Chapter 337: Letter from the Lawyer of the Goose Factory! Astronomical default fees!!

Just crawled out of the nightmarish underground ruins facility, has been dried out of a large piece of psychological shadow by the flood demon bugs, and the little sister can’t help but think that she can finally catch her breath.


Now even the ground ~ run out of the flood demon? It is also an inheralded pristine jungle swamp.

Sissoso – Sisso

Before the little sister’s angry spit began, Wu Yang Yang had a large piece of flood demon spores,

There are also various forms of infection parasitic alliances and humans

Waving all kinds of tentacles and claws, he rushed towards the sergeant major!

“Sergeant Major.”

But Cortana, the voice did not change in the slightest,

Still extremely calm, it rang in the non-commissioned officer’s ear: “Go to the fog marker point of the front tower, and we will immediately evacuate on the transport plane of the Vulture.” ”

Dumb little sister a cry!

Now I have found out for myself what is called standing and talking without waist pain! It’s simple!

With a tingling scalp, he rushed into the jungle where there were unknown number of flood demons hiding.

“Whew… Whew………”

Another wave of bloody killing,

Thor’s Hammer armor was stained with the green slurry of the Flood Demon Worm Clan, and one foot exploded the last Flood Demon Spore,

With a popping of pulp,

The sergeant chief appeared at the designated meeting point, not far in front of a huge tower.

“This tower…… The little sister looked up. ”

A large fog suddenly struck!


The little sister who had long been a little nervous by Hong Devil immediately raised her gun and pointed at it.

The sergeant chief in the game screen still did not say a word.


A mechanical voice sounded behind the sergeant major: “Welcome to the 04 base.” ”

“I am the guide of the 04 base, Spark of Evil 343.”

The little sister with the gun quickly turned around,

The finger is already on the trigger.

“Don’t shoot, I’m not the enemy.”

The fog cleared,

Dumb little sister this only to see clear,

It’s not someone else who makes this mechanical sound.

Instead, it is the same type of machine that guides the player into the world of Halo in the first place!

Boxy mechanical body, with a shiny blue fluorescent eye,

It is estimated that the entire body size is a little larger than the head of the sergeant major.

“Someone has released the Flood Demon.”

Spark of Evil 343 said this, and the sergeant chief also put down the muzzle of the gun.

At least for now,

This thing can’t get along with the Hong Devil Bug.

Continuing to hum, “My duty is. ”

“Prevent those flood demons from leaving this base.”

“However, I need your help.”

Dumb little sister looked at this floating robot in front of her, full of doubts!

The strange thing is that Cortana, who usually talks a lot, actually doesn’t say a word at this time.

Ever since the information connected to the underground facility, Cortana seems to have begun to be reticent.

Originally, the little sister still wanted Kotana to make up her mind.

As a result, now, only the barrage voice came from the ear: “04 base? What is this? ”

“This evil spark 343 looks a little cute.”

“Can you help defeat the Flood Demon?”

“It doesn’t feel right!”

“This kind of thing that pops up all of a sudden, it wouldn’t be nice to mess it up for you.”

“Is the groove really!!!”

The audience in the live broadcast room was in a state of exclamation,

Seeker 343 suddenly shot out a dazzling light from his big blue eyes!

In an instant, the non-commissioned officer’s whole body was covered.

Squeak——— hum

I haven’t waited for the little sister to react at all,

The figure of the sergeant major and 343 disappeared into the picture together!

【Sergeant Major!】 】

I can’t get your signal! Where are you Sergeant Major?! 】

【Please answer when you receive it…!】 】

Only the UNSC Condor who had just arrived at the rendezvous point ready to pick up the sergeant major,

The sound of a call coming from afar….

“Take a break!”

The little girl took off the VR helmet, released the fixture, and sat down on the ground.

Spark of Evil 343 by the sudden appearance of the Guide,

After teleporting away in a never-before, almost magical way.

The title of the new chapter appears on the screen.

【Raid Think Tank】

However, the little sister quickly suspended the game.

Take advantage of this gap to take a good rest yourself!

When the Hong Devil, a race that did not know the ghost was designed, appeared in VR,

I almost scared myself to pee!!!

Slimy tentacles, slippery spores, and parasitic infections that are covered with large tumors.

Just thinking about it.

Staying little sister feels like she doesn’t have to eat for a day! It was easy to resist an urge to vomit, and his eyes swept through the barrage,

Suddenly, I saw several bullet screens reminding myself: “Look at your phone.” ”

“Old woman just now your phone has been shaking!”

“Did you secretly raise some little boyfriend?”

“Big Brother has been carrying the train all night!”

“Boyfriend pink husband powder two eyes and one black.”

“Did Su Chen call you?”

“Let Su Chen open a hanging for you!”

The little sister blushed and quickly stood up and picked up the phone.

One look at the unread information, the heart is instantly tight! The face has changed dramatically!

The audience in the live broadcast room also saw that something was wrong: “What’s wrong with this?” ”

“Wouldn’t it really be a little boyfriend?”

“Big Brother Su Chen broke up with you?”

“The old woman’s face is a little scary!”

“Did you get caught by the police for doing something bad?”

“KFC takeout will arrive at your house right away!”

Only at this time, all the jokes and jokes of the barrage, the little sister did not have time to pay attention.

Because now,

I actually received a warning letter from the seafood table! And the most terrible thing is,

The warning letter was sent half an hour ago.

It clearly reads:

【Anchor ID stay little sister, please abide by the terms of the contract signed with our company.】 】


【……… Within half an hour, stop your activities on other live streaming platforms. 】

[Otherwise, it is regarded as a unilateral breach, and our company will initiate a lawsuit against the anchor himself in accordance with the terms of the contract and relevant legal provisions. 】

See this,

The little sister instantly felt cold on her body! Good to die, just half an hour!

And the next unread message,

It’s a scanned photo!

From the goose factory holding seafood station, sent to the lawyer letter to the little sister! If it is a lawyer’s letter, it will be fine,

The key is that

At the bottom of the lawyer’s letter, a big number is printed, just afraid that the little sister can’t see it.

[Suing the anchor for unilateral breach of contract and causing losses to the live broadcast platform: 15 million]

“Sleeper Nima!!!”

Regardless of whether the live camera is still open, the little sister scolded the pill on the spot!

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