Chapter 311 The Game of Breaking the Dimensional Wall!!

“Did you hear that?”


“Platinum Studio is expanding a lot of jobs for a new masterpiece!”

“That’s the Platinum Studio?!”

“Oh I see! Do Neil’s Platinum Studio! ”


“Did you submit your resume?”

“Cast it! However, it was previously rumored that Platinum Studios only accepted women. ”

“It’s all smearing! Now the official announcement is posted! Look! ”

“Numerical design… Level design… And voice actors? ”

“Motion design, modeler? But strange, only one job for each position? ”

“Isn’t this competition fierce?!”

The grass-roots employees of various game factories finally stayed up until eleven or twelve o’clock after work, and got together in threes, threes, twos and twos.

There is only one topic for everyone.

That’s Platinum Studio, and Neil Mechanical Age!

Just now, the home page of the Oasis platform has hung up the recruitment announcement of Platinum Studio.

Obviously, this is a new big project! The scale of recruitment is also many more than before.

It didn’t take a few minutes for this job announcement to reach practitioners throughout the game industry.

I didn’t write about salary, I didn’t write about working time requirements, and I didn’t write about bullshit future outlook or anything.

Only the clearest job requirements:

Simple to the ultimate recruitment announcement, looking at the entire industry, that is, Su Chen dared to do this, can do this!

Practitioners in the game industry, from the bottom to the top, there is not a single one who has read the announcement and is not impressed!

Platinum Studio, Su Chen, these two names,

By the storm of Neil’s mechanical age,

Starting from the Dragon Kingdom, it is sweeping the world like crazy! In the game production industry,

Now the evaluation of Neil’s mechanical era can only be described in one word, that is, the praise is overwhelming!

After the first batch of anchors cleared the customs,

It even detonated Neil’s propaganda.

From forums where various game makers gather, to various game review media,

There are also forums and social platforms for ordinary players, and the home page is full of reviews related to Neil!

IG: “The meaning of life is to constantly struggle, and this game perfectly interprets the story of how a group of mechanical beings in another world plane can break through their reincarnation and inherit and become new human beings in the struggle of another world.” ”

GS: “The world’s unique action elements, multi-week innovative experience, the perfect soundtrack lineup, and producer Su Chen’s consistent whimsy, combined into this perfect score game!” ”

Game Star Website: “E ending, a [boring bullet screen game] of more than ten minutes, but deduced the most shocking ending in the history of the game, very full score game! ”

Three mothers: “The magnificent background, the story inheritance spanning thousands of years, with the perfectly matched music, straight to the player’s heart!” ”

And among game producers, from mobile games to end games, to independent game makers,

It’s even more ecstatic!

I originally had the dream of making a great game, but I have been desperately suppressed by the goose factory and other capital factories!

Now, finally there is one great game after another, and it is like a dream in front of your eyes!

“Action games, it turns out that Neil’s is called action games!”

“Neither film nor television nor animation can do this effect of the game, which is called the ninth art!”

“The emotional communication of this game, embodied in every scene of the world, has reached the pinnacle! Main lines, side lines, dialogues, instructions, each place shows the unparalleled talent of the producers! ”

The game forums gathered by ordinary players, as well as social platforms, have a somewhat polarized evaluation of Neil.

Good reviews naturally need not be said: “A game with a perfect score ending that breaks the dimensional wall!” ”

“Rushing to 2B, after playing the astringent thoughts of 2B, all is gone, leaving only endless loss and sadness.”

“The game is full of foreshadowing, and when the truth is revealed in the last three weeks, all that remains for the player is shock!”

“The end of the three weeks makes me feel that a dead knot that has been beaten countless times in my heart has finally been unraveled!”

And controversial evaluations,

Mainly dissatisfied with the final deletion of the save: “The save is gone, and even if you want to go back to the game, you have to fight from scratch!” ”

“But after three weeks of watching and ending E, people have already entered the state of sages, and even if they want to reminisce, they can’t go back!”

“Su Chen is depriving players of their good memories!”

“If only I had a chance to back up…”

But even players who have opinions about deleting the archive,

I have to admit that it is the last time for players to contribute their own saves, and then to help a complete stranger player,

This operation completely sublimates the whole game!

It’s no exaggeration to say that it breaks the dimensional walls of game and reality! At the moment of choosing to accept deletion of the archive,

The player completely sees himself as a member of the auxiliary machine,

For the characters you meet on this journey, 2B, A2, and 9S, give yourself everything!

“I want to say that this time is really a world change!”

A bitter employee of the goose factory, Shen Mu, opened his mouth and said to the colleague who was working next to him.

Shen Mu is in charge of the work of the numerical designer in the Fall of the Gods project of the goose factory.

“Don’t tell you that tonight we were going to stay up all night!”

The Fall of the Gods project, originally as an emergency replicator of the goose factory rushed out, against the benchmark Titan fall:

It should be the top priority!

“What went wrong with not going online tonight?”

Another colleague next to him looked at Shen Mu nervously and asked.

Shen Mu shook his head mysteriously and looked at the endless flow of people around him.

Lower the voice: “Our project originally expected that at least 1 million players would be online!” ”

“Before the result was launched, it was less than 200,000!”

“This number of online directly makes those stupid beeps lead to break the defense!!”

“Then with the interface for emergency maintenance, hurry up and go down first!” Tomorrow. ”

“I can finally stay up late today.”

A few colleagues next to them immediately understood: “Isn’t this the meaning that the heat of the entire online game industry has been robbed by Su Chen!” ”

“So your online player popularity is only one-fifth of the estimate!”

Shen Mu nodded helplessly.

“Speaking of which, did you submit a resume to Platinum Studios?”

Several colleagues listened, and quickly waved their hands to deny it.

Shen Mu immediately sneered in his heart.

This reaction, I’m afraid it has long been all voted for Platinum Studio! Of course, I am no exception!

The recruitment announcement said to recruit a numerical designer, who has been in the goose factory for many years,

When it comes to numerical design, it is much stronger than the above laymen who guide the insiders.

But every time I put my own effort into designing the numerical system,

In the end, it was always beaten back by those people above, to the detriment of Kryptonite players, and all of them were torn down and started again!

Myself, I have long fed up with these mentally handicapped goose factory upper class! I just can’t find the Lord!

Now, the appearance of Su Chen,

Let Shen Mu feel that a long drought meets Ganlin!

Shen Mu glanced back at the still brightly lit goose factory building, at this moment,

Like the employees of the big game manufacturers,

Secretly made up his mind to go to Platinum Studio!

“There are so many resumes in the grooves, it depends on the eyes!”

Su Chen looked at the countless red dots in the mailbox and unread emails,

Only then did I find myself somewhat underestimating the enthusiasm of others?

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