Chapter 328 Deep Underground!!

Stay little sister, stand upright with cold hair!

Obviously, what he controls is a person who can kill several streets of the Star Alliance and protrude from the bow to the stern.

The non-commissioned officer who can turn over a whole ship of the Star Alliance is not without weapons in his hands,

Firephobia is even more insignificant.

But why,

Suddenly I felt a terrible fear in my heart?! Even made the dumb little sister’s teeth fight straight!


If there is no sharp background sound in the ear, it disappears one king and two pure.

The terrified cries of the Star Alliance wild boar beasts also disappeared around the depths of the jungle swamp,

A dead silence returned.

The little sister tried to control her breathing, “It’s all right! The old thief is starting to frighten again! ”

“Nothing was too much trouble!”

“That bunch of wild boar beasts is already timid! Captain Gis, they have a bad signal inside the facility! ”

The audience in the live broadcast room saw that the little sister was so fancy to comfort herself, and one by one it was even more lively and not afraid of things: “God facility signal is not good!” Is the captain using a 4G signal? ”

“All blame the pot of the forerunner! Mobile Internet access is not fully considered! ”

“Is there something dirty that shields the signal?”

“It’s really possible to sleep!”

“Tingting! Isn’t this a game set in futuristic sci-fi? Why did the painting suddenly take a turn? ”


The high praise barrage reached the ear of the little sister, and the little sister was even more uncertain!

The hands holding the MA40 are starting to tremble a little!

“……… Shut up! Shut up! ”

“Now there are a lot of guys in my hands, afraid of something dirty!”

“Come and give it a surprise!”

While trying to comfort herself, the little sister even fancy-cut the gun,

The MA40 automatic rifle, as well as the high-precision spot-fire BR75 with a scope.

Stay little sister, and think you can do it again! Really want to encounter some ghost stuff dirty things,

Just use the fire in your hand to give it a physical excess!

“Don’t comfort yourself old woman! There must be something up there here. ”

“I’m afraid I’m not going to run away like the wild boar hand!”

“There is a saying that no matter how many guys in your hand there are, you can’t stand up to Sister A’s sunset red stroke marksmanship.”

Dumb little sister take a deep breath,

Just as if he hadn’t heard these bullet screens that deliberately frightened him.

Manipulate the sergeant to step out of the long step.

The MA40 has a smooth and neat rail muzzle, aiming at the front at three points and one line.

The sergeant major in a standard to no longer standard, indoor close-range gun fighting posture,

Step into the facility.


Dumb little sister looks around,

Gaze quickly sweeps through the interior of the facility.

I don’t see a trace of anomalies.

Just like the several Star Alliance facilities that the sergeant chief had killed before.

Whether it is a transparent elevator,

Or Star Alliance’s iconic eggshell weapon compartment and transparent shield, all the architectural styles of the facilities, all illustrate one thing.

That is,

The facility where Captain Keis led the troops to raid is a Star Alliance arsenal.

“Then why is there no news at all…”

A few twists and turns, a few turns back and forth,

The sergeant commander searched the corners and rooms quickly and orderly, and the muzzle of the gun was not put down for even a second.


It seems to be wrestling with the air. There is still a dead silence inside the facility.

Quiet to,

All that could be heard was the heavy footsteps of the sergeant chief as he walked down the road.



As for the imaginary heavily guarded Star Alliance guards, that was none of them seen…

Before long, the little sister had already circled to an elevator entrance.

The transparent blue elevator, as long as you stand on it, can lead to the deep underground.


“……… It’s so quiet……”

The little sister stood on the transparent elevator and looked down.


Even if I am still a little used to this transparent elevator design, but this look goes down,

Dumb little sister still feels that her legs and stomach are weak! Coupled with the dead silence around him.

Dumb little sister even began to feel,

Even if you jump out of the Star Alliance now! Even hunters!

Five big three thick almost three meters tall hunter!

It’s better than nothing like this!!! Depressing, quiet, unknown.

Mix it up.

Dumb little sister reached out to start the elevator button,

But I can’t press it for a long time!

“Old woman stop inking!”

“Hurry up!”

“nothing! Panic! ”

“Just now I said that what dirty things are physically excessive, and this will not work?”

“Again, the anchor’s mouth is much harder than the marksmanship!”

Stomp your feet!

The sergeant major’s Hammer armor of the god of thunder made a loud noise on the elevator!


“Get down to the bottom!” Afraid of a yarn! ”

Dumb little sister gritted her teeth and stomped her feet,

The sergeant slapped the elevator button with his hand………… The transparent elevator immediately began to slide silently.

Hum ——— hum

I don’t know how deep it took to descend to the elevator, but the elevator finally stopped.

The sergeant major took a big step out of the elevator.

The muzzle of the MA40, black moving forward, motionless.


“It’s here…”

“How come there is still no Star Alliance?!”

The little sister herself heard her own voice, and she actually trembled inexplicably! Dead

Still the same dead silence.

At this time, even the little girl likes to come to some scary BGM! Let yourself know that there is a great horror ahead!

Now this depressed and quiet, and all the unknown feelings, I really can’t resist!

“But go, old woman!”

“The most intimidating sergeant major I’ve ever met!”

“Everything is so quiet on the road! The front must also be very safe! ”

“The old woman is now a little trembling at gunpoint haha.”

The audience in the live broadcast room is equivalent to watching the first-view movie,

And the tension of the little sister herself immersed in the VR environment is not something that the audience can experience at all!

“Never mind! Rush! ”

In the case of extreme depression and the unknown ahead, people often make sudden and excessive actions.

Now Dumb Little Sister is like this.

Suddenly an inexplicable roar,

The little sister controlled the sergeant major to rush directly into the front room and aisle!

“Oh, you little bit!”

“I’m scared to death by you!!”

“This sound almost sent me away!”

“The anchor considers the audience viewing experience thank you.”

Bypass several rooms and cross 1.0 lanes,

The heavy footsteps of the sergeant major, suddenly,

Abrupt stop!

Dumb little sister has been beating heart since just now, now this moment,

Almost jumped straight out of the throat!

The Star Alliance enemy that he had always wanted to see finally appeared.

It’s just that it comes in another form… Several corpses of the Star Alliance elite,

Lying lifelessly ahead, with weapons in hand, you can see it.

It was thrown aside in horror, disorganized.

Even the non-commissioned officer commander had to deal with the Star Alliance elite squad,

It seems that they have not been able to effectively resist the unknown, and they have died.

And on the faces of these elites who were invincible in the past, the expression before death was unusually uniform.

Fear, boundless fear!

The pupils in the eyes, desperate and helpless to enlarge to the extreme…

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