Chapter 346: New Characters, New Modeling, Fusion!!

“So how did you draw?”

In the face of Bai Qian’s complaints, Su Chen was still as indifferent as ever. As before, Su Chen did not explain the reason for doing so.

And several subordinates in the office, including Bai Qianqian,

Su Chen’s attitude of often doing things without giving orders and not explaining them has long been accustomed to.

After all, no one knows,

What is going on in the mind of this genius who is now shaking the global gaming world?

Rehe’s strange ideas, placed on Su Chen’s body, became very reasonable!

Just like this task that is now said in white and shallow.

What to fuse Chang’e and the spider spirit.

Of course everyone in Chang’e knew.

Spider spirits are known to everyone.

Journey to the West These novels and TV series and movies have not been seen by anyone.

But Su Chen asked Bai Qianqian to fuse Chang’e and the spider spirit together?

This makes everyone confused! Who knows inside Su Chen’s head,

What the hell is going on!

“Hmmm… The painting is painted. ”

“It’s just a little…”

As a platinum studio responsible for the original art design of this piece of the head white shallow voice is rarely lowered.

A face tangled,

He handed a thick stack of sketch materials to Su Chen’s desk.

“What’s wrong with this is…”

Shen Mu and Lu Yao quickly glanced at each other.

The same question came into each other’s eyes.

“Can it be…… Screwed up? ”

Thinking of this, several people’s hearts immediately became anxious.

Usually, I have only seen Su Chen with an indifferent look.

No one had ever seen what Su Chen would look like if he was angry? White shallow is even more seven up and eight in the heart,

Looking at Su Chen with trepidation,

Page after page, I turned over the original manuscript I had sent up.


In the office, there was a moment of silence!

Everyone wanted to get some information from Su Chen’s face.

After all, this is the progress of the first work that Su Chen asked today.

How high the priority, no need to say it, everyone knows it! Just Su Chen’s face,

From the moment I opened the thick stack of original paintings, there was no change in expression!

Bai Qian stared at Su Chen nervously for a while, but he didn’t find any information!

In the huge office, quietly.

A needle falling to the ground can be heard.

After a century of silence.

Bai Qian made a difficult voice from his throat: “Boss… I’ll change it again…”

Bai Qianqian just finished speaking,

Su Chen suddenly looked up and began with a sentence, “Huh? ”

“Change what?”

“Isn’t that nice?”

Even Su Chen’s unchanged indifferent face showed a hint of a smile! The crowd was in an uproar!

All I had in mind was: Is it okay to say it earlier? The result is in this to engage our mentality! Scare everyone half to death!

Bai Qianqian almost cried out! One second he was still holding his heart and hanging on to his guts, and the next second he was directly in his heart and the big stone landed on the ground! There was even a feeling of weakness in the legs!

“Boss, you didn’t say it earlier…”

The white and shallow eye sockets all began to suddenly turn red!

The first time I completed the special work tasks assigned by Su Chen, I also got the evaluation of ‘very good’.

You know, this is from the mouth of a genius game producer!

And Bai Qianqian himself is just a college student who has just graduated.

The others in the office were now looking at the white shallow eyes.

Even a hint of jealousy! This is,

Personal recognition from the big guys! Su Chen, sitting on an office chair,

Nature does not know the wave after wave of mental activity of these guys below.

I’m also a little confused,

Isn’t it just a sentence: “Isn’t that nice?” ”

Almost made Bai Shallow cry with excitement?

Su Chen, who was watching, muttered in his heart: “It is indeed a little girl with rich emotions.” ”

“But it’s because of this emotional richness that I can draw such an original painting design.”

These white and shallow original drawings in my hand,

One by one, it really surprised Su Chen! This white is shallow, I did not look away! It’s full of innate art bacteria!

“These old spider essences are very good, whether it is line drafts or colors, they have an internal taste.”

“It does incorporate the kind of Tianxian painting style that Chang’e carries.”

“The most important thing is that you didn’t make an internet red face spider essence or an internet red face Chang’e out.”

“I’m very happy with that.”

Su Chen took out a few drawings and handed them to everyone.

“The spider spirit modeling is designed according to this original sketch.”

Lu Yao, who is in charge of modeling and action design projects, frowned: “Boss, do you mean that at this stage of our time, we only do 3D modeling of spider essences?” ”

“And then design according to Chang’e’s bones?”

“Like in the drawing?”

Su Chen nodded.

“That’s right.”

Lu Yao’s expression was even more confused this time.

Not only Lu Yao, but also the eyes of others were all confused!

“That… Well, boss, I just want to ask. ”

Lu Yao, a 3D modeler who has been in the industry for several years, has done modeling work for a lot of 3D animation before.

Nature knows that all kinds of 3D modeling has no taste, in fact, it is all supported by the story behind it.

If you rip off the backstory behind the characters,

It will be like many inferior animations, running out of all kinds of net red face vases! Su Chen nodded faintly and signaled Lu Yao to continue asking.

“That… It’s……”

Lu Yao organized the language slightly, and how awkward the result was!

In the end, he went straight to the point: “Why do you want to fuse Chang’e and the spider essence together?” ”

“She can’t hit two or eight shots!”

Lu Yao’s voice fell, and the others also cast a fascinated look together!

“Who said she couldn’t hit two or eight rods?”

Su Chen smiled slightly, and a cunning light flashed in his eyes: “In the black mythological game, Chang’e and the spider spirit are inextricably linked!” ”

“Don’t be bound by Journey to the West.”

As soon as Su Chen finished speaking,

In the office, everyone was stunned!

“This is Chang’e’s original painting, this is the spider essence original painting.”

“And this is the image of them after they are integrated.”

On a drawing,

A woman in a red wedding dress.

The face is engraved with the wrinkles left by the years, but it is still difficult to hide the fairy appearance of the day.

All over the body, but at the same time, it exudes the temptation and deadly danger of spider essences.

“And she, will be with our protagonist.”

Su Chen smiled lightly: “Becoming a parent.” ”

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