Chapter 326 Battle Evolution!!



The sound of the cup being slammed to the ground in anger,

Accompanied by a completely uncontrollable roar! Hua Teng in his own large villa,

A complete gaffe!


“What the hell is going on!!”

“Absolutely impossible!”

Hua Teng roared a few times to overturn the roof,

The dozen or so maids and nannies in the villa were all shocked! The nearest nanny, rushing in,

I thought that I had overturned my work, which made Hua Teng so angry and angry.

As soon as I entered the door,

It was yelled out by Hua Teng!


“Step in with your left foot first!” Today you roll me! ”

“Cut it!”


Hua Teng’s bedroom door slammed shut!

Everyone looked at each other, you look at me and I look at you, no one has ever seen Hua Teng make such a big fire!

Such a serious gaffe!

The nanny who was suddenly cut was even more paralyzed on the ground!…


“Did Su Chen even count my plan for this step?!”


Hua Teng’s forehead was green and bursting, and a fine bead of sweat was oozing out.

His face was flushed.

Eyes, unblinking dead staring at a sealed bed reading email.

And in his own imagination, Su Chen was defeated,

Not the same thing at all!

The first email Hua Teng saw was sent by Li Feng, the propaganda department.

Throughout the email, only two words were revealed: “Pills!! ”

Hua Teng’s fingers trembled uncontrollably, pulling through one unread email after another.

The eyelids keep beating,

It’s like convulsing! sender

There are their own publicity department, live broadcast department, game department, marketing department……… There are also those from the holding subsidiary Seafood Desk,

Other live broadcasting platforms behind the Internet manufacturers… All emails have the same meaning.

This time the live streaming restriction ban plan, overnight,

It actually turned the whole game live broadcasting industry upside down!! Among them, Li Feng’s report is the most detailed.

“At twelve o’clock, after the major live broadcast websites restricted the flow of Su Chen’s game.”

“In the first hour, the live streaming traffic of games belonging to the Oasis platform dropped to five percent of the usual level.”

“A large number of small and medium-sized anchors choose to give up the live broadcast of Su Chen’s game.”

“The number of live broadcast rooms on major live broadcast websites and apex partitions has quickly fallen to one-tenth of usual.”

“The large number of head anchors of various websites has surprisingly unanimous choice to go offline.”

“Neither Su Chen’s games continued to be broadcast live, nor did they broadcast the games of other game manufacturers.”

“Such joint and concerted action is extremely rare.”

“Everything is under the control of the plan.”

“Until three hours after the flow restriction plan was executed.”

Hua Teng saw this, and his teeth clenched!

I seem to have been able to think of an extremely terrible thing that is happening!

A line of ordinary black letters on the email, in Huateng’s view,

But it’s a glaring bunch! Flash blind dog eyes!

[A live broadcast website called Wanjie is suddenly online!] 】

[At the same moment, the original paid live broadcast website of the Oasis platform announced that all the live broadcast content on the site was transferred to the name of the Wanjie live broadcast website. 】

[At 7:00 a.m., the Wanjie Live Broadcasting website opened the exclusive live broadcast of Halo Games.] 】

[The major anchors who have tacitly agreed to unify the offline have all settled in the Wanjie live broadcast website! 】 】


Hua Teng finally couldn’t bear it, and the spit stars flew wildly!

“Su Chen’s paid live broadcast site the other day!!”

Hua Teng angrily slapped himself on the thigh!

“But it’s impossible!”

“Isn’t that paid live streaming platform a very small live streaming platform?”

Hua Teng also deliberately kept a heart eye at that time,

Let the people under your hands deliberately stare at this website.

As a result, a few days of stalking down,

Hua Teng put his mind at ease, because Su Chen made that live broadcast website, which seemed to be a play ticket test nature.

The traffic is small, and it is estimated that the server still has network bandwidth lines.

It’s a small water pipe live broadcast platform!

As a result, I didn’t expect it……… The small water pipe was transformed into a gushing river! And

The most outrageous thing is,

Almost all head game streamers,

All ran to Su Chen, this Wanjie live broadcast website?! Hua Teng’s head,

A word quickly flashed: “Sky-high default fees!” ”

You know, the salary share of the live broadcast website for the head anchor is very high.

But also secretly buried a lot of nails!

Including, but not limited to, live broadcast duration, live promotion content, and sky-high job-hopping default fees!

Maybe the salary bonus or something is opened for hundreds of thousands, but the default fee can be millions or even tens of millions! As for the promotion of live content, it goes without saying,

Originally, Huateng’s follow-up plan was to allocate a special amount of money to let these anchors,

For a long time to come, you can only live stream your own games and several other big manufacturers!

When the time comes, the natural Su Chen’s game will become cold and can no longer be cool! As a result now,

All the follow-up plans, all in vain!

It’s all a phantom!

“Ask them to pay sky-high default fees!”

“Let these dog days know how powerful the South Shirt Pizza Hut is!”

Roaring, angry, crazy dancing of hands and feet,

Hua Teng’s whole body trembled and dialed Li Feng’s phone.

Not even the exclusive live rights of Halo were noticed.

Because in Hua Teng’s heart,


That’s just an accessory to the live economy! The key is to get these head anchors back!

If it is soft, then see it in court!!!……

At the same time, the newly opened Wanjie live broadcast website,

Rows of live broadcast rooms are all streaming a new game.

Halo: Battle Evolution!

“Brothers, live here from now on!” Remember the room number ha! Little Sister has a bright smile,”

Unabashedly in front of the live camera.

The swarming of old audiences, as well as the bustling new audience, continues to pour into the live broadcast room.

“Sister A, you will be live here later?” Not afraid of the seafood table to sue you? ”

“You know what! The old woman has money! I’m afraid I’m redeeming myself from a seafood table, right? ”

“redemption is okay! How strange it feels! ”

The little sister waved her hand: “Brothers, the old lady is free!” ”

“That’s right! It’s redemption! ”

“In the past, there were five or six hours of promotion and live broadcasting every day, and what stinky fish and rotten shrimp were broadcasting!”

As soon as the little sister talked about this, she thought of being named by the seafood station a few days ago, to broadcast the goose factory flying car and love to repay several Hapi games!

It’s hard to think about!

Hate can not raise the seafood station high-level family!

“I won’t tell you.”

The little sister was now laughing until her mouth was crooked, and she was free of a crooked mouth Dragon King.

“Oasis platform boss, game producer Su Chen, you know?”

The bullet screen was instantly, and a crap brush was all over the screen!

“I want you to talk nonsense! Say it! ”

“What? Sue married you home? ”

“This is redemption?”

The old girl’s face turned red: “No, no, no! Where do you want to go! ”

“I just thought… People probably can’t look at it…”

“Oh no!”

Du Xiaomei’s eyes lit up: “Su Chen directly bought me out of the seafood table!” ”

“From now on, I will be Su Chen’s person… Wrong! People from all walks of life! ”

“This halo game.”

“Only on the Wanjie live broadcast platform can we broadcast live!”

“Tell me the truth.”

Dumb little sister has a mysterious face: “In the future, apex, as well as the anchors of the stand-alone Neil, all will move over!” ”

“Okay, that’s the end of the.”

“Brothers, make an aura!”

[Game loading.] 】

【Inheritance Demo Save】

The picture is strangely transformed,

Little sister, in the blink of an eye, she is already standing in front of a huge mysterious facility…

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