Chapter 327 Fear! Below the facility, what the hell is there?!!

【343 Sparks of Sin】

The title of the game in this chapter slowly fades out of the picture.

“What is 343?!” I don’t seem to be impressed! ”

“Brothers, I’m new here. Can anyone say the synopsis? ~”

“Now I’m confused!”

“I remember it as if it was a follow-up to the exploration on the planet Hamoni?”

“Hamoni? Is it the one inside the Titan Fall? ”

“Ah yes yes yes! That’s it! ”

“Rebel Motherstar! I remember! ”

“Then a facilitator, taking the player through to another space-time or something?”

“What’s the name of the protagonist……”

“What does it seem to be called?”

“Sergeant Major! Can’t even remember the barrage people?! ”

On the public screen of the live broadcast room, the bullet screen began to chirp and become lively. After all, many viewers have not seen the live broadcast of the little sister for a few days.

A lot of pre-plot, a little can’t remember.

Now the game inherits the previous save.

For a while, the previous plot was not well remembered.

“I remember rescuing the captain.”

Dumb little sister with a VR helmet, just habitual instinct to scratch the head, when it touched the helmet.

Fortunately, at this time,

A small prompt appears in the game: “Please return to the menu options for a synopsis.” ”


The non-commissioned officer commander controlled by the little sister, the pestle was placed in place for a few minutes later.

This straightened out the previous plot.

“Kotana in front, that’s the super beautiful girl!”

Dumb little sister swallowed, in the game this is called Cortana, just like the wife assigned by the organization!

Caring about the considerate can’t do!

“Cortana deciphered the forerunner’s legacy found by the sergeant commander and set the transition coordinates based on this.”

The little sister controlled the sergeant major and turned around and looked into the distance.

A huge gaseous planet that occupies a large part of the sky.

Immediately there were viewers in the live broadcast room: “Help! Colossia! ”

And the land where the sergeant chief is there,

To be precise, it is actually an artificial ring!

A huge curved land mass stretches all the way around the gaseous planet, barely visible at a glance!

The ring belt where the sergeant commander is located, this kind of thing that seems to be completely unbelievable to human beings,

That is the title of the game, Halo!

“Because of being pursued by the Star Alliance, the Autumn Wind Pier where the sergeant commander sat was forced to descend to the ring belt next to the planet.”

“Later, it was found that this ring belt is called the 04 aura!”

Dumb little sister withdrew her gaze,

“Speaking of which, do you remember the Star Alliance?”

The audience in the live broadcast room answered in seconds: “It’s that group of funny Gollum people!” It seems to be called a wild boar beast again! ”

“Weak batch! Give it for free! Impressed! ”

“And what other Jackal, that is a bit of a fierce character, I remember there are snipers, and the mother of the little sister sniper doesn’t know!”

When the little sister heard this, the old face turned red!

I immediately remembered the tragic moment when I was chasing a group of Gollum people and suddenly being mixed in with the Jackal Sniper, sniping to the ass urine flowing everywhere!

So the little sister quickly changed the topic: “by you saying this, the Star Alliance is all funny characters!” ”

“Have you forgotten the two races in the Star Covenant called the Elite and the Hunters?”

The little sister casually pointed to the corpse of the Star Alliance elite lying on the ground not far behind the sergeant major.

Also holding the iconic transparent blue lightsaber in your hand!

“The groove remembers!”

“The elite seems to be about the size of a Spartan warrior like the sergeant major!”

“That hunter has a estimate of two meters and three meters tall!” Hard batch! You can only take the weakness without armor protection! ”

“The front is all armored! We can’t penetrate enemy armor! ”

“I remember the last time the old woman tried to play the version, she was beaten to the abandoned pit, as if it was because she was beaten to a coma by two hunters!”

“How did you say that it felt like the plot in the book?”

The little sister quickly coughed a few times and changed the subject: “Behind the sergeant major with Cortana forced landing on the ring belt, all the fellow marines died.” ”

“However, the Autumn Wind No.D. did not completely crash, and it was forced to land on the ring belt.”

“Later, we also put the captain who was arrested and interrogated by the Star Alliance, so it seems that Captain Keis is coming?”

“Get him back!”

The little sister’s gaze once again looked at the door of the mysterious building in front of her.

“Later, our human organization, the UNSC, learned some key information from the Star Alliance captives.”

“The aura is something of great religious significance to the Star Alliance.”

“Moreover, it seems that there are still very controllable interstellar weapons inside!”

“In order to suppress the Star Alliance, it is absolutely impossible to let the Star Alliance control the aura, Captain Guise and a group of veterans attacked the Star Alliance arsenal.”

“This is it.”

The sergeant chief in the picture points to the building in front of him.

At this point,

In the ear of the sergeant major, the radio female voice communication sounded:

[Captain’s transport ship, the last signal, is from the area where you are now, Master Sergeant!] 】

It’s been almost twelve hours now, and we can’t get in touch with the captain and his team! 】

If you find Captain Guise, call me by radio!] I’ll be there for you right away!” 】

The sergeant chief has not yet had time to reply,

Suddenly, a chirping cry rang out!

The little sister immediately tensed up all over her body, and the gun was raised by the conditional firing, and the muzzle of the gun was black and pointed at the source of the scream!

“It’s a wild boar beast!”

“So soon to do it again?!”

“The sergeant chief has burst out all these wild boar beasts!”

“Free ammo delivery again!”


“It doesn’t seem quite right!”

Not only the audience in the live broadcast room, but even the little sister also noticed that it was not normal!

The situation is very abnormal!

These wild boar beasts have no desire to attack themselves at all! The mouth is clucking, and you can hear all the panic and fear! And

These wild boar beasts don’t even have a weapon in their hands!

“Is this scared to throw away all your weapons?”

Dumb little sister full of confusion,

I remember when the sergeant chief chased the wild boar beast to kill,

Didn’t these guys throw away their armor like they do now? Don’t even want weapons or anything!

The sergeant chief standing in front of the facility did not attract the attention of these fleeing wild boar beasts at all.

Flocks of dwarf wild boar beasts,

Just rush out of the facility, deep in the dark swamp! While escaping, I fell several times,

The footsteps are staggering,

My mouth was full of terrified screams! It’s like,

There was an invisible hand, behind these fearful wild boar beasts, chasing after “Brains are burned? ”

“No, the wild boar beast has no brain?”

“Was it Captain Gies who killed all the Star Covenants inside?” That’s why? ”

Dumb little sister shook her head in confusion,

Pick up the MA40 automatic rifle in your hand, raise your foot and walk inside the facility.

“This facility, and the aura internal facilities encountered before, are no different from the voice of the little girl.”

The background music suddenly changed!

From the beginning of the game, the tense and intense atmosphere instantly becomes eerie!

Dumb little sister suddenly reacted a little, these wild boar beasts are afraid of this,

Did you see something you shouldn’t have seen, something dirty?

If there is no background sound, let the little sister instantly stand upright!

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