Chapter 358 New Ideas for the Black Myth!!

This time, it was Su Chen’s turn to be confused.

I have only heard of the boss letting the subordinates work overtime, where have I seen myself like this now, and I am still pulled by the subordinates to work overtime?

“What new ideas have you come up with?”

Su Chen looked at himself in front of him, his face was white and shallow with excitement, and for the first time he had a feeling of confusion.

Is it hard to open up this easy-to-use version of Unreal Five Engine to them, and really let these guys figure out what to do?

Suddenly, Su Chen suddenly became interested! I want to see what these guys can come up with without their own guidance!

“Then tell me, what new ideas do you have?”

Su Chen looked at Bai Qianqian,

Bai Qian’s face was mysterious: “Boss, come and see!” ”

After saying that, he directly pulled and half dragged Su Chen to the motion capture design room of Platinum Studio.

As soon as Su Chen entered the room, he saw at first sight that an unknown person wearing a motion capture costume was doing strange movements in the room! The whole person is lying on the ground!

To describe the words, Su Chen felt,

Lying on the ground like a big spider? The limbs are open, and there is still a kind of stroke.

Just because you’re wearing a motion capture suit all over your body,

I can’t see who is doing this string of strange movements!

“You guys are in…”

There are also several employees in the motion capture room, and it is Lu Yao who is engaged in action design who takes the lead.

A look of excitement: “Boss, aren’t we going to fuse the spider spirit you said and Chang’e these days!” ”

“On Unreal Engine Five, we tried it several times.”

Lu Yao shook his head slightly,

The voice was a little muffled: “We found that no matter how we tuned it, we couldn’t adjust it to the right movement.” ”

“I always feel that…… Hmmm a little stiff. ”

“Boss, you have to have the elegance of Chang’e, and you must have the cunning and danger of spider spirits.”

The expression on Lu Yao’s face began to become embarrassed: “It’s really not very good…”

Su Chen remembered this, as if he really did,

Didn’t send some action packets to these employees?

However, the original intention is also to let these employees design the action, step by step.

After all, Unreal Engine doesn’t have a black mythical action package out of the box.

In your own system, there are a lot of action mod packs for other games.

But if it’s as simple as that,

I don’t need to recruit these employees,

Let’s make a game that you really want to make.

“Well, it’s a little difficult.”

“Especially for you, who are just starting out with Unreal Engine, debugging action mods is really hard.”

Su Chen’s words inadvertently resonated with Lu Yao and the white and shallow people present again!

At the same time, a thought flashed through everyone’s minds: “This is the real big guy!” ”

“I can actually understand the difficulties of the rookie!”

“Where to find such a good big guy?!”

Looking at Su Chen’s calm face, Lu Yao immediately pointed to the unknown mobile arresters who had already stood up from the ground.

“So we had an idea, let’s find an action actor to come over!”

“I just flew here today.”

“National action actor!”

“The idea is to capture the motion that the move-catcher does.”

“Then put it on Unreal Engine!” There is a dedicated data interface on the engine! ”

“Import the data of the motion capture actors into the engine data interface.”

“You can sit out of the most natural action model!”

When Lu Yao was talking about it next to him, Su Chen had already understood what was going on.

When I was teaching, I didn’t teach them about finding actors, but I didn’t expect these guys, now that they are using Unreal Engine, they will realize it!

Now in the world, in addition to its own Unreal Engine,

There is no game development engine that can do such a fusion motion capture function Thinking of this, Su Chen nodded,

“It can really be used like this, you guys did a good job… The question is……”

“Who is this actor?”

Just now I glanced at the action of the actor, which is quite smooth!

But I just looked at it a few times.

The actions of those monsters in the black myth are half derived from reality and half from imagination.

This motion capture actor, what can be done, I am still a little skeptical!

“Boss, that’s what I’m going to tell you!”

Lu Yao and Bai Qian’s eyes,

All of a sudden, it’s exciting!

“Does the boss want to guess who this actor is?”

Speaking at this moment,

The actor who was still doing motion capture just now had already walked over to Su Chen.

Athletic, brisk walking,

As soon as Su Chen looked at it, he knew that this guy really had a bit of a look! Wrapped in a tight motion capture suit, only one pair of eyes are exposed.

There is a god!

A familiar sense of déjà vu suddenly appeared in Su Chen’s mind.

How did this move-catch actor cut up a very familiar look? Before waiting for Su Chen to say hello,

This strange and familiar move-catch actor, neatly pulled off the headgear and simply held out his hand to Su Chen: “I have heard Su Zong’s name for a long time, I didn’t expect that I was really as young as the rumors!” ”

“Lu Yao, they probably told me that I like this black myth Goku idea very much!”

“This time, is it okay if I bring capital into the group?” The whole journey is free! ”

The moment the Capture actor takes off his hood,

Su Chen immediately understood,

Why do you feel that the eyes of this actor are extremely familiar——— good guys,

This self-funded motion capture actor who flew over and participated in the free performance was actually Wu Zhen!

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