With the host's enthusiastic opening, the global music storm officially began.

Su Cheng's current English level is enough to meet the communication needs.

There is no need for translation.

Kong Sijin and assistant Xiao Wang sat behind Su Cheng.

Maybe he had a short nap, and his complexion was a little better.

The dark circles under his eyes were still very heavy.

But at least he was a little more energetic.

At this time, he was wearing simultaneous translation headphones and listening carefully to the host's explanation of the rules of the competition.

Although he already knew the content of the rules, he still listened very carefully, fearing that he would miss something.

Assistant Xiao Wang was taking notes in his notebook with a pen at this moment.

He was like a student who listened carefully to the class.

Su Cheng smiled and shook his head.

It was the easiest one to participate in the competition by himself.

There were a total of 16 contestants sitting in the contestant seats.

All the singers who passed the preliminaries were present.

It can be seen that everyone attaches great importance to this global event.

The contestant seats were in a semicircle, and each contestant sat behind his own team members.

Su Cheng looked around.

He only knew Vanxia, and when he saw Su Cheng looking over, he waved happily.

The distance between the seats was not close, and there was no chance to say hello before the broadcast.

The contestants just met each other.

There was a blond young man sitting next to Vanxia, looking at Su Cheng with a provocative look.

"I don't think I have offended him, right?"

Su Cheng muttered to himself,"Could it be Vanxia's pursuer?"

This is very likely. Seeing the object of his pursuit greeting other men enthusiastically.

If it were him, he would probably feel that the other party is a threat.

What's more, Su Cheng is so handsome.

Next to the blond young man are a white man and woman with blond hair.

Su Cheng knows the girl, she is a singer named Wei'er.

Her singing voice is loud and melodious, and she is said to be a musical instrument genius.

The other one saw Su Cheng looking at him and posed in front of him in a martial arts pose.

Su Cheng was puzzled and muttered to himself.

"How come these people all act like they know me?"

When did you become so famous among foreign singers?

And that martial arts look, why does it look so familiar?

Suddenly, Su Cheng suddenly remembered.

Isn't this the starting posture of Tai Chi in"Dragon Fist"!

The white man was sitting, just posing with his hands, not doing a horse stance.

As a result, Su Cheng didn't know what the posture was at first.

Next to Su Cheng was an Indian man.

He was rubbing something with his hands, rubbing it again and again.

Su Cheng retracted his gaze and was about to listen to the host announce the order of the competition.

Suddenly he remembered something.

He looked at the Indian man again.

Sure enough!

He was rubbing his left hand. Hand!

Then what was he doing just now?!

Indians eat with their right hands and wipe their butts with their left hands.

Moreover, they are not used to using paper!

And he was on his left.

Although he was quite far away.

Su Cheng still moved away from the Indian man without leaving a trace.

All I can say about this custom of the Indians is, be respectful!

At this time, after the host had read out the rules of the competition, the order of tonight's competition began to be drawn.

Today's competition also has a jury.

There are 300 people on site.

There are also 2,700 online juries.

A total of 3,000 juries.

The score accounts for 50%.

There are a total of 10 members of the WMG organizing committee, and the score also accounts for 50%.

This is similar to the scoring of China's National Musicians.

When Su Cheng asked before, Kong Sijin explained,"National Musicians is based on the WMG scoring rules."

Now that I think about it, it is indeed the case.

National Musicians also has three rounds of competition.

In previous years, it was a promotion system, but this year it was changed to a full participation of all three rounds.

This also led to the three songs on the list being won by Su Cheng.......

Soon, the order of the competition was drawn.

As expected, Su Cheng was the second half to go on stage.

He was used to it.

The first contestant to go on stage was a contestant named Edward.

His song was"The silence of one person".

It means the silence of a person.

Su Cheng heard Vanxia say,"Good luck!" and turned his head to look.

The blond man next to Vanxia stood up.

Su Cheng then realized that his name was Edward.

He stood up, greeted Wei'er and others, and then looked at himself.

He gave him a provocative look.

Su Cheng:"......"

What the hell is going on? I haven't done anything, so how come someone who is hostile to me suddenly appears. Are

Vanxia's suitors too fanatical?

Could it be that I have defeated Vanxia twice on"New Singer". Does

Edward want to avenge his sweetheart?

If so, it doesn't matter.

Singing depends on one's own ability.

Edward's song is not long, only about four minutes.

But to be honest, he sings very well.

When I didn't understand English before, I listened to English songs just for the melody.

Now I can better understand the artistic conception of the lyrics.

This song"The Silence of One Person" is just like the name.

It tells the story of a person's quiet realization of the true meaning of life.

The whole song is clean and neat, giving people a sense of ethereality.

It's like an isolated island on the sea, looking at the prosperous world from afar.

Su Cheng even felt a hint of Zen from it.

"This is not right!" Su Cheng said to himself,"As a pursuer of Vanxia, how can you have a Zen mind?" Becoming a monk is not good!

As Su Cheng expected, when Edward came back to the contestant lounge, he gave him another look.

Su Cheng was speechless.

Since he had just sung so ethereal and otherworldly, why was he so aggressive after he came off the stage?

The next one to come on stage was the Indian brother.

The atmosphere during the song was very hot.

There was singing and dancing.

It was exactly the same as in the movie.

Su Cheng paid special attention. This brother was quite authentic.

He held the microphone in his right hand throughout the whole process.

He didn't touch it with his left hand.

Otherwise, when he went up, he really didn't dare to hold the microphone.

Then several other contestants came on stage one after another.

To Su Cheng's surprise, he saw little Martin

"Isn't he a DJ?"Su Cheng remembered that at the Shanghai Geziqi Music Carnival,

Martin's performance was to play discs.

He didn't expect that he would come to WMG and sing well.

Maybe it was because he was a DJ.

The rhythm of the whole song was very obvious.

There was a sense of"beating".

Then Van Xia also came on stage and sang a high-pitched song with a similar style to the previous one.

As always, she"didn't know how to control the severity of the attack". The performance was very good, and the atmosphere on the scene became more and more heated.

Su Cheng also gave her a thumbs up.

There is no problem with her singing skills!

After Van Xia finished singing, it was Su Cheng's turn.

Tonight he put on a Zhongshan suit again.

This suit best represents that era.

And the lyrics of Su Cheng's competition song tonight were written by Mr. Liang Qichao of that era.

"The next contestant to come on stage is Su Cheng, who comes from the ancient East!"

The song he will be singing is"Young China"》!"

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