Chapter 359: The Hidden Industry Boss!!

“Wu Zhen?”

This time it was Su Chen’s turn to be stunned!

Although when he saw the eyes under the headtrap, he was a little suspicious that it was Wu Zhen.

But I didn’t expect it to be free to star! This made Su Chen really a little surprised.

I opened up part of the employer and the right to use funds to the subordinate employees did not expect to come to such a big surprise!

These guys, too, don’t know where to get the relationship.

I can actually ask for a shock to Wu!

And it is actually a work that is nameless!

It’s like finding a state chef.

When you cook for yourself, you can do the knife picking work next to it.

You know,

The motion capture actors in the game, in addition to the production team themselves know,

The player has no idea who did it! Plainly

Even Wu Zhen himself came to be a motion capture actor,

When the game of Black Myth came out, no one knew about Wu Zhen! This was the main reason for Su Chen’s surprise.

A current domestic biggest brand, starring in millions of powerful action actors,

Actually willing to be a game project for oneself, still in the embryonic form.

Be an obscure behind-the-scenes action capture actor!

However, as for the group mentioned by Wu Qing, Su Chen was not interested.

It’s not like you owe someone anything for no reason.

I am not a person who lacks that little money.

To be honest,

Now Su Chen himself, what is the most not lacking? That’s the money!

In the future, there will be more places to see Wu Zhen.

Now that the accounts are clear, there will not be so many bullshit breaks in the future cooperation.

After lightning flashed through these thoughts in his heart, Su Chen also held out his hand and shook Wu Zhen.

“It’s not easy for Brother Shock to be so busy that he can find time to do motion capture for our Black Myth project.”

“The money that should be given must be paid.”

Wu Zhen just opened his mouth to speak,

Su Chen waved his hand and stopped Wu Qian: “Brother Shock, you have so much interest in the Black Myth Project, and in the future, a lot of motion capture in this regard, I will have to ask you.” ”

“Chen Yunyun, now transfer this account of Brother Shock.”

Behind Su Chen, called Chen Yunyun,

It is Platinum Studio Financial Accounting.

A formal suit, plus a smart high ponytail.

Chen Yunyun nodded,

The money on the public account of Platinum Studio immediately hit Wu Zhen’s account.

A set down,

Su Chen’s tone is very sincere,

The eyes are also full of sincerity! Doing things is not to drag mud and water.

Between three words,

Wu Zhen has been touched by a mess!

Look more carefully at the young man in front of him.

Sure enough, it’s not simple!

Do things crisply and neatly, and treat people gently and calmly.

I can’t see any shelves at all.

Of course, Wu Zhen also knows,

This thin and handsome young man in front of him,

In less than a week, the game world and the live broadcast industry have been turned upside down!

Wu was shocked to think of this, and couldn’t help but sigh lightly: “That old saying is really accurate!” ”

“Heroes from ancient times to teenagers!”

“Su Zong is more admirable than the rumors, and it is true that people admire three more points!”

When Su Chen heard this, he didn’t have much expression, and his face was still unfazed.

The tone was understated: “Speaking of surprise, how did the brother look at the new project of our small studio?” ”

That said,

Only one word popped into the minds of the surrounding onlookers: “Versailles!” ”

Such the highest specification motion capture facilities regardless of the investment of funds and rooms, as well as the hands of the highest-priced office building under the magic capital,

Not to mention other high-end servers, Unreal Engine, which is unique to the industry.

A platinum studio of this scale, even the most wealthy goose factory, will not be able to come up with it for a while and a half!

It is estimated that the project will take a year and a half to set up funds!

But Su Chen in just a few days,

Just take care of all the hardware and software equipment.

I still say the words of the small studio so disapprovingly.

Su Chen is not Versailles,

Then no one in the world deserves that word!……

As soon as Wu Chen listened, Su Chen asked why he came here, and a trademark smile immediately appeared on his face: “Speaking of which, I can know the big project of the Black Myth, and it is still shallow.” ”

“If it weren’t for the fact that Shallow had cooperated with my agent before, I really wouldn’t have found the big Buddha in your deep mountain!”

“Shallow showed me a few of your clips, and of course none of them involved trade secrets.”

“After reading it, I think the Black Myth project.”

“It must be the strongest position to publicize our culture in the future!”

“So here it comes.”

As a domestic super first-line power actor,

Other domestic game manufacturers, what mobile game page game, is not without Wu Zhen endorsement.

No matter how high the endorsement fee is, without exception, all of them are rejected by Wu Zhen! The reason is simple.

Although Wu Zhen himself does not know much about the game,

But those page games mobile games,

For example, playing with Blue Moon, there are various xx legends.

Frequently come to a ‘brother will come to cut me’ advertising words, let Wu shock light is to read the lines,

I just can’t stand it!

This kind of game advertising endorsement out, itself has become an online joke.

When the time comes, the whole network, I am afraid that it is their own emojis and ghost animals! And that’s just the propaganda aspect.

As for the content of the game,

Those hang-up page games are basically equivalent to cutting leeks and cutting IQ tax! Wu Qian, a person who does not know much about the game, understands,

Those things simply can’t get on the global table.

Su Chen listened to Wu Chen’s explanation,

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the white shallow,

This little girl is now even more excited, full of red light!

Su Chen himself did not expect that Bai Qianqian, who was originally responsible for art design, was actually a hidden ‘industry boss’.

Su Chen nodded, smiled and looked at Wu Qian: “The position of exporting our culture.” ”

“Brother Shock’s words, I can’t agree more!”

“That’s right.”

Su Chen walked to the moving capture equipment,

Directly open the door, and don’t say much nonsense: “Can the amazing brother follow the spider spirit action I think and demonstrate it again?” ”

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