Chapter 317 Goku!!

“Black mythology? Goku? ”

“Just what our project team does?”

Su Chen’s newly recruited Platinum Studio employees looked at each other with confusion in their eyes.

At first, everyone thought that this was the first meeting of the project team of Platinum Studio.

The giggle introduction passed for a while.

I didn’t expect Su Chen to actually say anything polite and didn’t say anything, and went straight to the theme!

Throw a bombshell in one fell swoop!

Except for Bai Qianqian, who quietly revealed a bad smile, the others were all confused.

Black mythology? Goku?

At first glance, the Titans and Neil released by Su Chen before are completely out of bounds!

This boss Su Chen, developing the game so divergent thinking?! After a moment of silence.

“That boss…”

Shen Mu, who was recruited by Su Chen and was in charge of numerical design, said, “Is this game project just established…”

“Of course.”

Su Chen’s face was as calm as ever, as if he was saying something ordinary and ordinary.

“In a few days from the E3 exhibition, we will take the black myth of the real machine to play the demo to demonstrate.”

There was another moment of silence.

The bottom of these just recruited into their own studios,

Other new employees in charge of level design, 3D modeling, and motion capture design looked at Su Chen with the same questions and surprises!

In their hearts,

Su Chen’s platinum studio, doesn’t it mean that you can come up with a game by taking out one?

It’s like magic, without blinking.

And now all of a sudden you say you’re going to do a brand new project? I thought I was just doing some retouching work,

Now it’s actually to start from scratch and make a new game,

And in a few days, you will have to go to the global E3 exhibition for a walk? Just a few days to come up with a real machine demo?

Every task seems impossible! Inside a dozen people,

Only Shen Mu came from the goose factory.

Shen Mu suddenly felt in his heart that Su Chen was a little unreliable!

This kind of new project to participate in E3, put to the goose factory, that must not go through a half-year loading process.

Now Su Chen made this project,

How is it as sparse and ordinary as drinking boiled water?

“E3 Exhibition……”

A long, straight black girl in a white shirt suddenly said, “I remember there seems to be no booth for us??” ”

Su Chen glanced at the girl in the white shirt and nodded slightly.

Again, in a familiar understated tone: “I’ve already done this.” ”

“Then E3 will naturally have our booth.”

As soon as the words fell, the crowd at the bottom immediately sounded a very low exclamation! The girl who asked the question was named Yin Yuan, and Su Chen herself was recruited to be in charge of the text design.

It is also a professional counterpart, and it used to do ancient mythology and culture research in the Dragon Kingdom.

The downside is that you have barely touched the game production industry.

Looking at Su Chen’s eyes now, there was one more admiration.

“But time… Is it too tight? ”

Everyone knows that E3’s weight in the game industry is equivalent to the annual game industry Expo.

With Platinum Studios’ current status,

Suddenly attending the E3 exhibition, it will definitely be a major event that will sensationalize the whole industry and the whole network!

But the problem is,

It’s only a few days away from the E3 exhibition.

Is this really enough time to come up with a hands-on demo of a new game? Not to mention this real machine demo new game,

Now the people of Platinum Studio had never even seen a shadow.

Of course, Su Chen saw the confusion in the eyes of everyone at a glance, and did not say much nonsense,

Instead, stand up straight,

In the eyes of everyone brushing in unison, a large screen in the conference room opened.

In addition, the current office location of Platinum Studio is a landmark office building located in the CBD of the center of Modu.

A few days ago, Su Chen waved a big hand, and several golden floors were taken down in the name of platinum studio.

The dozen or so employees who came in were all assigned to one of their own large offices.

“Let’s watch a video first.”

No matter how much you say, it is not as clear as a video. The eyes of the crowd immediately followed Su Chen to the big screen.

Su Chen pointed his hand, and the screen went black.

A male voice full of a heavy sense of age voiced out: “You must have all heard the story about him.” ”

The sound of the flute that slowly sounded gradually turned into a bright picture,

Everyone in Platinum Studios, all of a sudden, goosebumps are up!

“Some people say that he helped the Tang monks get the true scriptures.”

“Sealed the fight to defeat the Buddha.”

Video footage, skimming through the murals,

This sheet is all ancient traditional murals of the Dragon Kingdom.

Green lion, roc, white elephant,

Different postures, but also each with their own brilliance, a stream of immortal qi rushed straight in.

“Since then, I have stayed in Lingshan.”

In the picture, a statue of Guanyin stands solemnly among the snowflakes…….

“Others say.”

“It wasn’t him at all who became a Buddha.”

“The real him.”

“I died on the way west.”

The statue of Guanyin in the snowflakes disappears,

Instead, I came to a scorched earth,

The rustling of the wind, the flying sand and gravel that rises in the sky.

When everyone in the platinum studio saw this, like Shen Mu, they couldn’t help but feel excited.

Suddenly stand up!

I couldn’t help but roar: “This is the smell of the sleeping trough!” ”

In the confused eyes of everyone, he sat back in embarrassment.

Yin Yuan, who was in charge of the text design, did not quite understand why Shen Mu was so excited.

Although it is only a few seconds, the thick dubbing, with the realistic and realistic picture of the Platinum Studio,

It really makes people’s hearts boil.

But not so excited, right? Su Chen smiled slightly and did not speak,

The video on the big screen continues to play.

Just now it was still a deserted, miserable loess,

In a blink of an eye, we came to a thick and verdant jungle, deep in the jungle, in a dilapidated temple.

A thick voice exactly like the narrator came: “Some people say that the journey to the west never happened.” ”

“He’s just a storyteller, a fabricated one.”


A large string of Buddha beads around his neck, a ragged old monk, holding a rosary, bowed his head and whispered, “But the story I want to tell.” ”

“You must not have heard of it.”

“This story has to start with a golden cicada……”

The words slowly fell, and the picture gradually turned black.

A golden cicada with incomparably clear lines and incomparably real movements, flapping its wings,

A buzz flew through the painting.

Ding——! Su Chen suddenly paused the video playback.

“What do you think?”

One second passed, two seconds passed,

Half a minute later,

In the platinum conference room, which had been silent, there was a sudden burst of thunder and cheers!

“Boss! This is the Black Myth Goku?! ”

“Isn’t that already done?”

“That’s right! It is the smell of the Dragon Kingdom mythology! ”

“This dubbing, this mural, this sculpture, and the flute bamboo wire background music!”

“And have you seen it, this picture!” Even our previous games at Platinum Studios weren’t that good! ”

“It’s so real and shocking!”

Su Chen smiled and looked at the crowd,

Seven mouths and eight tongues, you say one sentence to me,

In the end, Shen Mu, who was the loudest, looked almost impatient, and jumped directly onto the table: “The most correct one!” Fight to defeat the Buddha! Sun Monkey! ”

“Can you really do it in the game?”

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