Chapter 321 Hide in the cupboard, and you’ll be safe!!

A black shadow

Slowly appears in the center of the camera frame.

Pure black stunned is not yet reacted, the black shadow in the camera has never known when to open the room door,

A little bit towards the pure black side moved over.

And it seems to be speeding up?!

Pure Black screamed like a slaughtering pig and turned around and ran straight away!

“Here comes the groove!”

“This loud noise door sent me away!”

“When it first aired, it was big, and it really had you.”

“Pure black is the previous Raiders?” How can you be so skilled? ”

“This game has just been released, and there is a hammer strategy!”

“This is called the passive pathfinding skill unique to Pure Black!”

A wave of stumbling, left and right around the back

Pure Black gasped for breath and staggered around a corner to a fork in the road.

The heart rate has exceeded 160 by this time!

The most desperate thing is that no matter how I run and how I shake off the footsteps of the figure behind me, I will always follow! I can’t run away!

Pure black hearts are almost bursting out of their throats! Regret in my heart is non-stop! If you knew today, why did you know it in the first place! Still hard to come in and play!

The bottom line is that the game doesn’t even have the option to pause until the next save point!

It is not okay to breathe a sigh of relief!!! The most desperate still

The power in the upper right corner of the handheld camera used as a night vision goggle is the last small grid! The roof leaked during the overnight rain!

Pure black this is to put this sentence, feel the clear and clear!

“Sleeper! Thank God! ”

“There’s a door in front!”

Just when pure black was almost desperate

A hidden door appeared not far in front of the corner.

There is also a fork in the road just to the left.

Pure black is immediately dumbfounded!

“Go ahead or go left!!”

The footsteps behind me are getting closer and closer!

Inside the already dead and silent Jushan Mental Hospital, this kind of footsteps are chasing after each other

It feels like a ghost in the back!

The bullet screen in the live broadcast room began to output wildly: “Go to the left, pure black!” ”

“This door in front of the must be a big pit!”

“Let’s open the door and kill pure black!”

“Keep running, hurry up, hurry up!”

“Run a yarn!” Didn’t you see that the camera batteries are running out? ”

“The groove is really.”

“Why don’t you save some use?” Pure Pure Loser, Pure Black Young Master! ”

This sentence reached the pure black ear

Instead, let Pure Black make a decision in an instant!

Because of the camera used by this night vision goggle in his hand

It’s really almost running out of last block of electricity! At this moment, Pure Black wanted to scold the mother completely!

“I want to save batteries!”

“You don’t know how many people this giant mountain psychiatric hospital has!” ×

“A mental hospital that’s so fucking big, you can’t even afford a few batteries.”

“When I go out, I must complain that the standard of living here is the abuse of patients.”

Pure Black was extremely nervous, and the sound of his footsteps was almost sticking to the back of his head!

Hesitate a little longer, the psychotic madman behind him will turn the corner and meet the wrong love

Met pure black yourself!

Although the pure black mouth is like a machine gun, the non-stop foot action is not stopped

Just rush to the front room!

“Sleeper battery!”

Just rushed into the room

Pure Black immediately found a shiny thing! It’s like a hungry ghost seeing something to eat

Instantly pounced!

I almost cried out in excitement!

Because just this time

The electricity inside the camera has reached the last trace of electricity! The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned to hear the sound of pure black almost choking.

“As for the brother?”

“I can run blindly without batteries!”

“Isn’t it just a battery?” Sleeping trough so hungry thirsty ah pure black! ”

Almost a pure black that wept with joy

The voices were about to cry.

These viewers in the live broadcast room, of course, will not know that in fact, the game’s most valuable resource, the feeling of the battery against pure black

It is walking in the desert that people who are dying of thirst suddenly see an oasis of water determination!

This escape game

Give the number of pure black batteries, card that called a dead!

Not to mention a lot of batteries, there are all kinds of strange corners hidden.

Some are still on the fork in the road, waiting for pure black to fall into the trap.

Last time,

Pure black once you get the battery, the only way back to the road, directly stepped on the bell that has been full of malicious intentions!

Directly lead to a group of psychotic maniacs chasing after them! One battery, it cures pure black collection obsessive-compulsive disorder!



Pure Black thought of the trap he had stepped into before collecting the battery

Suddenly a chill in my heart!

Turning his head to look,


This room, fucking dead end! There is simply no other way to go!

“I said it was a pit!”

“Mother Su Chen has a hand in mentality.”

“Poison and knife at the side, pick one hahaha.”

“Pure Black Passive Skill Trigger: Dead End!”

Pure black, the tone of the voice changed and trembled, and it was sharp and high!

“That one.”

“That madman should have chased another fork in the road, right?”

Bang bang bang bang!

Footsteps are getting closer and closer to the room!


In the panic, the pure black line of sight suddenly swept down the cabinet in the corner of the room and immediately drilled in!

The familiar home-like feeling is back!

“The cabinet is pure black!”

“I met the cabinet man.”

“If you have a cabinet, don’t you panic?”

“Self-deception cabinet!”

“How long are you going to stay in the cabinet this time when it’s pure black?”

At this moment, pure black stared dead at the closed door in front of him

The atmosphere does not dare to breathe!

Although there is a feeling of safety inside the cabinet

But the claustrophobia that comes with VR experiences isn’t about playfulness either.

So it’s not a last resort

Pure Black didn’t want to hide in the cabinet anymore! Boom!

Boom! Rumble!

The closed door was in disrepair

The chased black figure arrived!


Pure black heart, shouted a calendar to the groove!

You can only wrap your mouth desperately with your hands so that you don’t shout it out!

“Pure black, don’t panic!”

“Game setting: Monsters won’t open cabinets!”

“A safe batch of good, are panic yarn.”

“Just wait for this madman to go!”

“Wang Defa!”

“Sleeper! Pure black you are hair!! ”

The black figure that had already skimmed in front of the cabinet had already passed by, and the sound of walking was far away.


Pure black this side does not know how to touch a lock inside the cabinet!

What was originally a slight noise was like a thunderclap in the quiet room at the moment!

Explode in an instant!

The footsteps that had been far away suddenly stopped!

Pure black instantly feels like a cardiopulmonary arrest!

“Send ——!”

Boom boom!

The sound of huge dull footsteps rushed straight towards the pure black hiding cabinet!

“Who the said the game setting weird must not open the cabinet?!”

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