Chapter 320 Entering a Room and Closing a Door, If… It doesn’t work?!!

Pure black live room.

It was eleven fifty-five p.m.

“Grandpa of the audience]……… Hello everyone! ”

Pure black head is like a hair that has not been washed for several days, and the mess is covered on the pure black head 100% like a chicken coop!

Looking at the eyes of the live camera, it is also a complex batch! There was fear, a hundred million points of excitement, and of course exhaustion.

“What’s wrong with you, brother?”

“Pure black, who have you been abused by?”

“The image of the young master who fell in the family road ahhahaha.”

“This was destroyed by the escape demo?”

“Hot hand to destroy the flower Su Chen!”

Pure Black looked at the barrage of bullets floating past the line, and smiled weakly: “Playing with the escape demo once is enough torture.” ”

“When the video of the editing process was uploaded to the p-station, it was tortured again.”


Pure Black looked at the time, eleven fifty-five.

There are still five minutes to go, these days to torture themselves enough to choke the game, escape, will be exclusively sold on the Oasis platform.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw that the face of pure black was scared and wanted to play, and it was almost impossible to laugh!

“Cute and love to play!”

“Sure enough, it’s the familiar pure black sauce!”

“Or we’ll forget about it this time!” Don’t bother with Su Chen! ”


“Agree +1.”

“Watching the pure black live trial version these days, those throats almost didn’t send my family away!”

“Low blood pressure has been cured, don’t let the anchor pull my blood pressure up again and watch the bullet screen floating by,”

Suddenly slam the table!


“I’m sorry… Dirty talk. ”

Pure Black Emotions inexplicably began to get excited: “In the past few days, I have completely understood Su Chen’s routine!” ”

The pure black mouth suddenly began to slip smoothly: “Open the door and kill!” Back to kill! Volume kill! ”

“What else is going to look up and kill!”

“If only there was one else that scared me into pure blackness.”

“From now on I will be called Stupid Black!”

Five minutes later, the clock pointed to twelve o’clock.

Escape, officially available on the Oasis platform.

The pure black of the game has been pre-ordered for a long time,

The moment you see the game icon appear on the desktop.

The face immediately turns green!

These days just the escape trial version, let the pure black himself can’t even sleep soundly, dream of being mentally ill, hey hey hey laugh in the back of the chase!

Seeing the pure black face turn into this, the audience in the live broadcast room directly laughed!

“It is worthy of the P station three instigations!”

“Pure black!”

“The two-hour refund time is still there! Pure Black go for a refund! ”

“Say okay or not?”

“Or we’ll still sow goose factory cards, pure black!”

At the critical juncture, Pure Black reluctantly put on a VR suit.

In the midst of the barrage,

My hands were shaking and I entered the game.

“I don’t know if I inherit the archive!”

“If you don’t inherit the archive, Pure Black will cry to death!”

“If I were Su Chen, let you start from scratch!”

The barrage of bullets reached the pure black ears,

Pure black listened to a big shock!

Does the ghost know if it can inherit the previous demo save? If you can’t inherit it………

Doesn’t that mean you’re going to start all over again?

The previous scene made his heart jump, frantically skimming over the pure black brain!

The living dead who are strung together in a string, the shadows of the people who are suddenly bright and dark by the window, suddenly run out when they are drilling the wall, and throw themselves down the stairs of the stitching monster big fat man!

And the sinister looking priest, like a neurotic, unspeakably weird!

The fear of hiding inside the cabinet for tens of minutes and not daring to come out! When I think about it,

Pure black whole body tingled, instantly wanted to throw off the VR helmet to run.

Just when pure black is thinking wildly,

When the game is loaded, a line prompts pop up: “Loading the demo save, please wait a while.” ”

The Pure Black Heart Boulder landed on the ground, and he breathed a long sigh of relief: “Su Chen still seems to be a man!” ”

……… A moment later,

Pure Black once again stood on the floor of the Jushan Psychiatric Hospital.

Familiar green and oily night vision goggles picture,

Silent room,

There is also a heavy gasp that can’t tell if it’s the protagonist of the game or pure black.

【Location:Psychiatric Hospital Generator Room】

Everything familiar is back!

The bullet screen brush flew up in the live broadcast room: “I remember I remember!” It seems that this is the device that is going to open the power generation room! ”

“After turning on the power generation device, it seems that you can go back to the control thing to unlock the gate control or something!”

“Then you can run!”

“I don’t believe it! In addition to the pure black hiding cupboard and hiding under the sofa, the trial version will be less than an hour! ”

“Why is Su Chen so kind to let you run?”

“Hurry up, pure black!”

“What are you doing?” Won’t be in a screenshot, right? ”

Hard in the bullet screen wave of voice urging, pure black this reaction came,

I subconsciously want to turn on the power generation device.

Only then did I find my hand,

There was already a cold touch.

“……? This is?! ”

Pure black hands, I don’t know when, were placed on the large handle of the power generation device.

Subconsciously want to press it.

But I don’t know why,

His own body seems to be actually struggling with consciousness! Dead or alive is refusing to turn on the power generation device in the room! The surroundings, quietly.

“Generators… Generators…”

Because since playing the game of escape a few days ago, in order to prevent yourself from having nightmares,

Pure Black consciously let himself forget about the extremely scary scenes that appeared in the game.

The demo version ends with coming here to control the generator, but the back……

It was as if something terrible had happened! Terrible to the point of pure blackness and not even willing to think back!

It was so terrible that although the brain forcibly forgot this memory, but!

As if the body remembers!

“Why don’t you move?”

Pure black a gritted teeth, a hot brain, a hard work,

Squeak…… Squeak……

The power generation device valve should be opened in response.

Pure Black waited for a second, it seemed,

The surroundings are still quiet.

Only a low rumble came from afar.

“What! It turned out to be yourself to scare yourself! ”

“wasn’t scared by the game, I was scared by the pure black gods!”

“What is that rumbling sound?”

“I guess what is the sound of the security control center unlocking?”

Pure Black just finished his first breath,

Suddenly felt,

Behind you, there seems to be a breeze? The problem is,

This is the power generation room room, when I come in,

Keeping in mind the horror game principles you’ve summarized, you’ve already brought the door open! So this breeze is…?

Pure black doubtfully lifted the camera in his hand and turned his head,

Look behind you slowly…

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