"A man carrying a speaker?"

Xu Hai was a little confused.

How could a modern product like a speaker appear in a costume martial arts drama?

"《Have you seen"Charlotte's Troubles"?"Su Cheng took a sip of water and explained,"It's just like the 'snow~flowers~floating' that Yuan Hua put on the stage"

"Qiao Feng's appearance also needs his own BGM, especially when he performs the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!"

Xu Hai understood after hearing this.

As a professional music producer, he is familiar with BGM.

Su Cheng turned on his phone,"I took a piece of music from the climax of"The Hard Sutra to Read" and slightly modified it to make the melody more exciting."

He clicked to play.

An inspiring melody came out from the phone.

Zuo Fangzhi and Sun Yizhong looked over at the same time, and they both praised the music in their hearts.

This BGM is inspiring!

Su Cheng explained,"In"The Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils", Qiao Feng was a full-level character at the beginning. In this BGM, he is invincible!"

Xu Hai's eyes gradually lit up,"Great! With this BGM, there is a memorable point. As long as the BGM sounds, the audience knows that Qiao Feng is about to appear."

Sun Yizhong slapped his thigh and continued to say,"Good! Good! Good! Qiao Feng appeared in this BGM. Over time, the audience started to feel refreshed when they heard this sound!"

Xu Hai looked at Director Sun with disdain,"This BGM is passionate and the audience feels refreshed when they hear it!"

Zuo Fangzhi also said excitedly,"I think so too!"

Looking at the Hong Kong trio, Su Cheng felt helpless.

These three people are singing and I am singing, why not become sworn brothers on the spot!

At this time, the progress bar of the sample of"Tian Long" has also reached the end.

Overall, it's not bad, especially the female characters, each with their own characteristics and beauty.

Unlike the current domestic entertainment works, at first glance, the actresses all look the same.

There is no distinction at all.

"It’s a good shot!"

Su Cheng gave his opinion on the sample film.

Zuo Fangzhi came over and said,"Master Su Cheng, what about the theme song?"


Since the quality of the whole drama is good, and"The Hard Sutra" is used as the theme song.

Qiao Feng also has his own exclusive audio system.

Su Cheng can already foresee that the remake of"The Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils" in Hong Kong will definitely become a classic.

The Hong Kong Film and Television Group gave a copyright fee of 9 million in one go.

It is very sincere.

After the meal, Su Cheng returned to the hotel.

There is no need for him to participate in the next step. They are all procedural contracts.

The main reason is that he is afraid of trouble.

Just leave it to Song Jie to handle it. As a professional agent, she is familiar with this aspect.......


""Weier, look at me! Chinese Kung Fu!"

Yuri said as he performed a set of Tai Chi.

Except for the lack of charm, the postures were pretty standard.

It seems that Yuri has been practicing a lot with the MV of"Dragon Fist" during this period.

"Great!"Weier nodded and praised Yuri, then turned around and picked up the erhu next to her.

"Yuri, I have good news for you, I can play the erhu now!"

Weier said excitedly, sitting on the stool next to her, with her right leg on top of her left leg, posing in the standard erhu playing pose.

"This is a piece of music that my teacher in Huaguo taught me. It is said that it was composed by a poor blind old man."

"The name is"Erquan Yingyue"》!"

After she finished speaking, she started playing, and her body swayed up and down with the tune.

Her head moved up and down with the rhythm.

She looked very devoted.

Although Wei'er's erhu skills are average, she has already entered the field.

She was born into a musical family and has been obsessed with various musical instruments since she was a child. Of course, this is inseparable from her talent in this area.

Within less than a week of learning erhu, she was able to play the entire"Erquan Yingyue".

Although in the eyes of professionals, it was like a kindergarten kid playing a big drum, almost randomly.

After all, the difficulty of the erhu is there, and being able to play it like this is already very good.

Ever since Wei'er heard the performance of an instrument she had never heard of in Su Cheng's"Dragon Fist", she has been deeply attracted to traditional Chinese instruments.

It's a pity that the music store hasn't stocked that instrument yet.

Otherwise, she would have to try the"King of Musical Instruments"!

Soon, Wei'er's beginner version of"Erquan Yingyue" was completed.

"It's amazing! This instrument has a very unique sound!" Yuri praised in an exaggerated tone.

"But, Wei'er, why do I feel a little bit of sadness in it!"

"My Huaguo teacher told me that only the erhu can play the middle flavor of this piece. You are right, its keynote is sadness."

"Oh, dear, let's get out of this sad atmosphere." Yuri's tone was a little excited,"Let's go to the dock to pick up Edward!"

Edward was their mutual friend, and he also participated in this year's Global Music Storm.

His work was second in the preliminaries, second only to Su Cheng. However, the number of likes was only half of Su Cheng's.

"Edward must not know that he won the second place."Yuri was getting more and more excited,"I can't wait to see his shocked expression!"

Edward had a habit of living a secluded life on a small island fifty miles away from the shore for a few days every once in a while.

In his words,"get away from the ocean of electronic products and feel the rhythm of nature."

Three days ago, Edward's work ranked first in the number of likes, far ahead.

Then he drove the yacht confidently to the small island in the Atlantic Ocean to experience the rhythm of nature.

And in order not to be disturbed, he did not bring his mobile phone.

According to past experience, if nothing unexpected happens, the first place in this year's preliminaries will be his.

Who would have thought that Su Cheng would come from behind and win the first place in the preliminaries with an absolute advantage in just three days. At five o'clock in the evening.

Yuri and Wei'er were waiting for Edward's return in the cafe next to the pier.

Edward's life was very rigorous and he had high requirements for self-discipline.

Sure enough, a little after five o'clock, his speedboat docked on time as usual.

As soon as he got off the boat, he saw his two good friends standing on the shore.

"Hi, my friends, how come you have time to come to the pier today?"

"I haven't seen you for three days, and you're still so strong!"Yuri went up to him and gave him a hug

"Guess, have you won the WMG preliminaries this year!"

Yuri couldn't wait to speak after greeting.

Edward heard Yuri say that and answered as a matter of course,"The champion must be me! Three days ago, the second place"ran" only received 7 million likes, and I have three times as many as him!"

After saying that, seeing Yuri and the others smiling and not talking.

Puzzled, he asked,"Did"ran" surpass me?"

Wei smiled and shook her head,"It's not"ran", it's another song!"

Edward looked at the complacent Yuri in confusion,"Another song?"

Yuri looked at Edward's puzzled expression and felt it was very interesting, and said loudly:

"Chinese Kung Fu!"


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