Chapter 360 Landing on the Aurora!!

“I’m good at this!”

Wu was shocked to hear Su Chen’s request and didn’t say much nonsense.

Put on the motion capture suit that tracks the light spot all over the body and walk back to the moving capture facility room again.

Su Chen’s set of equipment, similar to Wu Chen’s filming, is not unseen.

But as it is now, you can directly capture your own motion and generate it on the spot into the game action mod.

Wu Zhen is still the first time to see!

“Just press the top.”

Su Chen looked at Wu Qian, who was ready

Pointed to the pre-designed general motion module on the screen.

“Start recording!”

At the sound of an order, Wu Zhen’s body moved the light point of the capture suit to flicker continuously.

In an instant, Wu Zhen returned to the years when he was shooting wolves!

Half an hour later.

Wu Zhen took off his mobile hunting suit, and in just half an hour, he was already sweating profusely!

It was the first time I had seen it myself

Su Chen, this young man, the fierceness of his work! A dozen movements were recorded in one breath

Every action requirement is nitpicking! Never miss a single detail!

Moreover, as soon as the action is entered, it is immediately imported into Unreal Engine that is inconsistent or unnatural

Make adjustments right away.

More than a word of nonsense no

Every sentence points to the point!

“Whew——— huh.”

Take off the mask of the mobile capture suit, even if Wu Zhen usually has various fitness exercises.

At this time also tired and breathless!

Su Chen had a satisfied expression.

Worthy of being a super first-line power actor!

Recording Unreal Engine action is comfortable, natural, and realistic.

Wu Zhen wiped his head full of sweat and was preparing to take off all the moving trap clothes on his body.

Su Chen suddenly stepped forward to stop him: “Brother Shock, there are still ten things to do below.” ”


Wu was stunned in an instant!


“That’s right.”

Su Chen nodded, “I’ll change your mask later.” ”

“This new mask may be a bit of a stretch to wear, now you can wipe the sweat quickly.”

Su Chen, who was smiling, picked up another mask from the side and embedded more points of light on it.

Look at the Wu shock scalp tingling!

“This is?”

Su Chen replied with a serious face: “The next special show, I want to numb you to play eight qi…”

Hearing this, Wu was stunned and stunned!

How to see, I am not in line with the Eight Precepts! Before Wu could speak

Su Chen waved his hand: “This is the only facial capture technology in the industry now.” ”

“It captures changes in every little muscle on your face.”

“And then generate it into the data in the game development engine.”

“3D modeling inside the engine! You can apply these ten sets of facial data directly. ”

“In this way, the game can also generate facial expressions that are as real as real people.”

Speaking of this, the other employees around me suddenly realized! And Wu Zhen still seems to understand non-understanding.

Su Chen smiled, “To put it simply, I want you to perform the kind of expression that the Eight Precepts should have.” ”

“You must put yourself in the role of the Eight Precepts.”

“It’s role-playing copywriting.”

Wu Zhen took over the copywriting

Look at the above meticulous requirements instantly head tens of thousands of times larger!

More detailed than any movie I’ve ever made, any TV series!

If it’s those little fresh meat actors to do the face capture this job

It’s simply not possible!

“So that’s why Black Myth is already so scary just because it’s a demo project.”

Just working overtime at Platinum Studio

For the Black Myth will be exhibiting the project at E3 when the final sprint is made by Yinzi

Finally, on this side of a green algae area, the complete vehicle module blueprint was collected, as well as the fragments of the Hai’e.

After taking it back to the escape pod

Rely on the workbench and build guns with this shape of black technology to rub out a brand new submarine!

Although the volume is not large, but compared to the previous poor and white, walking around the bottom of the sea depends on two legs

Now Yinzi thinks she can do it again!

No matter what, it is also a real submarine! Maybe even hit the Shanghai Dragon Leviathan once or twice.

Not like before

One big fireball into the soul, two violent deaths! Yin Zi’s side of the circle around the Hai’e was after all his newly created big treasure

And it all depends on picking up the garbage

The strange sense of achievement in my heart, the gift will rise!

For a moment, I felt that I had suddenly found the joy of building blocks and piling up sand in my childhood

Yinzi was about to send out a wave of sighs that the audience could not wait: “What is grinding and chirping doing, Yinzi!” ”

“Don’t go to the Aurora yet!”

“Don’t be on the BBB again! Big Dragon Brother said he waited for you very hard! ”

“Sleeper please don’t mention Brother Dragon.”

“Thinking of the super enlarged version of the king octopus, I have already withered!”

“The other anchors seem to be on the boat, Yinzi, you are not hurrying!”


The barrage in the live broadcast room was urged by wave after wave

Yinzi quickly sat down on the Hai’e.

Although it is small, the sparrow is small and complete! There should be nothing to lose.

A roar sounded

Inko once again headed towards the dangerous ruins of the Aurora.

Hurry up!

“What about Brother Dragon in the Sleeping Grooves?”

“I’m such a big dragon brother!”

A few minutes later

When Yinzi drove the Hai’e, she came to the entrance of the wreck of the Aurora with great smoothness

The sea dragon Leviathan has disappeared.


“I originally wanted to compete with Brother Dragon!”

Yinzi sounded visibly relieved, and her trembling voice was immediately exposed by the audience in the live broadcast room.

“Nima, blow it up!”

“Big Dragon Brother is coming out!” This is not high or low to spew you a big fireball when the Hai’e ship ceremony! ”

“Who didn’t see that you were trembling?”

“Brother Dragon said, this time temporarily go around Yinzi’s little life!”

“Don’t brag, go in!” I’m nervous to death! ”

“Wait for the sea dragon Leviathan to run out again!”

A few bullet screens reminded Yinzi.

Play Su Chen’s game

The most taboo is to open champagne at half-time!

The ghost knows what is waiting for him behind him! Thinking of this, Yinzi hurried to the edge of the wreckage.

The steel skeleton that has submerged in the sea has been distorted.

Not yet inside the Aurora.

Yinzi felt the scorching heat wave after wave from afar!

“Don’t forget to bring a fire extinguisher post!”


Inko finally landed on the ruins of the Aurora for the first time in the game.

I haven’t waited for Yinzi to express her impressions

Suddenly, there was a sound of Sissoso in my ears!

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