Chapter 347 Artifact Obtained, Underwater Thruster!!

Su Chen’s voice just dropped,

There was an uproar!

“This old woman…”

Even the white shallowness who personally designed the image of this new spider essence, hearing Su Chen’s words, couldn’t believe his ears!

“Really fake boss?”

“When the time comes, the players outside will not make a fuss?”

“It’s… O old woman! ”

Everyone stared at the original painting together.

According to the eyes of ordinary people,

The old woman pictured above must be at least seventy-eighty years old! Let the player use VR, in the game and this monster……… Get married? This idea is also too grounded, right?!

Only Su Chen didn’t care,

The tone was as calm as ever: “Just do what I say.” ”

“When the time comes, we will put a formal plot demonstration at the E3 exhibition.”

“As for the more detailed plot and the background setting, I’ll send it to you later.”

After Su Chen said this, he found that everyone in the office, one by two,

Still looking at himself with a shocked face!

“What, what’s written on my face?”

Su Chen smiled and looked at everyone.

Lu Yao stammered and asked, “Boss! This woman who can be a grandmother, will not be… Heroine, right? ”

“This hemp………”

“Let’s discuss the next question…”

Everyone in the office was suddenly hoisted to 1 day!

“I rely on Su Zong, don’t sell Guanzi!”

“I can’t eat dinner this time!”

“Boss, I beg you to speak quickly!”


It was Su Chen’s platinum studio working overtime for the production of the black myth game.

Inside the headquarters building of the Goose Factory.

Live department meeting room.

Another loud slap on the table came.


“This group of dogs day!”

“How dare they still be on the air!!!”

The head of the live broadcast department, Zhang Muyang, had a black gas on his face and a green tendon on his neck.

“And that Xu Hai of the Legal Department!”

“Say what you say.”

“Wanjie Live is going to die today!”

“No anchor dares to broadcast!”

“Look at the result!”

Zhang Muyang waved his hand violently and pointed to the screen in the conference room.

“Now the audience of seafood and tiger sprouts is alive every day!”

“It’s been fucking off almost half! It’s half right!!! ”

“Look at the World Live again!” Make another Deep Sea Trek!! ”

“Another exclusive live stream!”

“Even the small and medium-sized anchors on our side have begun to run!”

“I don’t know how so many people like to play a cartoon-style childish game!”

“Is the war old or is CF not fragrant?!”

“Or is the female anchor dancing bad?”

Inside the live broadcast department, it was a miserable storm.

Now it’s the turn of the live broadcast department, finally experiencing the horror of Su Chen’s storm sweeping through the game N industry!

Zhang Muyang looked at the live background data on the screen,

The apex partition that dominated the entire seafood station homepage yesterday is now not even a live broadcast room!

Millions of tipping streams a day, just disappear! The more I looked, the more angry I became, and the more I thought about it, the more angry I became!

“Originally our side has been losing money!”

Zhang Muyang’s face flushed,

Fire almost erupted from his eyes: “It’s hard to come to Su Chen!” Just by relying on his few games, he turned the live broadcast into a profit in a few days! ”

Everyone in the department office also nodded their heads, and anger was on the verge of erupting!

Zhang Muyang, the person in charge of staring at the live broadcast background data every day, knows better than anyone,

Now Goose Factory holds the seafood and tiger buds,

It’s not just the nominal nearly half of the audience that’s lost.

What’s even more terrifying is that

Those who are willing to tip, rather than white prostitutes, all run to the Wanjie platform with the head anchor!

This is the most important place!

Most of the profits and turnover of the live broadcast department of the goose factory come from the rewards and commissions of these audiences.

Now a large part of the gold lords have run,

The live broadcast that has been losing money and sticking money is a big question whether it can be maintained this year!

“Mr. Zhang, we won’t fight for the top?”

“Mr. Hua is not blind!”

“Their game department was dried by Su Chen, why did they pull us into the water?”

“It’s all cut like this!”

The more the employees at the bottom talked, the angrier they became.

Zhang Muyang was also trembling with qi!

Whether it is seafood or tiger buds, nominally their own live broadcast department also has a certain control over them,

But this time the joint flow restriction suppressed Su Chen’s game,

It must have been Hua Teng’s idea!

If it were not for Hua Teng, Zhang Muyang would have to pull back the live broadcast rights of Su Chen’s game even if he fought for his old life!

Zhang Muyang sighed heavily.

“It’s not that I don’t want to!!”


Hua Teng’s meaning, who dares to rebel against the goose factory? The goose factory itself can not count on it,

Originally, inside a large factory like the goose factory, there were also many sects.

As long as it is a slightly larger department, the internal competition is even fiercer than the external competition of the goose factory!

Some even reached the point where the enemy met and was extremely red-eyed! That is, what the outside world commonly calls the goose factory clam management.

Now I can only hope for it.

Can you completely collapse Su Chen’s Ten Thousand Worlds Live from the outside!

“Didn’t Xu Hai’s legal department say that they sent lawyer letters to all these anchors?”

“How dare these anchors still be broadcast?!”

“Don’t die for the money!” The guts are really tm fat! ”

The employees below the live broadcast department are talking about it,

Zhang Muyang is also a belly fire.

Although I don’t know much about legal things, but in the past, as long as the goose factory issued a lawyer’s letter,

Not to mention the individual, even the company, which is not to kneel when you see it?

South Mountain Pizza Hut plus old rogue attributes,

In the field of commercial competition, who dares to mess with the goose factory? As a result, less than half a day,

Those head anchors under the Su Chen Wanjie live broadcast, one by one, put the face of the legal department of the goose factory,

Crackling in the crackle!

“Mr. Zhang, you see!”

“The hottest Yinzi who broadcast the Deep Trek live seems to have received a warning call from our legal department!”

“The sink is finally here!”

“Kill Su Chen!” this Yinzi! ”

“the Ten Thousand Worlds Live!”

Inside the live broadcast department of the goose factory, there was a sudden hustle and bustle!……

In the Yinzi live broadcast room,

Just went to a strange and dangerous seabed green algae area, after picking up the fragments of underwater propellers, Yinzi,

Once back in the escape pod, prepare to make this Deep Sea Trek artifact.

Beside the phone, suddenly ringing loudly!

“Hello?… 111th. ”

“The legal department of the goose factory is it.”

In the midst of the audience’s exclamation, Yinzi sneered,

Say a word that shocked the audience: “It’s been a long time since you warned the call.” ”

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