Chapter 316 This game is good, it is a little bit physically difficult!!

“Sleeper! What a vampire! ”

“But why do you suck all the liquid?”

“It doesn’t feel like it’s a vampire, it’s a demon, right?”

“Is this paid live content? What a chicken! ”

“This misty branch is also a little too active, right?”

“The man is too pulled, a glass of wine will directly lie down!”

“Meng Xin, who doesn’t understand anything, is this a serious wine?”

“The people watching the live broadcast are serious brothers, and no one can answer your question.”

“It turned out to be a juicer…”

At this time, the explosive picture in the live broadcast room,

It can no longer be described in a few simple words.

After the player follows the misty branch to the castle, he finds out,

This is called the fog branch, the car skill is not good! A word or two

The game is already on the way to Akina-san, never to return.

Here the player is still righteously refusing to drink in the name of home visits,

The seductive lips of the misty branches over there were already stained with the red wine in the glass.

Confused, the player was also poured this glass of red wine.

…… Close your eyes, then open your eyes.

When I woke up again, I found that my whole body was soft except for one place.

And Kiritake, I don’t know when I changed into a short skirt shirt JK and pounced on it.

Straight to the press!……

“This is the legendary demon remedy?”

“Such a vampire demon, give me a dozen thank you” 110.

“Brother be careful of x’s death!”

“No, brothers, I’ll go first.”

“See you in a minute!”

“Hand shake rod program, start!”

The delicate face of the misty branch, moving more real than the real person,

Between a smile, the evil charm and temptation that came out of the screen, and the right dubbing,

Just like the characters in various Liban, from the previous plane, to the three-dimensional 3D world.

In the eyes of 100,000 paying viewers,

Thus opened the door to a new world!

These viewers of Blue Star, where have seen such games! I’ve seen similar butter before,

It’s just an original picture standing still, and then let the player hold a mouse or a VR controller.

Simulates some kind of manual grinding.

Where can it compare to the current game called Wanhua Mirror!

The player is constantly mended by foggy branches, and the messy JK suit flips up and down.

From time to time, there was a squeaking sound.

The audience in front of the screen couldn’t help it, and the strange thing is,

At this time, the public screen in the live broadcast room is clean! There are few bullet screens scattered in pieces.

“The sleeper has all run away?”

“100,000 people watching online, the bullet screen is similar to a live broadcast room of hundreds of people?”


“They’re all working, who has time to fight the barrage?”

“I’ll type with one hand to show my innocence.”

“Yes, the front, I’m already typing with my mouth.”

“I’m all right, and you people have too bad concentration.”

“The grass sage state speaks like a stiff!” Can’t learn can’t learn” and so on the live broadcast of this player, when he wakes up again.

Already in my bedroom.

There was no one around.

The protagonist muttered, “Did I have a dream?”……”

Subconsciously touched the neck,

That is, the location where the misty branch mended the demon to suck blood.

Two small, but clear tooth marks.

“woc……… What a mouthful! ”

“There are even little tiger teeth!”

“Misty branches come and bite me quickly!”

It turns out that this misty branch is really a vampire! But

Before the audience in the live broadcast room saw the next plot development.

The live broadcast room suddenly went black!

The new audience that is still pouring in is immediately confused!

“The newcomer has just arrived, is this a paid live broadcast room?”

“Pay to watch a black screen live?”

“What about the anchor?”

“Won’t you faint?”

“Didn’t you just wake up?” Why did you faint again? ”

“That was just waking up in the game! It’s only been a few minutes inside the bio chamber! ”

“I forgot about the biology chamber simulation, didn’t I turn over?!”

“It seems to be a deep simulation of various touches…… Just thinking about it is going to overwhelm you! ”

“The anchor is still squeaking a thank you” for a long time,

The live screen is still black and nothing happens.

It was pitch black.

“The anchor won’t be eating alone, right?”

“it’s possible!”

“Show me how the misty branch can give you a spell!”

“Hurry up and kill me.”

“I think the anchor still fainted.”

“The rich brothers who can buy a biological cabin for 800,000 people will actually faint, and the real Nyima is absolutely amazing!”

A snap,

At this time, there is no black screen in the live broadcast room.

A warning pops up:

[Detected that the heart rate of the bio cabin user is too fast, the neurosympathetic feeling is too excited, and the biological cabin immersion experience has been suspended. 】

【The live broadcast room will be opened again at a later date】As soon as the biological cabin prompt pops up, the audience in the live broadcast room will instantly fry the pan! Shouting Su Chen’s old thief to return the money!

Of course, there are many viewers who have made another request: “Ten Thousand Blood Books kneel and beg Su Chen to come out of the ordinary VR version of Wanhua Mirror!” ”

Eight hundred thousand bio-cabin equipment, and the production capacity is not high, which is not affordable for ordinary players.

However, as far as the game of Wanhua Mirror itself is concerned,

However, ordinary player computers can run, and the configuration requirements are not high.

Although it lacks the perfect experience of real-time touch pressing in the bio cabin,

The game content is still a little bit more.

There are even viewers who swear by the sky,

As long as Su Chen sells, it is best to make a physical collector’s edition, and immediately buy ten copies to play by yourself.

One treasure, eight other Amway missionaries!

……… Less than half a day,

Su Chen’s paid live broadcast of this biological cabin was quickly spread on the Internet.

Because of the properties of the game itself,

Therefore, when players discuss on platforms such as bib neck and Douyin, they consciously use various black words to discuss.


Major player forums, various media platforms, and hot search lists have suddenly occupied the popularity of Su Chen’s small size game!

Kiriki’s driving skills, the charm attribute of capturing the player’s magic at all times, as well as the unique horizontal combat modeling of the whole blue star, the exquisite battle cutscene,

Let people hear the soft belligerent voice on the body.

With the mysterious narrative atmosphere of God,

The popularity of Wanhua Mirror quickly spread in a small circle of players!

In the circle of players,

The classification of Wanhua mirror has been detached from what butter,

It’s relegated to first-person shooters and love development games below.

Inside the Platinum Studio conference room.

“First-person shooter? Love develops? ”

“How did these two things get mixed together?”

Bai Qianqian stared at the player’s comments under the Wanhua Mirror, his face full of doubts, and quietly whispered to Su Chen.

Su Chen, who was sitting next to Bai Qianqian,

Hearing these two words,

A smile that could only be understood was immediately revealed on his face, and he waved his hand slightly: “It’s normal that you don’t understand.” ”

Seeing that Bai Qian wanted to talk and stopped, Su Chen quickly turned the topic around,

Facing the dozen or so people sitting a little farther away in the conference room: “I called you all here today, mainly to let everyone know each other, after all, they are all new to Platinum Studio.” ”

“Then, let’s set our work plan before the E3 show.”

“The new project is called Black Myth: Goku.”

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