Chapter 357 Hand Rubbing the Submarine Hai’e!!


【Warning, health decreases】

[Warning, the amount of blood drops…] A big fireball spat out, and Yinzi was almost shot into the soul!


“Why the things in the sea can spew fire?”

“Is it in this river!!!”

This creature is called Brother Dragon by Yinzi and the audience in the live broadcast room.

In fact, it is a kind of deep-sea Leviathan!

When Inko was exploring other areas before, she had already encountered this terrifying monster once.

Compared to the ghost Leviathan first encountered,

The Great Dragon Brother, that is, the Sea Dragon Leviathan, has a slimmer body. But this kind of slenderness is only relative to the huge ghost Leviathan. As for the end.

It’s also simple and straightforward.

Roll straight back to the escape pod! Now, Yinzi again,

Encounter this huge creature that makes your scalp tingle! The whole body is like falling into ice water!

Shivering and chilling!

A few hundred meters long king squid extended version, a body of alien-like exoskeletons, more terrifying is,

The head is also stitched with a dinosaur-like skeleton! All of this is still in VR! It’s even more scary!

Yinzi’s innermost fear of giants is instantly awakened!

I just feel that the whole world is going to be swallowed up by this sea dragon Leviathan in front of me! The shadow that covers the sky and the sun quickly envelops itself!

On the audience’s side, the mouth is also big, and many people even sit on the ground in fright!

“Now you can see what Brother Dragon looks like!”

“This lower body is properly like a long king squid!”

“All I can say is that this stuff is too long for Cthulhu!”

“nmd Who has ever seen such a big Cthulhu octopus?!”

“The phone flew out again!”

“This king squid is simply rushing straight up to the screen!”

“I don’t really blame Yinzi!”

“It’s so scary across the screen!!”

“New viewers passing by, why is the title of this live room called Beautiful Water World?”

“It should be called Water World of Terror!!!”

Boom——! Another big fireball!

Even if Yinzi swam to the entrance of the Aurora wreckage, it would not be as fast as a large fireball smashing over!

There is no precision at all, it is all covered by firepower! BOOOOM——! A violent explosion,

The big tail of the sea dragon Leviathan swept over!

Yinzi’s heart was cold: “Send!!!” ”

The eyes are black, and the brain is buzzing.

The next second when he opened his eyes, he was back in the escape pod.

The terrified Yinzi sat paralyzed on the ground, trembling!

“Sleeper…… What kind of thing is this……”

“The last time I met the sea dragon Leviathan was a slap to death.”

“How can this one still breathe fire?”

“Spitting fire in the sea?!”

“This river! Reasonable! ”

“No matter how fast you swim, you can’t escape such a big fireball!!!”

At this time, Yinzi and the audience in the live broadcast room understood together.

What is called the caliber of firepower is greater than everything!

What flashes and turns, in front of the sea dragon Leviathan fireball, are all bells and whistles!

If one shot does not enter the soul, then another shot!

Dry the Yinzi mentality!

“Brothers, what should I do?”

“That thing is guarding the door, how do we get there?”

Yinzi looked desperate,

I didn’t expect that such a free and open game, I can actually have a card experience?

Just when Yinzi frowned and his mentality was almost about to collapse.

Suddenly, I saw several bullet screens in the live broadcast room: “Shipbuilder Ah Yinzi! ”

“Can’t you really swim all over the sea on two legs?”

“I see some anchors have built submarines or something!”

“You’re still on these two legs!”

Yinzi was shocked! Suddenly remembered,

I seem to have picked up a blueprint before!

However, that blueprint is not complete, and I don’t care if I feel troubled.

Now as soon as the audience reminds them, they seem to remember!

“Thanks to the audience Grandpa for reminding me!”

“It seems that there really is a brother blueprint before!” What’s the name of the sea?……”

Yinzi hurried from inside the storage compartment to find it.

……… After a few minutes,

“Found it!”

“This is it!”


Inko happily took out the blueprint of the Hai’e, although it was only one of the fragments.

How did I ignore this before?

“It seems like you can really build a submarine to come out!”


All of a sudden, the sense of security is full!

With submarines, it’s iron to meat.

Compared to the meat wrapped in meat now, I don’t know how many times safer! Nor will it be thrown into the soul by the sea dragon Leviathan!

“But that’s not complete.”

“There is a lack of vehicle compartments, and there are other fragments of the Hai’e.”

Inko muttered to herself as she read the blueprint description.

“Where did I find this blueprint……”

Thought about it for half a day,

Finally, there is the audience bullet screen reminder.

“Green algae area! To the green algae area! ”

“There it is!”

“Let’s go now!”

“Get a submarine out of the Hai’e!” Go to the Aurora again! ”

“When the time comes, what great dragon Goleviathan is, it is all scum!”


Inko thinks she can do it again!

Just when the Wanjie live broadcast platform, each anchor began to collect various construction blueprints, fragments,

When conducting a deep-sea expedition with an almost complete and complete repetition of the route.

At night

Platinum studio.

Su Chen, who had been busy for an afternoon and a night, was preparing to go home.

Just about to leave the company,

He was stopped by Bai Qianqian again.

“Boss, are you going back now?”

Su Chen nodded, “Of course.” ”

“What, you’re going to have to work overtime tonight?”

Bai Qian tilted his head, and his big eyes were full of doubts: “Boss, you are young, how can you sleep!” ”

“Tonight it’s not just us, but also modeling, action, numerical design, which departments are going to sleep in the company!”

“This black myth made by Unreal Engine is too bad!”

“The more I do, the more new ideas I have!”

When Su Chen heard this, his heart blossomed with joy!

But the face is still silent, the waves are not alarmed.

A kind person who cares about employees: “I still have to rest well.” ”

“Besides, there is no last day of tomorrow.”

“I see that your progress is enough, the day after tomorrow I will go to the E3 exhibition, I am sure you will also have time!”

When all is said and done,

Bai Qianqian grabbed Su Chen, “No! Top dog! ”

Big bright eyes full of excitement: “Black Myth demo project here, we have new ideas!” Boss you come to see for a long time! ”

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