Chapter 336 The old thief makes a game, that is, he is specially pit people!!

Deep Sea Trek.

A one-of-a-kind underwater exploration of the open world! The production cost is not high,

But it reaped a quality that didn’t match the money invested at all, and of course the praise of the players.

Open world, explore, build freely.

Of course, there is also a key word, that is, the deep sea world! Or rather, beautiful water world!

Free to explore, survive, realistic.

Together, these are enough to attract simple players into the pit.

And then again………

Su Chen suddenly thought of a sentence.

Let these players feel the fear of what is hidden behind the real beauty!

“Hmmm… But look for it first……”

“See if there are any competitors.”

Su Chen saw the screen in front of him, quickly skimming through the pages of search information.

“Not really.”

“There are no similar games on the Blue Star.”

Su Chen shook his head,

Now in the world,

Not to mention this deep-sea theme,

Even for a large category of sandbox survival building games, there is almost no blank space on the blue star.

There are companies that have made a game similar to a mini-world, but the difference and the flutter.

“Well, if you go to the next one, you can move the unmanned deep space up.”

are open world sandbox building exploration games,

One in the sky, one in the sea.

Heaven and earth and the sea have always been the things that human beings have been pursuing! Plus sandbox building exploration,

These 857 types of play that Blue Star players have never seen before.

Don’t think about it, it’s definitely a big seller!

When the time comes, the exclusive live broadcast rights of Deep Sea Trek will be put on the Wanjie live broadcast platform.

The back fits on the unmanned deep space.

A set of combination punches out,

Just look at those head live broadcast platforms can’t pick up now!

“Moreover, you can also see how players who are tricked into being frightened by the beautiful painting style will react when the time comes!”

Su Chen looked at the blue game icon of Deep Sea Trek and suddenly remembered one more thing: “I remember this game… Seems to have a VR version? ”

A search in the system.

A moment later.

“Well, there is, or mod enthusiasts make it first, and then it is officially approved by the production team.”

“If that’s the case, then just let the Oasis server change the foundation.”

Su Chen’s gaze retracted from his own game production system,

Fingers snapped and began the VR improvement of Deep Sea Trek.

Just when Su Chen was making Deep Sea Trek VR.

Goose Factory Headquarters, Legal Department.

“Are you all ready?”

A Sven man in a suit and leather, with gold wire glasses, combing a shiny and shiny back,

In a cold tone, he asked his subordinates.

Several subordinates in the scene,

The tone of the answer was also extremely respectful: “Mr. Xu, no problem.” ”

“The lawyer’s letter is ready, starting with those few head female anchors.”

This man called Xu Zong,

It is the head of the legal department of the goose factory, Xu Hai.

As a general existence of nuclear weapons in the hands of the goose factory, Xu Hai rarely appears in peacetime.

Even the staff of the legal department rarely get Xu Hai on weekdays.

But today,

Xu Hai appeared for the first time.

And it also brought a bunch of Hua Teng’s highest instructions.

Employees of the legal department of the goose factory,

One by one is even more exciting!

No KPI has been able to complete it lately! I haven’t received an order for a long time.

In recent years, no one has dared to challenge the legal department of the goose factory.

Now look at this posture, finally, the big one is coming!

Xu Hai cleared his throat: “Follow the procedure step by step.” ”

“Send a warning letter first.”

“Don’t forget to send it over there.”

Several subordinates at the bottom responded in unison: “Understood! ”


Stay inside the little sister live broadcast room.

The mobile phone that was put aside by the little sister suddenly rang loudly!

Ding-Ding-——! Keep ringing, keep vibrating!

But at this time,

Whether it is the little sister herself, or the live broadcast audience,

Not a single one noticed the abnormal ringing of the phone!

Because the little sister is now escaping from the ascending elevator of the facility and is besieged by a group of flood demons!

The sergeant chief rides the elevator and wants to return to the top floor of this nightmarish facility.

As a result, a group of flood demons were found, and they came out of nowhere, fell out, and flew to the non-commissioned officer chief elevator one by one.

Waving tentacles, twisting the body of the spores, and constantly attacking!

Watch the live room viewers scalp tingling!

“spared a big circle of Captain Keitz and didn’t see anything!”

“At least I know that the captain is also infected, so I guess I didn’t save him?”

“It is estimated that the captain has also become the kind of form that the Star Alliance elite has been infected?”

“Just now, Sister A seems to have encountered several human forms infected by the flood demon……”

“Don’t talk about yue.”

“After fighting the flood demon for so long, the people I saw were numb!”

“How did Su Chen think of doing such disgusting things out?”

“If you know the bad taste of the old thief, there will be a ghost.”

“Why don’t you go back and those Star Alliance wild boar beasts and jackals!”

“instant has a sense of affinity for the Star Alliance!”

“If you see the Star Alliance now, it’s not like seeing your loved ones!”

The mentality of the little sister at this moment is almost explosive!

While hiding from the flood demon spores that keep falling from their heads,

From time to time, you also have to use your hands to tear apart these slimy and soft bugs.

On the one hand, you have to keep shooting at guns.

Nausea, tingling, exhaustion.

It’s all the little girl feels now!

After half a day of circling in this labyrinthine facility below, Captain Guise was not found.

Instead, they killed all the infected Marines.

Stunned that a living person did not come out!

There is a sentence in the bullet screen in the live broadcast room that pokes at the heart of the little sister.

Now even if you have to face a whole team of Star Alliance elites,

It’s better than hitting disgusting bugs that don’t know it!

Not to mention the large number of strangely shaped and strange Flood Demon infected bodies full of tentacles and sharp claws!


The shotgun in the sergeant’s hand spewed out the last lead bullet.

A close-up look at the face of a Star Alliance elite sprayed beyond recognition.

And it’s physically unrecognizable.

“It’s on the ground—” The little girl’s voice did not fall,

The familiar voice of UNSC support staff was heard in the ears for a long time, and the little sister who listened to it was almost moved to cry!

A beam of light shines overhead.

【Sergeant Major!】 Finally got in touch with you! 】

[We were going to pick you up at the meeting point!] 】

[But as soon as we got here, we were suddenly attacked by the enemy!] 】

Something is ambushing us! 】

[Sergeant Commander We must get out of here immediately!] 】

【Confluence coordinates, have been sent to the sergeant major in your helmet system!] A fierce exchange of fire rang out at the other end of the communication channel.

The little sister quickly called up the confluence coordinates and was just about to leave.

The swamp forest where the facility is located,

Suddenly there was a familiar sound of footsteps around him!


Dumb little sister, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room, flashed a thought at the same time: “The underground flood demon has all run out?!” ”

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