Su Cheng, dressed in a Zhongshan suit, walked onto the stage.

WMG Organizing Committee seat

"This is a Chinese song. In previous years, Chinese contestants sang English songs.

The speaker was a pale-skinned European.

His eyes were red, like the protagonist in a vampire movie.

"Yeah, Pete, I don’t understand Chinese, what should I do?"

The blonde woman next to the vampire said jokingly

"Then you can only judge by listening to the music, but you can also see whether this Chinese player is handsome or not"

"Indeed, this player is really cool, especially the clothes he wears, I have never seen them before"

"It should be traditional Chinese clothes. The Chinese people I have seen before all wore suits."

Su Cheng stood still on the stage and the prelude sounded.

""If the youth are wise, the country will be wise; if the youth are rich, the country will be rich; if the youth are strong, the country will be strong; if the youth are free, the country will be free!"

One hundred children recited in unison, full of vigor.

When recording this text reading, Su Cheng took the lead and used [God-level Emotional Resonance].

At that time, all the children felt the spirit of high spirits and perseverance.

Now, on a stage in a foreign country, it resounded throughout the Vienna Golden Hall.

The scene immediately became quiet.

All the members of the organizing committee opened their eyes wide.

Although most people did not understand Chinese, they all felt the vigor in it.

A self-confidence that no one else could do it came to them.

When the children read it for the second time, the sound of the guzheng sounded.

It added a bit of desolation to the accompaniment.


A residential building.

Sun Lianjin was guarding the TV.

I heard from the Education Bureau that CCTV Music Channel would broadcast a world music competition today.

Among them, there were songs by Chinese contestants. The songs sung included excerpts from the children reciting the text that day.

To be honest, he still doesn't understand what the purpose of recording the recitation that day was.

After Su Cheng left, he asked the students present.

The children just said that they recorded four sentences.

There was nothing else.

Sun Lianjin was very confused.

Isn't that just an ordinary text?

What does it have to do with pop songs?

More than ten contestants have sung in this music competition just now.

Basically, they sang English songs.

Principal Sun usually doesn't listen to songs, let alone English songs. I don't understand anything.

I just think the melody is okay.

He didn't watch the show from the beginning and missed the part where the singing order was drawn, so he didn't know when the Chinese contestant would appear.

When the camera swept across the contestant seats just now.

It seemed that he saw Su Cheng who went to school to record the recitation that day.

He has watched some videos about Su Cheng these days.

Only then did he know that the song"Loyalty to the Country" often played in the school was sung by this singer.

"Could it be that Mr. Liang Qichao's text, like"Serve the Country with Loyalty", has been adapted into a song?"

Sun Lianjin was looking forward to what it would be like if"Young China Says" was adapted into a song.

However, there was no program for this show.

Su Cheng has not yet appeared on stage.

Just when he ran to the toilet in a hurry, he heard his wife shouting in the living room,"There are Chinese contestants in this show!"

He didn't care that he hadn't finished peeing yet.

He pulled up his pants and rushed out of the toilet.

He just heard the prelude of"Young China Says".

The children read in unison:"If the youth are wise, the country will be wise."......"

Sun Lianjin was stunned.

Was this his student reciting?

Why was he so high-spirited? He was totally different from the usual stuttering and struggling when reciting the text!

The next second, he excitedly pointed at the TV screen and shouted to his wife:

"My students! The students in our school recited it!"

Then he took out his phone and called the head teacher of the graduating class.

They were all there that day.

"Director Sun! Have you watched CCTV Music Channel?"

"The students' recitation was great.!"......

The students recited twice in succession, and the momentum gradually rose.

Until the last sentence"If the youth are free, the country will be free", the atmosphere on the scene reached its first climax.

As the students' voices faded away, Su Cheng began to sing, his voice gentle and affectionate

"The red sun rises, its path is bright"

"The river flows out from the underground stream and rushes into the ocean"

"The dragon rises from the abyss, its scales and claws flying"

""A young tiger roars in the valley, and all the beasts are terrified!"

These sentences are from Mr. Liang Qichao's"On the Youth of China".

Su Cheng changed his previous sonorous and powerful singing style and sang with deep affection.

Although affectionate, it is not lacking in strength.

These few short sentences have extremely strong appeal and expressiveness.

Expressing his attachment to the beautiful mountains and rivers of China, he fully expressed his praise and expectations for the young China.

Organizing Committee Seat.

A brown-skinned middle-aged woman came over and whispered:

"Dear Wood, you know Chinese, what does this contestant's lyrics mean? It feels very neat and clear."

Wood said with an obsessed look,"This is the charm of Chinese. Every word has a profound meaning. I can't fully express the meaning of every word in one sentence."

"What does it mean?"

"Anna, I have studied Chinese for more than ten years, and now I can only slightly feel the mood expressed in the lyrics, but I can hardly express it."

"Dear Wood, the amazing thing is that I have never studied Chinese, but I just had a picture in my mind. Every time this contestant sang a sentence, I could understand the meaning and have the picture at the same time!"

"What?" Wood turned his head in shock and looked at the brown-skinned South American woman."Did you also have a picture in your mind just now?"

The other party nodded.

"This is incredible!"

Just now, as Su Cheng sang, pictures kept appearing in Wood's mind. When

Su Cheng sang the first sentence,"The red sun rises, its path is bright", a red sun rose from the east, shining on the earth. Until the fourth sentence,"The young tiger roars in the valley, and all the beasts are frightened", a young tiger roared for the first time, announcing its arrival in the world, and all the beasts crawled on their backs.

There was a corresponding picture in Wood's mind for each sentence.

Wood originally thought that it was the result of his more than ten years of Chinese learning.

Unexpectedly, Anna, who had never learned Chinese, had the same feeling!

Wood murmured to himself:

"Is this the true power of Chinese?"

After completing the previous task, Su Cheng obtained [God-level Picture Presentation].

This was the first time that he demonstrated the power of this skill on stage.

Even the audience who did not understand the meaning of the lyrics could understand the artistic conception of the lyrics!

The last four words of this paragraph,"Hundreds of beasts are in panic", Su Cheng dragged out a long tone.

From the gentle and affectionate tone, it pulled up a majestic momentum.

People who are familiar with Su Cheng's songs know that the next part is the passionate part.

"Youth has its own way, youth is wild"

"Your body is like mountains and rivers, and your spine is straight!"

"Dare to measure the sun and the moon again"

"Today I am the only young man!"

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