This sentence"What does your bank card balance have to do with you" made Su Cheng feel helpless.

After a pause, he said,"I want to build one in my own home."

It's private in my own home, so I should pay for it myself, right?

It's just that it's easy to disturb others, but if the sound insulation is done well, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Yang Mi replied in a positive tone:

"It's impossible to do it in your house. I plan to form a band in Hangzhou, so I'll rent a floor in the office building in front of your community!"

Su Cheng nodded.

Indeed, it would be good if the office building was near the community, not far from home, and it would avoid disturbing the people.

It would be even better if there was a band.

As for the rent of the office building,......

Anyway, the boss said the company will pay for it!

"Yes, it would be best if it could be completed before the end of WMG."

Su Cheng will participate in the Global Music Competition in half a month.

According to his understanding, the previous sessions were divided into three stages, one song every two weeks.

A total of two months.

The time for decorating a recording studio is very tight.

But this is something that Boss Yang should consider. If you don't give a little pressure, you don't know how great the bosses' potential is!

Sure enough, after hearing what Su Cheng said, Yang Mi hesitated and replied:

"It should be possible, if it goes well......."

"Remove the word" should". As a boss, how can you be so unconfident?"

Su Cheng turned into a master of motivational success,"Believe in yourself, you can do it!"

Without waiting for the other party to respond, he said quickly,"That's it for now, I'm hanging up first, Sister Jie is looking for me, I guess there's something urgent!"

After that, he hung up the phone.

Yang Mi held the phone in a daze for a long time.

After a while, he said to himself fiercely:

"Who is the boss after all!"

"Those who have contributed money and effort are still being urged to make progress!"......


Hotel private room.

Originally Zuo Fangzhi wanted to meet at a bar.

Su Cheng felt that meeting with a man at a bar was a bit disgusting. What if they drank too much after talking about things and walked out of the bar together?

It would be hard to explain if someone saw them.

However, the bar in Jiefang West is really good.

It was not until five in the morning, and the sky in the east was white, without any proof.

""Master Su Cheng!" As soon as Zuo Fangzhi saw Su Cheng, he excitedly ran up and took his hand,"I have heard of your great name for a long time, and today I see that you are indeed a handsome man!"


Su Cheng pulled back his hand and asked politely.

He felt that the other party was a little too enthusiastic.

His accent was a little heavy, and he felt that he didn't speak Mandarin as well as Vanxia.

There were three people from the Hong Kong Film and Television Group. Zuo Fangzhi introduced them one by one.

《The chief director of"Tian Long", Sun Yizhong.

And the music producer, Xu Hai.

It should be because of the three requirements mentioned by Su Cheng on the phone yesterday, which mentioned the name of"Tian Long", the shooting quality, and the sound effects.

So the director and the music producer are here.

From this aspect, the crew is still very sincere.

What Su Cheng didn't know was that Zuo Fangzhi had received a death order.

The chairman said in person,"If you can't get"The Hard Sutra to Read", you can resign yourself!"

How can I not be enthusiastic?

I wish Su Cheng would agree now!

""Shengxian Monk Su, the name"Tianlong" has been filed. If it is changed, it may take a long time, and the Hong Kong Film and Television Group may not be able to wait!"

Zuo Fangzhi still wanted to struggle. After all, costume dramas are very popular now, and they have to be released quickly while the heat is on.

"No way!"

Su Cheng replied with two words. He began to complain in his heart.

The Hong Kong Film and Television Group can't wait, what does it have to do with me!

Zuo Fangzhi's expression froze. Although Su Cheng only answered with two words.

But he knew that the simpler the answer, the less room for negotiation.

In fact, the colleagues in charge of filing in the group have already started to change the name.

He just tried to ask, and didn't think he could really change Su Cheng's request.

"Okay, Mr. Su Cheng, since you insist so much, we can just go to the relevant department to change the filing."

Zuo Fangzhi answered so straightforwardly, and the other meaning was: 'You see, we have already made concessions, so don't make other requests.'

How could Su Cheng not understand what he meant?

However, he didn't care. He didn't really ask them to make major changes and reshoots. After all, it had already been completed, and they couldn't call all the actors back, right?

Zuo Fangzhi took the computer next to him and started playing the sample film of"Tian Long".

He was still very confident about the quality of this drama, after all, the group invested in several small goals.

Whether it was the casting of actors, the arrangement of scenes and props, or even the post-production, they were all done according to the highest standards.

Su Cheng clicked the fast-forward button and started to quickly browse the sample film.

Don't say it, the Xiangjiang Group really spent a lot of money this time, and the filming had the feeling of the past.

Some dead memories began to attack.

Seeing Su Cheng nod occasionally, Sun Yizhong, the chief director of"Tian Long", said:

"Teacher Su, the lyrics of"The Hard-to-Read Sutra" are so well written! There is not a single word about Jianghu or chivalry in the whole poem, but it makes people feel that it is about Jianghu."

Su Cheng turned his head and glanced at him.

This man is fat, with a very round face. If he had a middle-parted hairline, he would look like that annoying"short, fat, tight" guy."

"Jianghu is life, and so is Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils. Su Chengwan added:

"Director Sun has a nice hairstyle, but don't let it grow too long, especially don't have a middle part!"

Sun Yizhong didn't understand, and said silently with his already sparse hair,"Mr. Su is right, I don't like long hair either."

Then he continued to praise,"The lyrics are so beautiful, seven parts of the spirit of the rivers and lakes, and three parts of Zen!"

As he spoke, he narrowed his eyes and moved his mouth quickly.

It seemed that he had already sung in his heart.

Su Cheng shook his head as he watched. This fat director seemed to be quite literary.

At this time, Xu Hai, who had long hair next to him, whispered:

"Director Sun likes traditional Chinese culture. He has been reading your lyrics for a whole day."

After he finished speaking, he paused, as if he had thought of something, and added a little awkwardly:

"Although I have long hair, I don't like a middle part at all."

Su Cheng looked at his skinny body and prominent cheekbones.

Did he think he had some special preferences?

Why did he feel that the three people who came from Hong Kong today were trying to please him?

He smiled helplessly,"Brother Xu, you look good in any hairstyle."

"Brother Su Cheng, what do you mean by the sound effect changes?"

Xu Hai is the music producer of Tian Long.

He is responsible for the production of the post-production sound effects.

Since he learned that Su Cheng wanted to have some ideas for the post-production soundtrack, he has lost his appetite. After finally meeting

, he didn't get to talk until now.

Su Cheng raised his head and said in a firm tone:

"When the brothers are in danger, that man will appear with the speakers!"

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