The next day.

Su Cheng had just woken up and hadn't washed up yet.

There was a knock on the door.

He opened the door with sleepy eyes.

"Su Cheng, the crew of Hong Kong's"Tianlong" wants to use"Hard to Read Sutra" as the theme song!"

As soon as the door opened, Song Jie said as she ran in in a hurry.

As a manager, she came to Shashi on a business trip with Su Cheng.

She lived next door.

Seeing Su Cheng standing there in a daze in his pajamas, his face flushed and he stammered:

"I......I have no idea......You are not awake yet." Then he quietly retreated to the door and said carefully:

"Or, why don't you go back to sleep for a while?"

She said this, but she was complaining in her heart.

What time is it, and she hasn't gotten up yet.

Where did she go to fool around last night?

Suddenly, a joke came to her mind.

It was said that her cousin and her cousin went out to play together, and the cousin said that they could just stay in the same room.

The cousin said righteously, 'You are already grown up, you can't joke about your reputation!'

Then in the middle of the night, the cousin was taken away by the police in the next room.

Could Su Cheng also"booked the night"?

Thinking of this, she looked into the room unconsciously.

Su Cheng saw her eyes looking around, raised his hand and waved it in front of the agent's face.

"What are you looking at?"

He walked into the suite and poured himself a glass of water.

Seeing Song Jie still standing outside the door in a daze, he said:

"Come in, what are you doing standing there?"

Song Jie said hesitantly.......convenient?"

"What's so inconvenient about it!" Su Cheng secretly complained in his heart.

Even if it's inconvenient, you still knocked on the door!

The agent flashed in and closed the door carefully.

He leaned over to the door frame of the suite and took a look inside.

He breathed a sigh of relief,"Are you alone?"

Su Cheng looked at her in surprise.

"What else?"

This agent must be asleep!

She booked the room and registered one person's ID card.

There is only one person in the room, how could someone else sneak in?

"What do you want from me so early in the morning? What crew did you just mention?"

Song Jie came back to her senses,"Oh! The Hong Kong crew of"Tian Long"! So anxious! They called me five times in the morning."

Then she glanced at Su Cheng,"I know your work and rest habits, so I didn't come to call you in the morning." She complained in her heart.

Who knew you were still not awake at noon!

Su Cheng asked in confusion,"Tian Long? Didn't they already decide on the theme song?"

Song Jie's eyes lit up at this time,"They said that the song is not suitable, and they hope to use"The Hard Sutra to Read" as the theme song!"

"Nine million! This Hong Kong crew is really generous!"

You know, the last time Su Cheng sold the copyright of the theme song,"Borrowing Another Five Hundred Years from Heaven", it was only five million.

That was because the drama"The Legend of Yue Fei" was too bad and urgently needed an excellent theme song, so it was sold at such a high price.

And this time, it is said that"Tian Long" cost hundreds of millions of funds to shoot the drama.

To be able to buy the theme song at such a high price shows that the Hong Kong crew is ambitious. Obviously, they are aiming for a classic that will be passed down through the ages!

If the deal is really successful, then we must show off in front of Boss Yang!

Su Cheng heard what his agent said.

He thought to himself, this crew still has experts! He hesitated and said,"The copyright fee is secondary. If you want the copyright, you need to agree to my three conditions!"

Song Jie quickly took out a notebook to record.

This is her usual habit.

If your brain is not working well, you should write it down more!

"First, the name"Tian Long" should be changed back to"Tian Long Ba Bu"》"

This time, the martial arts classic was remade, and the name was changed. Apparently, they didn't understand the origin of the name Jin Laozi.

Su Cheng is now worried about the quality of this drama.

"Second, I need to see the sample film. If it’s too bad, forget about the theme song."

The same worry, can a crew that doesn’t even know the origin of the name capture the essence of the novel?

"Third, if necessary, make changes to the post-production according to my requirements, such as sound effects."

Song Jie carefully wrote it down in her notebook.

She was very surprised.

Su Cheng seemed to be very knowledgeable about"Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils".

From the meaning of these three requirements, if the quality of the series is too poor, he will not cooperate with the other party.

That's nine million!

Excluding the taxes to be paid and the 10% taken by the company, it will be nearly five million in hand!

He was not very enthusiastic!

That's right, the song sold to Teacher Liu Huan at the beginning was also a full ten million.

But that was a complete song, this time it was just the copyright of the theme song!

Just when Song Jie was thinking about it, the mobile phone in her hand suddenly rang.

She shuddered.

After the call was connected, a male voice with a strong Hong Kong accent came from the receiver.

"Miss Song, has Mr. Su Cheng agreed to authorize our Xiangjiang Film and Television Group?"

Song Jie glanced at Su Cheng and said after seeing him nod:

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Su Cheng has made three requests. If you can agree to them, I will agree to your offer."

Song Jie then read out the requests from Su Cheng from her notebook.

Su Cheng listened to the agent's word-for-word description of his requests and nodded.

Although this agent's brain was slow to react, he was serious about his work and never made a mistake.

He was just prone to wild imagination!

"Miss Song, I will book a flight this afternoon and will arrive in Shashi in the evening. Please make an appointment with Mr. Su Cheng to have dinner with him in the evening."

At Su Cheng's suggestion, Song Jie agreed with him to meet in the evening.

After hanging up the phone,

Song Jie hesitated and said,"There is one more thing. I feel that you will not agree. I don't know whether I should tell you."

"Then don’t say it!"

Song Jie:"......"

Is this the line that should be like this?

Shouldn't it be, 'Let me hear you talk'?

"Is there anything else?" Su Cheng saw Song Jie standing there, and asked

"that......I'd better talk about it." Song Jie bit her lip and muttered to herself that Su Cheng didn't play by the rules.

"The sponsor of last night's show, Qiansuishan, wants you to be their spokesperson."

"Fifteen million a year, the offer is not low."

Su Cheng waved his hand,"Forget it, I won't take it!"

Thinking of He Ling reading the advertising slogan last night, he couldn't help laughing. If he read the advertisement in the same way, he would probably die of laughter first. When

Song Jie heard Su Cheng say this, she showed an expression of"I knew it a long time ago."

In fact, there were several brands seeking business cooperation. He picked the most reliable one, and Su Cheng refused.

There was no need to talk about the rest.

So he said goodbye and left.

Su Cheng watched his agent leave.

He frowned and said to himself:

"Isn’t it said that the agent is also responsible for taking care of daily life?"

"Why don't you ask me if I've had breakfast or lunch?"

He took out his phone and prepared to order takeout.

As soon as he unlocked his phone, a recommendation message popped up on Weibo.

It was currently the number one hot search on the list.

#Su Chengdu is killing like crazy abroad! Why is he still guarding the country's borders? #

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