Chapter 312 The following is the paid live content, Kaleidoscope!!

The morning sun sprinkled into the luxurious large bedroom.

Su Chen stretched out a long waist: “Oh… Owe…”

After several days of interviewing, all the people and horses found by the interview, so that their sleep is a little insufficient!

“Go back and ask Tifa to give me a good massage.”

These three days have passed,

Numerical design, level design people have found it.

“The one named Shen Mu also has two brushes.”

Su Chen recalled,

This Shen Mu does have a set of understandings of the game values.

The reason why I have to recruit so many people,

On the one hand, there are too many trivial matters in the operation of the platform, and if there are too few people, it is easy to attract unnecessary attention.

On the other hand,

The game he is going to do next, Black Myth Goku,

is a game that is not in the system,

It can’t be carried directly to the side of the blue star.

Although now I have redeemed myself for a bunch of abilities,

But not to mention that these abilities are strange and involve everything, and they do not specialize in making games alone.

Even if you can,

If you do it all by yourself, you must not be exhausted.

“Like the original design, the dubbing, and other bits and pieces of packaging work.”

“Find someone else to help you do it.”

“To some extent, it can also be said that it started from scratch.”

Su Chen looked at the original painting design draft sent by Bai Qianqian,

A smile slowly appeared on his face.

I sure didn’t look at the wrong person.

This white and shallow, according to their own rough requirements designed out of the original character draft, but also really taste!

On the original painting, the rough image of the fat head was outlined in a few strokes.

“This should be a reference to the figures of the head and the arhat of Lei Yin Temple.”

The fierce god was evil, a face of horizontal flesh, Su Chen was a little unimaginable,

Actually, this drawing was written by a weak girl.

On another drawing,

What surprised Su Chen even more was that the Four Heavenly Kings!

sharp painting marks, thick and thin,

The Eastern Heavenly King, the Southern Growth Heavenly King, the Western King Guangmu Heavenly King, and the Northern Duowen Heavenly King,

Standing side by side, with a straight face,

But it is impossible to imagine that this is a positive character! Just on the drawing paper,

The feeling of oppression that is not angry and self-righteous is already a little unstoppable.

Simple outline room,

The pen chiseled the axe carving, and a sharp killing breath came out through the back!

“If you throw these directly into the oasis server, I don’t know what model will be automatically generated?”

However, Su Chen can also be sure that he will definitely have to modify the generated model at that time.

This self-contained painting style, as well as monster image design,

Plus the wolf’s combat system that he put into it.

I am sure that I will be able to shock the world at the E3 exhibition!

As soon as Su Chen thought of E3, he remembered one more thing.

The day before yesterday, G Fat personally took a plane to his side, and the E3 matter was easy to negotiate.

G Fat V Society, took the initiative to give up half of the space to his platinum studio.

The G fat in this plane can’t come up with any games in his hand.

It also relies on CS to maintain its maximum revenue out of the box:

Therefore, Su Chen also pushed the boat to do personal affection, and promised G Fat to be at the E3 exhibition.

It was announced that the Oasis platform and V Society had reached some kind of partnership.

The specific name Su Chen has not yet studied.

Anyway, it’s just a matter of lips,

However, after G Fat saw that he agreed to this matter, his reaction was excited!

It far exceeded Su Chen’s own expectations.

The whole time and G fat meet down the feeling,

It’s like a fat guy who rushed over to an idol meeting! The mouth keeps chanting,

How he was struck by Neil’s multi-week and E-endings.

And when it comes to the apex that is unfolding in full swing,

This battle royale game mode that appeared for the first time on the blue star is how to make G Fat himself addicted to 1.

G Fat also proposed that he hopes that his experience in organizing e-sports events in the V Society will be able to cooperate with Su Chen in this aspect of apex when the time comes…

Everything went smoothly.

Su Chen stretched his waist, just today is the weekend, it is rare to let Bai Qianqian, these new employees, go back to rest.

Last night at eight o’clock in the golden file,

Joint VR simulation cabin manufacturers, rushed to make the biological cabin, at the price of 800,000 units,

There are only twenty units in stock, and they are all sold out in one second!

I have to let Su Chen sigh, there are still many rich people!

Because of the rush of work, even Su Chen didn’t know what the actual effect of these biological cabins was.

“Get on the horse first!”

And with the creature cabin comes with a god game that has been deployed a few days ago.

【Beautiful Girl Kaleidoscope】

Su Chen only hung an inconspicuous page on the official website of the Oasis platform.

The most attractive thing for players is

The live broadcast of this game will only be carried out on the paid live broadcast platform that Su Chen himself has set up!

Not only does watching live broadcasts ask for money,

And to verify the age of the audience in real names! This move,

Let the online lively discussion for several days!

“Do you have to pay to watch a live broadcast?”

“Is that kind of paid content?”

“Is that what we can see?!”

Su Chen said! Verified users can take a look with confidence! ”

“Who the gave Su Chen courage?” I see he’s getting more and more vain! ”


So much so that even such a game, which has not yet been publicly released, has overpowered the popularity of several inferior copy games of the goose factory!

In a university dormitory in Modu,

“Hey, it’s almost time to book the live stream!”

“So fast? Zhao Si’s grandson ran to the canteen to get food! Do you want to wait for him? ”

“First look first, first look! If Su Chen’s game misses the beginning, it is not a big loss. ”

“It cost 98 to do so!”

At this point,

In countless university dormitories, players who have paid money for age verification have all entered Su Chen’s newly built live broadcast website on time: “Ark” live broadcast platform.

The number of real people who do not fake is displayed on the live broadcast screen, “more than 100,000 people… So little……”

“You know what! These are the real number of people who are not mixed with water! ”

“Like seafood tiger buds, hundreds of millions of people are popular at every turn, cheating ghosts!”

“The people who come to see the live broadcast are all rich buddies!”

“Affluence makes us meet.”

“Poverty makes us meet!”

“Speaking of which, today is the live broadcast of the game called Kaleidoscope?”

“Who the anchor is, I didn’t say!”

“Isn’t it the head anchor who comes, can he really be popular!?”

“And that kaleidoscope seems to be paired with a bio-pod and a VR device, which is a game that only rich people can play!”

“It’s better to be addicted to the eyes!”


In the curiosity of more than 100,000 people, the countdown to the live broadcast screen ended,

To the surprise of all the audience,

In the picture, there is no anchor figure or voice!

Only an inconspicuous little inn appeared in the shadow of a bamboo forest.

The camera begins to move forward.

The sound of cicadas, the sunlight, and the sound of Sissoso’s footsteps.

The audience in the live broadcast room suddenly became a little nervous.

“Wouldn’t it be some kind of horror game?!”

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