Chapter 315 This is not the car to the kindergarten, I want to get off!!

Goose Factory Headquarters.

“I heard that Su Chen is doing some paid live broadcasting?”

“Is he engaging in any illegal river crab content?!”

“I also built a live streaming website myself?!”

Hua Teng’s stern voice came from Li Feng’s head.

As the head of the publicity and public relations department,

These few days, Li Feng can be called the most difficult period of his life! In the company, he has become the number one back-burner.

The whole company is going viral,

It was because at that time Li Feng organized a wave of boxers, wanted to fight Su Chen’s fist and bought a lot of hot search down Black Su Chen,

As a result, these have become outright jokes after the Epoch E ending of Neil’s Mechanical Age!

What female characters are designed to be too beautiful, too sexy, what clothes are hinting everywhere,

All these messy doubts,

Almost 90% of the players in the whole network choose to delete the file to end the E ending from the moment.

There was no sound at all.


This wave of rumors and smear and punching three-piece set of goose factory also gave Su Chen a free lead!

The publicity fee is from the goose factory, the black material heat is bought by the goose factory, and the result is less than one night, all reversed!

All became Su Chen’s free promotional advertisements.

So much so that the night of buying the hot search black Su Chen,

It was originally the highlight of the goose factory, the Fall of the Gods, at the most critical moment of the public beta of the whole network,

The heat did not rub at all,

All sucked away for Su Chen’s Neil!

Since then, Li Feng has also become a popular fried chicken from the goose factory, and has suddenly become the number one sinner who Su Chen has become popular.

As the propaganda department of the goose factory with either the first or the second highest funding, Li Feng sat in the chair,

Feel like you’re going to be sucked out of the fire at any time!

Now, Hua Teng called Li Feng to the Gong Gong Room again.

Suddenly, I asked about Su Chen’s paid live broadcast!

“……… Right! ”

“Mr. Hua, Su Chen’s movements a few days ago were obviously a lot smaller…”

What Li Feng said was the truth.

Even Hua Teng nodded slightly.

In the past few days, Su Chen has not released any new games, but has really engaged in some miscellaneous things.

What a brain-computer device, a bio cabin, and paid live streaming.

The most outrageous thing is that 800,000 biological cabins have the right to experience first,

Only twenty units were sold, and all of them sold out in one second on the Oasis platform!

Isn’t that hungry selling!

If Huateng’s goose factory used this set, it would have been scolded by the player customers until the mother did not know!

The result is now replaced by Su Chen,

In fact, the whole network is urging him to quickly let go of the sale, and there is no one to scold! Now he is still using the biological cabin to promote his Wanhua Mirror game.

Everything that Su Chen did was completely inconsistent with Hua Teng’s business instincts! Every move is subverting your own worldview!

“Mr. Hua…”

“This Wanhua Mirror doesn’t seem to be a large-scale game, and I also sent someone in to live stream and star.”

Li Feng looked at Hua Teng cautiously, “But I haven’t reported it yet.” ”

This is also Li Feng’s truth, the employee he sent to infiltrate Su Chen’s live broadcast room,

Until now, no report has been passed on to myself. Li Feng himself was also wondering.

Isn’t it time to touch the fish?

“Small size game.”

Hua Teng’s tone became lazy.

“It may be that the two games of Titan Fall and Neil have broken the company’s capital chain behind Su Chen.”

“But Su Chen wants to set up a live broadcast website.”

“You’ve got to keep an eye on it.”

Hua Teng pondered for a moment,

“Su Chen should not know about our new plan unless the inner ghost leaks it to him.”

A chill immediately rose up all over Li Feng’s body.

The word inner ghost is too scary.

The plan that Hua Teng said is to unite with other Yi factories, and what is Dongshanju, A Beaver Platform,

Engage in a live broadcast ×× alliance,

Go all out to build the league’s own game! Simply put, it’s a word,

Artificially control the flow!

Especially for a heavenly descendant like Su Chen, engage in a wave of live streaming restrictions! As for the resulting live broadcast losses, each family will also make up for it immediately from the publicity funds.

Like behind the seafood table, it is the goose factory in the holding,

Really want to do the thing that limits the tassel morning,

Those high-level executives at the seafood station did not agree.

It’s nothing more than to compensate more after the fact.

Now this matter has reached the stage of substantive implementation.

Li Feng estimated that he would be able to do a good job in a few days.

But now Su Chen suddenly set up his own live broadcast website,

Although it only broadcasts this Wanhua mirror, it seems to be for the purpose of carrying cargo biological cabins.

But it still made Hua Teng and Li Feng feel vaguely uneasy in their hearts!

“You go and get in touch with the department in charge of the live project.”

Hua Teng waved,

“In the future, as long as it is Su Chen’s game, Titan Fall, Neil, and Apex Live, all of them will limit the flow and limit popularity.”

“Fight to the death!”

“The part of their losses in the seafood station will be made up by the major shareholders of our goose factory.”

“There aren’t so many head anchors to promote Su Chen for free, I don’t believe that his games behind him can still be so popular!”

In the deepest subconscious of Huateng,

In the Internet era, whether it is games or video entertainment, the essence of success is all publicity! Viral propaganda!

From the bottom of his heart, Hua Teng didn’t think that there was any quality for such a thing as a game!

It is not that I have other live broadcasting platforms under the big factories, which helped Su Chen to fire!

Now just give Su Chen a salary and draw a salary from the bottom of the pot!

Coupled with the upcoming mobile game Eat Chicken Battle Royale.

Hammer Su Chen to death in one fell swoop!

In the depths of Hua Teng’s mind, there was even a scene of Su Chen kneeling and crying for himself………

“Where is this…”

“Is this a ghost hitting the wall?”

“There’s something wrong with that misty branch!”

“Banshee! Wait for the old man to come and subdue you! ”

In the paid live broadcast room that Su Chen built himself, the audience is slowly increasing.

The live stream came to a forest.

The man has been lost in this strange forest for a long time.

“Obviously, it is the map of the Kirito family, why has everything changed since I came here?!”

In the picture, the male protagonist is talking to himself incomprehensibly.

Originally, I was going to visit the school at Kiriki’s house at night, but according to the map given by Kirito

Halfway through the walk suddenly get lost!

Even some viewers feel that they have done too much manual work and their eyes have been spent.

What was originally a suburban landscape suddenly turned into a large forest! After getting lost for a long time,

Suddenly, in front of him, a magnificent ancient castle appeared in front of the man’s eyes.

Huge castles, rows of windows, but none of them lit up.

“Where the hell is this car?”

“Su Chen tricked us into coming in and killing!”

“What about the welfare link that Nyima said good?”

The gate of the castle slowly opened,

The familiar white-haired blue-eyed girl, Misty Branch, reappears in the picture.

The audience looked at it and everyone was stunned!

Because the girl who used to wear a cute JK suit, now,

I actually put on an unexpected medieval evening dress! Bright red slender skirt, faint white,

And the voice that’s as hooked as ever.

“You’ve finally found this…”

In an instant, the audience in the live broadcast room again,

Thought I had gone to the wrong vampire set!

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