A glance at the past, all in the crying Neil live broadcast room,

In the past, Li Feng thought that it would be the big brother of these anchors who ran away overnight!

One anchor after another, the one who cried called a sense of truth, calling for heaven and earth! Even if the feelings are restrained, they are silently sobbing,

I didn’t see an anchor, and when I finally deleted the archive, I could still keep my mood stable!

“I don’t blink when I usually brush a rocket plane.”

“It’s better now!”

“Just a silly beep game, cry like this shame!”


The mouse was directly flown to the wall by Li Feng! At this point, Su Chen did almost nothing.

Just let the anchor live broadcast the game,

Just dissolve a large wave of propaganda offensive into invisibility! Li Feng desperately looked at the live broadcast room of crying into tears,

Although I don’t want to believe it, the truth is,

These anchors, especially Zhou Shuyi, who cried to the point of collapse on the ground, definitely did not look like pretending!

Li Feng himself bought the hot search before, not to mention.

Now I can’t see the shadows!

Outrageous, outrageous!

The whole network of various game forums, social media, hot search has only one keyword,


Li Feng, as the head of the publicity department of the goose factory,

There are also many contact channels for head anchors in hand.

Just called to send a v letter to knock on the video, what way have been tried, stunned is not a person to answer!

“Crazy… All crazy! ”

Li Feng tried to convince himself,

These must be Su Chen’s secret money, specially engaged in live broadcast promotion effect! I hadn’t done this before!

The difference is nothing more than………

“The effect is 100 million points worse……”

“I can only hope that the few projects that the gods have fallen, and the viral propaganda that is launched tonight, can divide the heat…”

Otherwise, Li Feng is very clear,

What kind of anger will Hua Teng bear! At this moment,

Li Feng suddenly felt, Su Chen,

Like a mountain with no top in sight, it stands in front of the entire goose factory.

At the bottom of Li Feng’s heart, a huge and inexplicable sense of fear suddenly arose! The huge sense of oppression will crush itself in an instant!

After deleting the archive, it is blank,

The soft female voice of the auxiliary machine 153 slowly sounded: “We… Say goodbye to this.

[Just, it feels a little lonely.] The voice of the auxiliary machine 042 also sounded: “Finally, let me say a word.” 】

Zhou Shuyi, who had already cried to the point of collapsing on the ground, struggled to get up,

His face is full of tears,

Take a big breath and try to calm your breath.

Auxiliaries 153 and 042: [To all the players who have played this game] [Really……] [Thank you very much]. 】

It sounds so simple,

But let Zhou Shuyi, who was still deleted and deleted to burst into tears, hear the moment, and break her nose into laughter!

Instant relief! The audience in the live broadcast room also breathed a sigh of relief.

The body and mind relax completely.

All kinds of complicated feelings, intertwined in everyone’s heart, this time everyone shed tears,

There is loss in it, a little regret, more, or relief.

It’s like a farewell journey that finally comes to an end: “Goodbye 042 and 153!” ”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you!”

“You must also live well!”

“2B, A2, how can I live without you!” Woohoo! ”

“You will live happily ever after!”

“It’s all over…”

“I declare that I have reconciled with the old thief Su Chen!”

“The old thief finally drew a handful of tears and whined.”

“A little whisper, can the old thief come up with a sequel?”

“Talk about the day after tomorrow, whine I want to eat candy.”

“No one thanked Su Chen?”

“Look at the final E ending, if you don’t stab Old Su Lao, even if you spare him for a long time,”

The screen full of bullet screens eventually turned into the same sentence: “May the glory of mankind last forever!” ”

“There will be a period later!”


“All right.”

“Enough emotional value.”

Su Chen’s gaze moved away from Zhou Shuyi’s live broadcast room,

As far as Neil’s game is concerned, don’t look at the look of players and viewers who are now relieved.

This is not yet a post-stamina attack! Tonight, tomorrow the day after tomorrow,

Within a few days, these people simply couldn’t slow down.

“Just let them slow down, otherwise the spirit will be caused by me, Su Chen smiled.”

Open your own system,

“Redeem the Marketplace Rewards.”

“Biological Warehouse.”


This time, the Creature Cabin reward was converted into a bunch of design drawings and sent to his computer.

“This has to be done together with other upstream and downstream manufacturers.”

The complexity of the drawings did not exceed Su Chen’s understanding.

And now Bluestar’s most advanced VR simulation cabin, there are also many similar places.

But with more life support and more realistic tactile simulations.

It can fundamentally solve the problem of inconvenient movement of VR space.

……… Su Chen glanced at it roughly. The mind was quickly settled.

Until a few days before the E3 show,

“The studio continues to recruit people, and E3 strives to get a real machine demo of Black Mythical Wukong.”

Before asking the newcomer assistant Bai Asa to get the original design, that is, the prelude to the design of the black myth Goku!

It’s just that this idea has been hidden in Su Chen’s heart and has not been said.

“The wolf’s combat system, plus the weapon system of the Meteor Butterfly Sword……”

“As for the plot, refer to the wizard?” Or the Immortal Sword? ”

Su Chen muttered to himself as he gave a new deployment order to the Oasis server.

【Beautiful girl kaleidoscope…… Deployment in particular】

In the gap period of these days, let’s first take this game to the blue star players to overdo it

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