Did he go crazy abroad?

Su Cheng clicked on it in confusion.

A line of big words came into view.

The list of the preliminary competition of the Global Music Storm was announced, and the Chinese entry"Dragon Fist" won the first place!


Are foreign audiences so tolerant?

Yesterday, I heard Vanxia say that her song was not as good as"Dragon Fist".

Su Cheng just thought that it was a sure thing to qualify in the top 16.

But I didn't expect to get the first place directly!

There are many videos moved from abroad under this hot search.

For example, when"Dragon Fist" is played in a bar, everyone holds a bottle of wine and twists their bodies to the rhythm.

There are also bloggers who learn to sing in poor Chinese.

Su Cheng shook his head helplessly.

Chinese people can't sing it clearly, so how can foreigners sing it?

Curious, I clicked on it.

Unexpectedly, the foreigners in the video really sang it well.

Then there are a lot of shots of doing Tai Chi following the"Dragon Fist" MV.

They all say:

"Chinese Kung Fu!"

Su Cheng was a little surprised.

《Dragon Fist is a rap song with a very strong sense of rhythm, which is more acceptable to foreigners.

The changes in pronunciation and intonation in the song may be criticized in Chinese.

But there is no such problem abroad.

They don’t need to understand it!

And then there is the shot of fighting fifty people in the MV, which makes the mysterious"Chinese Kung Fu" more prominent.

No wonder Vanxia made a standard Tai Chi start yesterday.

《"Dragon Fist" is a rap song with a strong sense of rhythm, coupled with the Chinese Kung Fu shown in the MV.

This song, which was not amazing in the Chinese music scene, has become completely popular among young people abroad.

In fact, Su Cheng is not surprised that this song can be popular.

The song itself is very good, coupled with the performance of traditional Chinese instruments.

It is full of Chinese elements.

"This is the first step to let the Chinese style go global."

Su Cheng said to himself.

It's time to let the world see the cultural heritage of 5,000 years of uninterrupted civilization!

The hot search below is full of netizens' comments

"We are still discussing asking for help from Yingzi, but Su Cheng has already gone to steal the house!"

"I just went out and checked, Su Cheng is awesome,"Dragon Fist" is number one on the iTunes World Music Chart!"

"I know this list, it is the weathervane of global pop music!"

"《I also listened to"Dragon Fist", the music is good, the MV is cool, but I can't learn the song......"

"Not only can he not learn"Dragon Fist", he can't even sing"The Difficult Sutra"!"

"Su Shen is awesome~ (broken voice)".......

There are many music bloggers on Douyin who have posted videos of themselves singing the cover version of"The Hard Sutra".

But no one can sing it with the feeling of Su Cheng.

In everyone's words: the original singer left no way out for the later singers!

It's not everyone's fault for not being able to sing well.

Su Cheng has two magical skills, [God-level vocal skills] and [God-level breath control], which allowed him to perfectly perform"The Hard Sutra".

Especially the latter, which played a decisive role in singing this song.

Under the Douyin blogger's video, netizens joked

"This damn Cantonese, Ding and Ding don't understand, shoes and shoes are not wasted, and I love Ding"

"My ears are going to get tangled."

"The song sung by the blogger has the vicissitudes of life, the singing skills have the voice, and the appearance has the cigarettes."

"After studying all day, I can only sing those two words"

"Ah~ha, give me a cup of love water!"

"Even if Qiao Feng comes, he has to throw two hundred dollars before leaving!"

"Xiao Feng: If you sing like this, I can't even beat Yue Lao San!"

"I have learned the 18 Dragon Subduing Palms, but I haven't learned this song."

"Did Su Cheng drink something before he went on stage? You can’t achieve this feeling without half a catty of Erguotou!"

Netizens haven’t sung the Chinese version well, but some bloggers have already started to sing the English version.

It was so hot that it burned my mouth.

The degree of conciseness in Chinese is totally unimaginable in English.

Not to mention that"The Hard Sutra" is also a song with a lot of information in Chinese songs.

The key is that many uncommon verbs are used in the lyrics.

Like"swallowing the wind, kissing the rain, burying the setting sun, cheating the mountains, chasing the sea, and stepping on the snow path", these verbs have extremely strong emotional colors.

It is difficult to express that kind of artistic conception in other languages.

If"Loyalty to the Country" and"Borrowing Another Five Hundred Years from Heaven" are imposing and difficult for others to imitate and surpass.

Then"The Hard Sutra" is insurmountable in singing skills. After all, the magical breath control is not something that everyone can do.

In singing, Su Cheng now has six god-level skills, vocal skills, breath control, emotional investment, etc. , emotional resonance, Peking Opera singing style and rap skills.

With these skills, there is almost no song he can't sing. He is proficient in musical instruments, and now has guitar, bass drum, flute, and the drum set he just acquired. He also has god-level composing ability, coupled with god-level atmosphere.

These are skills.

In addition, there is also a god-level language talent.

This is not a skill in the form of sudden enlightenment, it needs to be learned.

Su Cheng plans to learn English when he has time.

In the Global Music Storm preliminaries, he accidentally won the first place.

In two weeks, he will go to Vienna to participate in the official competition.

It will be more convenient to communicate with foreign players if he knows some English.

If possible, learn some German. I heard that the local official language is German.

Su Cheng recalled the tough guy songs he had sung.

In more than two months, he has sung nine songs.

Some songs have already made financial profits.

《The Hero's Song was originally given to the crew of the New Water Margin as the theme song.

I only received 50,000 RMB.

《When I was recording"Loyalty to the Country", I uploaded it to Penguin Music three days in advance and received 100,000 yuan.

I sold it to"Loyal Yue Fei" as the theme song and received 3 million yuan.

Wujiang Town purchased the copyright for the promotion of"Farewell My Concubine" for 500,000 yuan.���Cheng had already refused to accept the appearance fee.

But later Jay Chou's team still paid 300,000 RMB.

Then there were the travel expenses for the National Musicians, and the performance fees for the second episode of"New Singer", which added up to about 3 million. The song"Asking Tens of Millions of Times" sold to Teacher Liu Huan was 10 million.

Most of these were paid from the studio's public account, and corporate income tax was required. Then, it was paid to Su Cheng in the form of bonuses and wages, and personal income tax of about 20% had to be paid.

However, on the whole, the tax collected is much less than that collected directly in the name of an individual.

Shortly after each payment was received, Boss Yang's studio transferred the money to Su Cheng's card.

A company that does not default on wages is a good company!

Su Cheng checked the balance of his bank card, which was a little over 10 million.

"It should be enough to build a private recording studio!"

However, I don't have the relevant resources, so I have to ask someone.

With this in mind, I called Boss Yang to ask if the balance is enough.

After explaining my idea, Boss Yang said:

"Ten million is enough to build an ordinary recording studio."

"However, building a recording studio is the company's business. What does it have to do with your Su Cheng's bank card balance?!"

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