The atmosphere at the scene was getting more and more heated.

Some people even started to sing along with Su Cheng.

"No longer believe, what truth do you believe in"

"People are so indifferent"

"Oh oh oh......"

"No more memories, what memories of the past"

"I am not the same person I used to be!"

The second chorus has a higher pitch than before.

The rhythm has not slowed down at all, and it is even more compact.

With the playing of [God-level Guitar], Su Cheng can be said to be firing on all cylinders tonight.

This skill is the first instrument skill Su Cheng got. It was only used as an emergency when singing"Hero Song". It was very inappropriate at that time.

However, for this rock song tonight, the guitar is the soul!

However, Su Cheng did not use the electric guitar, but a traditional guitar.

The metal sound depends entirely on his own voice.

Uninterrupted roar.

You know, it has been four minutes since I sang this.

It has been in the high pitch state, only the first At the end of the chorus, the interlude of more than ten seconds can be used for a short break.

However, more than ten seconds is not much different from nothing.

This is why, when other people sang the cover in the previous life, the first chorus and chorus were all keyed down.

If not, even if the end of the first time was not broken, the second chorus would definitely be broken.

Su Cheng didn't understand why it was like this before.

Now he understands.

He has [God-level Breath Control] to sing it completely.

However, the difference is.

Dou Wei used his original voice.

And Su Cheng used vocal techniques to simulate the metal sound.

It can be regarded as a strength increase for himself.

"I've felt lonely"

"I have also been ignored by others"

"But never felt"

"I am ashamed!"

Su Cheng sang the last part of the chorus for the second time.

He slowed down the tempo again, and each word was sonorous and powerful.

There was no pause in between.

Mango TV's sound equipment, which cost hundreds of millions of yuan, did not hear the sound of Su Cheng taking a breath.

The last sentence, a long note, pushed the atmosphere to a climax.

Almost everyone was shouting and cheering.

Su Cheng played the guitar wildly.

Looking at the audience , he could not help but sigh silently in his heart.

"This [God-level atmosphere promotion] is really effective!"

Even many audience members are no longer in their seats.

The security personnel who were originally responsible for maintaining order are now holding their uniform hats and waving them vigorously to the rhythm.

He Ling originally sat down to rest after the announcement.

At some point, he stood up from his seat and waved the microphone in his hand.

If the sound engineer hadn't turned off the microphone just now,

He Ling felt that he could sing with Su Cheng.

This song is more exciting than"Gardenia Blossoms"!......

In the contestant lounge,

Vanxia's eyes were full of stars.

She had told Su Cheng before that she hoped to hear his excellent works at the WMG competition.

Unexpectedly, only a week had passed.

WMG hadn't started yet.

But she heard Su Cheng's excellent songs on the third episode of"New Singer".

And it was rock!

Although she couldn't sing rock on stage, she liked this wild style very much in private.

The impression Su Cheng gave her was, to use a Chinese idiom,

"gentle and elegant".

But today, it seemed like a different person.

Wild, unrestrained, unruly, and unruly.

Vanxia's Chinese was not very good, but looking at the figure on the stage, all these Chinese words came to her mind.

This was the first time she had such a profound understanding of the true meaning of Chinese.

Before this, she couldn't learn Chinese adjectives.

Not even the simplest adjectives.

But now, she understood so many abstract words at once.

Like Vanxia, her eyes widened.

And Shantimo.

She has been active in the music scene for decades.

In fact, she is two years older than Nayoung.

I have seen countless singers and have competed with countless singers on the same stage.

Especially for high-pitched singers, my dolphin sound can be said to be unrivaled.

However, singing high notes always has a preparatory part.

After singing, the throat needs a bass part to rest.

However, tonight's song is obviously not following the routine.

Su Cheng has been singing with not particularly high high notes since he came on stage. He never lowered the pitch in the middle.

Even in the second chorus, it went up half an octave.

As a singer with top singing skills, Shantimo can't imagine that anyone can sing like this!

Anyway, if she were to sing it, even if the language barrier was excluded.

She couldn't sing it. It's too exhausting for the throat!

Even more exhausting than singing dolphin sound for 20 seconds!......

Nayoung was still very nervous when she was on stage today.

The program team will briefly talk about the general trend of tonight before the show starts. They may not intervene in the rankings later.

But the top few still need to be"intervened".

Therefore, from song selection to voting, there are traces of"artificiality".

Today's script is that she must take first place except Adam.

Because you can't let such a well-known international star come to China to attack the list and then lose, right?

So, Adam's attack is a must-win!

Letting Nayoung take first place among the competing singers is a hedge.

A hedge against the emotions of netizens.

But facing Shantimo and Vanxia, she has no confidence at all.

After all, the rankings in the first two games are behind them.

Although the songs selected by the two foreign singers today are average, she still feels a lot of pressure.

As for Su Cheng, she didn't think too much.

Nayoung felt that in the third episode, Su Cheng would not be able to have another song like"The Hard Sutra to Read".

Who can have a hit song every time?

During the rehearsal, she listened to Su Cheng's rock song twice when he sang the last part.

The high notes in the climax are not considered high in rock music.

But now, since Su Cheng started singing, Naying's mouth has not closed.

The highest note is not high.

But who would have thought that you sang high notes continuously throughout the song!......

The planning team of Mango TV's"New Singer".

There are ten people in the planning team.

They planned and implemented this year's singer program.

It can be said to be very successful.

From the beginning, it aroused the emotions of netizens, and later evolved into a patriotic sentiment of common hatred of the enemy.

It has always been according to their script.

The first two places in the first period were all taken by foreign players, which aroused the heat.

Then in the second period, Naying won the first place again.

Unexpectedly, Su Cheng's song"Difficult Sutra" was too amazing, and Naying's performance was really average.

But the result was right.

That is, the Chinese singer won the first place in the second period, which made netizens relieved.

Then in the third period, Adam was invited to crush.

This can trigger online topics again and maintain the popularity of the program.

However, look at the warm atmosphere on the scene now.

There are also snowflake-like barrages from the audience in the live broadcast room.

It seems that it is not according to the script!

It's going to get out of control!

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