The head of the dormitory said this, and Jiang Yue shuddered. She almost threw her phone away.

How did she know that this was Su Cheng's WeChat?

The head of the dormitory grabbed Jiang Yue's phone, clicked on the message, copied the WeChat ID, and sent it to himself.

It was done in one go, flowing like water.

"Is this Su Cheng's WeChat?" Jiang Yue asked weakly.

"That's right!" The dormitory head said as if it was a matter of course,"Someone in the fan group is Su Cheng's friend. Whenever he posts on WeChat Moments, there will be screenshots in the group, and that's the avatar!"

"Will someone impersonate him?"Jiang Yue had already confirmed that the person she met in the bookstore was Su Chengcheng.

But she didn't want Su Cheng to be harassed by fans because of her.

She had seen the fanaticism of the dormitory head for more than one day.

"That’s right, he can’t be a scammer, right?"After hearing what Jiang Yue said, the dormitory head also fell into deep thought,"How did you add this WeChat?"

"Scan the code on Weibo......"Jiang Yue pretended to watch the live broadcast on the computer to avoid the dormitory head's gaze

""Oh! I was so happy for nothing!" She sighed and didn't even bother to add the WeChat account he just got.

After all, how could his idol publish his QR code on Weibo?

He must be a liar!......

The stage.

Su Cheng is still singing. After the short chorus, the band starts to sing along.

"No longer believe, what truth do you believe in"

"People are so indifferent"

"Oh oh oh......"

"No more memories, what memories of the past"

"I am not who I used to be!"

Although each section of this song has been slightly modified, the parallelism is still neat.

Very cool!

Different from the previous interpretation of the understanding of society, expressing one's dissatisfaction, confusion and stubbornness.

Instead, it is completely let go,"no longer believe, no longer recall", and loudly declare"I am not who I used to be"!

Free and easy!

The audience also felt this free and easy.

The live broadcast room barrage continued

"Handsome! So handsome!"

"This song gives me an adrenaline rush!"

"This high note is not empty or floating, but very solid! Although the pitch is not high, it seems to have always been this pitch and has never dropped at all!"

"I remember that Su Shen was good at playing the flute. Maybe it’s because of this that his breath seemed incredibly strong!"

"I really like Su Cheng’s demeanor of looking down on others and looking down on everyone!"

"I quietly opened a bottle of Erguotou and drank it all in one gulp. It was so refreshing!" When

Su Cheng sang this, he was also a little moved.

The song"Shameless" was once popular in Hong Kong, and then became popular in the mainland.

It was at that time that the Black Tiger Band, with Dou Wei as the lead singer, came out of nowhere.

It was the peak of its debut!

Especially the lead singer Dou Wei, who was simply a genius born for rock.

Unfortunately, because of a woman, a teammate's woman, she left the band.

From then on, he was drowned in the vast sea of people.

When we met again, he was already bald, an old man riding a shared bicycle.

This also shows one thing.

Women will only affect the speed of your sword drawing, so don't get too excited.

Without too much time to sigh, Su Cheng began to sing the ending part of the chorus of the whole song

"I've felt lonely"

"I have also been ignored by others"

"But never felt"

""I am ashamed!"

The speed of these lyrics slowed down, but the pitch did not drop at all.

Don't think that it is easy to sing slowly. Most of the singers who covered the song in the previous life failed at this position.

This is the part of the song that requires the most breath control.

Without strong lung capacity, it is difficult to stick to it.

Especially the last sentence,"I am ashamed!"

Every word was screamed at the top of one's lungs.

It ended with the last long note.

It was these few sentences that made the whole song feel heroic.

It pushed the free and easy to the extreme.

Then there was another short interlude.

Su Cheng only had these short ten seconds to rest his throat.

But it was just a slight relaxation of his throat. The interlude was very exciting, especially the sound of the guitar.

It was the soul.

Su Cheng's hand playing the guitar almost had an afterimage.

The barrage in the live broadcast room continued to refresh the screen

"I felt like I could hardly breathe just now. How did Su Cheng sing it?"

"This breath, metallic voice + huge lungs!"

"The lead singer of a rock band, regardless of skills, needs a strong innate advantage, a big lung and a strong voice. If you can't roar, you can't be a rock lead singer."

"It's amazing. The whole song is clearly pronounced, the voice is flawless, and it's clean and neat. I can't think of anyone in the Chinese music scene who can reach this level!"

Su Cheng's heart was also surging at this time.

【[God-level emotional involvement] allows him to be more involved in the emotions expressed in the song than the audience.

His own"loneliness" and the"indifference" of others.

But he has never felt"ashamed"!

The pride in his heart gushed out.

Then through [God-level emotional resonance], it was conveyed to all the audiences at the scene and in the live broadcast room.

Su Cheng indulged in playing the guitar in his hand, venting his emotions.

Countless fragments flashed through his mind at this time.

I remembered all kinds of things in my previous life, vividly.

In those years, I listened to Black Tiger and Tang Dynasty, and I also dreamed of starting a band of my own.

We were irritable, we roared, we shouted.

They were all traces of youth.

Later, we dressed very formally, squeezed into the subway and bus, and became the most ordinary office workers.

Disappeared in the crowd.

Who has never been ashamed?

But the only one who makes you ashamed is yourself, right?

It can only be yourself!

The interlude is completed, and the second chorus part, the tone is raised again, the whole process is a high F tone.

"In the crowd, I saw you again"

"Just as charming and beautiful"

"Slowly relax, slowly abandon"

"Still don't care!"

"Don't say too much, you know it yourself"

"What do you and I want to do?"

"Don't care too much, don't be sad"

"One day you will understand me!"

With almost no gap, Su Cheng sang more freely than the first time.

Just like he was once confused, he suddenly realized.

He welcomed the hardships of life.

He no longer cared about the beauty he had strived for.

Those who did not understand him, those unattainable things, all disappeared with the passage of time.

The atmosphere on the scene was ignited again.

The shouts and cheers even exceeded the heavy metal sound amplified several times by the speakers.

The live broadcast room was constantly filled with bullet screens.

"It's so exciting! I really want to go there. I envy those who bought tickets."

"Where are the scalpers? Is it too late to go now?!"

"Wait a minute, did you forget something? Is this the New Singer competition? Why does it feel like it's become a concert of Su Cheng's band?"

"It doesn’t matter, just have fun!"

"Listening to the song, driving the car, and stepping on the accelerator to 180, I can only give 88 points to Su Cheng's song, and the remaining 12 points are for the traffic police, they are so arrogant!"

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