Chapter 314 White Hair Blue Pupil Short Skirt JK, Is This something that can be broadcast live!!

The long-haired girl in front of her, wearing a long witch suit, stands in the center of the picture,

There is not a single sound.

If it weren’t for the pair of dark eyes with green light, staring straight at themselves,

I’m afraid of a considerable audience,

You will think that this is really just a large doll girl.


100,000 paid viewers in the live broadcast room, a chill suddenly rose in their hearts!

“My mother!!!”

“I’m going! The doll moved, aah. ”

“……… Don’t you say, this face is pretty good…”

“The big brother in front, how hungry and thirsty are you lying in the gutter, and the female ghost can also make it up?”

“What a female ghost is not a female ghost!” I saw the shadow at the girl’s feet! ”

The deep insight in the picture is actually the same as the audience’s reaction,

At this time, I also looked at the feet of the doll-like woman.

There are indeed shadows.

“No… Wouldn’t it really be a doll?! ”

“You think of me as a doll, and your eyes are really quite bad.”

The witch smiled softly, her eyes lit brighter, and her lips moved slightly.

Just this smile,

I’ve watched 100,000 viewers in the live broadcast room! The sound is even more ethereal and direct!

“Sleeper really talks———!!!”

“Engaged in a circle of mysterious secrets, fortunately not a female ghost!”

“If it were such a beautiful female ghost, I would recognize it!”

“Crawl out of the screen and grab me!”

“Recognized +1.”

“The sound is so good!”

“I’m all right.”

“Is this all right?”

“A little fast brother, go to the men’s hospital to see it.”

A young girl in a witch’s dress, with a delicate white face,

His eyes glowing green in the darkness stared straight at himself in front of the screen.

Tens of thousands of viewers in front of the screen,

Staring at the witch-dressed girl in the picture,

The eyes are like being sucked in by a magnet, and they can’t take a look away.

Some have even started drooling over a keyboard!

Suddenly I felt that my soul had been hooked.

After experiencing the aesthetic torture of the goose factory pig factory, these viewers in the live broadcast room,

Seeing this witch in front of the screen, it is a long drought and Ganlin!

“I didn’t expect Su Chen to be able to engage in this style!”

“After this cup, brothers, I’ll go to the second dimension first.”

“Beautiful girl, what’s your name?” Wouldn’t it be called a kaleidoscope? ”

The witch girl had a smile on her face,

“……… My job is to show people dreams. ”

The smile inexplicably made the audience in the live broadcast room,

I feel a little charming.

And age, voice, appearance are very disproportionate! Many viewers immediately shivered.

Even across the screen, you can feel the soul-sucking smell!

“My name is Lianhua.”

“This mirror.”

The witch-dressed maiden named Lotus Hua picked up the mirror she had been holding in her hand and handed it to Fukami’s eyes,

“Through it, you can see the forbidden world, you can see the demagogic, the seductive……”

The protagonist, Fukami, quickly waved his hand, “Huh?…… No……… I want to know between this doll, these,”

The story behind the puppet. The audience was also a little disappointed,

Half a day, won’t these crazy-looking and terrifying dolls be decorations, right?

“What’s so good about a broken mirror?”

“What kind of dolls am I looking forward to?”

“It’s boring.”

“If I had to say, it would be better to just push it down…”

“The police have taken the above directly!”

“Hum” Lianhua hummed softly,

“You think this is an ordinary kaleidoscope, right?”

“Come here.”

Lotus waved her hand slightly, and Fukami was like being sucked in by a magnet, and unconsciously leaned up.

“What do you see?”

Fukami bowed his head,

“Just an ordinary kaleidoscope…?!!”

The mirror that was originally unremarkable suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

The audience in front of the screen is also afraid to see God,

Each looked at the kaleidoscope-like mirror in a daze.

“Already…… There is no going back. ”

The ethereal voice of Lotus Hua sounded in the ears, and the picture suddenly spun violently.

Control the player of Fukami,

And the audience in the live broadcast room,

It felt like I was being sucked into a bottomless mirror…….

A moment later.

“Where is this in the sink?”

“Bad is indeed a!”

“Let the old man take this demon girl!”

“The soaking urine in front of me illuminates what kind of cultivation I have, I’m afraid that I will be confused as soon as I meet!”

“The…… No, the one named Lotus Hua is gone. ”

“Where is this?”

“Feeling a little bit about Sai Zhiyi?!”

“I see! That girl named Lianhua is a mirror spirit! ”

“The brother who said the mirror essence, I was still drinking water just now!”

“Here…… It’s like a school! ”

A sudden change in style,

After the sky is spinning, it appears in the picture,

It is a school, next to the green water and green mountains, whining and crying.

This anonymous player who originally controlled Fukami,

Naturally, it was also a big shock.

I haven’t reacted yet.

A group of brisk female voices sounded in the ears: Fukami subconsciously looked back,

A group of girls in short skirts walked past them.

Before waiting for the audience to react in the live broadcast room,

Not far from the door, another girl appeared.

Like a huge magnet, it firmly attracts the attention of all the audience.

A standard to standard JK suit,

There are also plaid skirts and small leather shoes.

The feeling is that the beautiful white-haired and blue-eyed girl who came out of the painting quietly stared at the protagonist.

“The groove is so pretty!”

That’s the first reaction of the audience in the live room!

“I was scared to death and thought it was a horror movie.”

“The result is a youth school drama?”

“White hair and blue pupils, all stepped on my xp!”

“Su Chen understands!”

“It seems to be on the right car!” The throttle gave me a dead step! ”

“How do you feel about looking into my eyes, kind of that feeling?”

“The groove also feels that it is so powerful! Manual work ready to start! ”

To this white-haired blue-eyed girl,

The protagonist of the game, involuntarily immediately appeared a memory of this girl:

“Misty branches…”

“A mysterious girl on campus who has never acted alone.”

“It is said that there is a big manor house in the house……”

While thinking back,

One side the protagonist has already walked up.

The white-haired and blue-eyed girl in the picture has a clearer and clearer face.

As beautiful as a porcelain doll!

Hardly a fault!

There is also a sense of indifference and mystery that can be felt off-screen.

“Misty branches! What a strange name! ”

“The groove is suddenly excited!”

“You guys are excited in broad daylight!”

“This is the heroine?”

The living JK ah-hiss-ho-ho-

The girl with white hair and blue pupils, Misty Branch, was already in front of her.

At the corner of his perfect mouth, he suddenly revealed an evil smile with a hint of contempt.

“That… That misty classmate, I’m going to your house at night, the school has a task………”

“……… Be sure to notify your parents first. ”

When the audience heard this, one by one, they immediately turned into ape forms!

“Sleeper! It’s so exciting as soon as it comes up! ”

“I’m so excited!”

“God school has a mission!”

“Speed speed pushes the plot!”

In the picture, the white-haired blue pupil wears a misty branch of the JK suit and nods her head slightly,

“I’m the only one in the house.”

“If you find my home, come on.”


An evil laughter,

Almost hooked the audience’s soul!

Blue Star players, where have you seen such a straight-forward battle!

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